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Everything posted by scythe4u

  1. scythe4u

    [XP][Solved] NPC's

    Ah, ok. Thanks again.
  2. scythe4u

    [XP][Solved] NPC's

    I understand the switches, but how do I set up and use variables for this?
  3. scythe4u

    [XP][Solved] NPC's

    Wow, thanks for the help everyone. The switches work great. Now I can move on to other parts. Thanks again, and sorry if I posted in the wrong area.
  4. scythe4u

    [XP][Solved] NPC's

    I'm very new to RPG Maker. I am currently running RPG Maker xp. I get how to make an NPC, how to make them move, show text, show choices and things like that. I'm trying to get an NPC to recognize my character as a boy or a girl. I give the player the choice to be a boy or girl when the game starts and to input their name. Their character graphic changes according to which sex they pick. Now I know you can have an npc show a text line \n[1] to display the player's name, but is there a similar command for the npc to recognize the player's gender? For example if the player walks up to an npc, the npc could say "hello sir, or hello ma'am according to what the player is. Thanks for any help.
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