Hi, i'm Kant. :P I don't have a whole lot to say, i'm very new to this program, but i've started making a tiny little game to get myself familiar with it.
I used to write text-based games in BASIC a long, long, long, long time ago. I have not done any coding since then though, so all of this Ruby scripting is very new to me. I'm picking it up though, and i've already found a lot of information on this site.
I live in northern Canada where it is... cold. Uhm.. i'm a member of a few other forums around the internet, one for performance car modifications and one I helped design for a personal group of friends - so i'm not a forum noob by any means. :)
I was also an SOP on a few popular IRC channels for many many years until everyone started to abandon IRC altogether. ;) Hmm.. what else can I tell you... I first got into RPGs when I was introduced to the text-based Mac version of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, followed by Might and Magic II. Everything was just downhill from there, when I discovered The Realm, and then EverQuest.
I played WoW from opening day until december of last year, when I had some relationship issues and suddenly realized that MMOs are the devil.
So now i'm taking up creating my own single-player RPGs!
Yar! That's all I got. :) Nice to meet you.