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About C.L.

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  1. Welcome to unlimited! :D
  2. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited.
  3. C.L.

    Best programs?

    Heres a grid you can use MS Paint to place you Chars inside. http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/4091/gridbh8.png
  4. C.L.

    Shadow XP

    I'll be glad to help I got some ideals for a story and I know a good deal about Shadow.
  5. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Thanks I'll have more up soon;p
  6. Welcome Mushmoon :D O yeah no stealing XP
  7. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Well I could have edited my post but then no one would no I updated, speaking of updates.... http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff8/trip3000/Matthias.png
  8. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Update http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff8/trip3000/M1-1.png, Sorry for the DP.
  9. Congarts Wyzrd and Black Shadow. :D
  10. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Ok, now I'll get started on the side poses.
  11. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    I probably should have explained WIP in my first post. tell me what do you mean by "pixelated" and I'll see if I can fix it.
  12. Well the US Government has been going down hill since the end of the Great depression... yeah there slowly but surly taking away are freedom.
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