ok im not sure if this is the proper place for this but what im looking for a a script or an easy explanition on how to put a picture above the dialoge box like this (not sure if i got the picture posted right)
never mind i found what i was looking for and for anyone els who may be looking for this and happe to stop here looking for the same thing heres a tutorial cortisy of Emily Konichi.
Wanna know how to make facesets without a script? I can tell you.First, you'll need pictures of your characters. These tend to be hard to get, unless you use the Naramura battlers for your game, then it's easy, as they hand you all kinds of face graphics. As their face graphics, though, are all 128x128 (I think it is) then that means they won't work with Dubealex's AMS, as you need 96x96 for that. So, here's how to do it without.
Take your face graphic and go into the Common Events tab. Pick one of them and call it whatever you want...me, I use the character names, so, to make a graphic for Elsa, I call it "Elsa". Now select the "Show Picture" option in your event commands. If you used dube's AMS, along with the 500 edit I added onto it (go see the end of this post) then your message window will start at an x of 80, so set the x to 80. As I like to get my graphics right on the border of the window, so that they touch the message widnow, I set a y of 175. With this, I also go in and put the border of the message window around my graphic, making it 136x136. This causes the border to touch the message window below.
Now, just go in and call that common event just before the message window event. Lastly, make one more common event called "Erase 1" now use the "erase picture" function and set it for the image you just used (for me, it's 1). You can then use the same picture number (1) for all your other pictures, thus allowing you to switch between pictures without having to erase the previous one.
or you can follow this link http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=167