Hi, my name is jbryant and I'm a lifelong RPG fan. Actually that's kinda BS because I'm probably older than most (27) so I started RPGing with Dragon Warrior and the original Final Fantasy. I played all the way through VI (or III at the time) and didn't play much after that due to my almost ridiculous loyalty to Nintendo. I have played Breath of Fire I and II, 7th Saga (which I never beat!), Secret of Mana, Ogre Battle and I'm playing a ROM version of Tales of Phantasia.
I'm currently working on an RPG which is based on real world events starring a hero who is a mercenary (original I know). I've made some progress and I have a friend who is going to do some music for me. I find the tilesets included kinda limited, but luckily my wife is quite an artist and likes the drudgery of map making.
Finally on a personal note, I'm an Air Force Officer at Beale AFB in northern California. I live with my wife and my dog. I'm currently studying for my master's degree.
That's about it.