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  1. I use windows vista home premium 64bit. I'll vouch for the OS as I've had little to no issues with it. Everyone boasts how it has problems with tons of things.. yet i've hardly incountered one with anything other then homemade programs. Even then its usually a quick fix.
  2. The Xbox has a very large number of good games out there. I'll list a few from the genre I'm into and link you to the Microsoft counterpart. RPG Lost Odyssey Info This RPG is one to remember for ages. If you're into any final fantasy game, you will love this. Great character -optional- character depth and game play is fun. Infinite Undiscovery Info As fair warning this RPG has a timid main character. Action Armored Core 4 Info This game is a high paced mech combat game. Great fun building and tweaking these things. Resident Evil 5 Info This game is a clunky third person action game. It's in essence a shooter, but the story is well developed and how fighting is really not very friendly, I'd throw it here.-You can turn off mature content- Strategy Last Remnant Info A great strategy game. You control groups of characters and give them indirect orders as to portray a commander in battle. Be sure to download this to your hard drive as it will reduce issues with any lag while fighting. FPS Bioshock Info If your into shooters and mystery.. this is a must have. It'll run cheap at the store and will deliver. Halo 3 Info The game that made the Xbox. Halo is a base of many FPS games out there.
  3. Cloning is a very touchy subject in todays society. One thing we briefly went over was cloning specific organs. Somatic cell nuclear transfer used in stem cell research boasts the capability to replicate specific types of cells (organs/tissues ect). Now, as a society how can we not take advantage of such? Pushing the research to increase success rates and so forth wouldn't greatly help us. This method is nearly identical to transplants, only it's a replica of your organ. Yes, we do have new and further advances coming closer to doing such with different processes; this is but an idea on the over all morality of cloning. Here's a quick 'English' approach to the SCNT side of things. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatic_cell_...m_cell_research
  4. I'm another new guy. Currently working with RMXP. I have background with scripting, yet haven't dove into RGSS. Looking to see how things are done in the language and perhaps share a bit here and there.
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