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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. I wanted to buy one too, but need to get a job first.
  2. You could have pre-set names, and the user can just pick the one through seven he/she wants to display.
  3. Holy snap I like the new profile pages with the users stats.
  4. You put it in Microsoft Word right, as that always works for me.
  5. First, stop creating a new line in your post. It's irratating to read. Second, for some reason this forum puts the whole script into one line. So what you do is first put it into Microsoft Word and then copy and paste it from there into the Script Database. Third, Here's a example: 001-Fighter01 (Original RMXP file) 001-Fighter01-SWIM (Custom swim file) Once you step in water your character will switch into the swim file. Fourth, I forgot to tell you that you need to change the terrain Tag in the tileset Database to 3 or 4. Just put it over the water tile that you want your character to swim.
  6. Here's a script I've had for a while that allows your chracter to change into a swimming character and back without any problems. Just add the word -SWIM to the end of the characters graphic file name and there you go.
  7. Wait what what was on the first video as I missed it. Also nice intro on these new videos, almost like a G4 video or something. Can't really say much on the video itself as this is the first time I've heard of Legend of Dragoon.
  8. News http://mangastream.com/ Well, I meant to post this last week but forgot so this is the news now. Appearently when I went to Mangastream last week the forum tab had disappear. First I thought they were doing maintance or something so I thought it was nothing. However, on thursday they sent out a message on there twitter page or you can read on there main page. http://shorttext.com/Q3rIsc Apparently, one of there staff had a rage quit (exaggerating) and decided to purge absolutely everything in the web server and backup server. Well before blocking him out, they lost 40,000 members and every post & thread gone. So pretty much almost everything is gone and there working on the manga right now leaving the forum for later. Is there a moral out of this, I guess keep a more carefully eye on your staff, just in case they want to rage quit and DELETE EVERYTHING. Well as long as I get my Bleach & Naruto, I'm fine as I don't post there any ways. I would read at mangareader, but there translations suck. They're only good for looking at old chapters as Manga Stream only keeps the latest five. Anyways what are your thoughts on this.
  9. Bigace360

    Script Help

    Um no offense but, did you even read the instructions. One of the scripts is titled "Enemy Animated Battlers" I know it as I'm staring at it right now. Again no offense, but READ the instructions first before asking for help, then if you still don't understand anything then ask.
  10. Nice job with this, didn't even think about this until you said it. I'll be using it.
  11. @Crimson: Ironically, thats where most of the mods that were actually active went after Bleachforums.com crashed. And I agree that site does seem retarded as well. Like most site, it's full of people who think they know more then the writer and think they can write better then the creator of the manga as well.
  12. I never have a problem with the rules it's usually just the mods(not this site), on other sites that get on my nerves. Just look at bleach forums before a hacker destroyed it. The mods were didn't know what they were doing and would just ban you without understanding the whole situation. The site owner was actually quite pleased that hacker kind of did that as he wanted to start over mostly because his mods were ruining the site and everything wasn't going as planned. So no, there's no known rules that bother me, just those above the law that thing there god because they have power on the internet.
  13. Bigace360

    just a question~

    It was RMXP Postality_Knight_Edition, and like Rage said it was a piece of garabage. Don't go looking for it as you'll just be wasting your time espically if you already have the legal version.
  14. Pretty much what diagostimo said, you could also try XAS ABS as well. At bliz site: http://chaos-project.com/index.php?option=com_scriptdatabase&view=scriptdatabase&Itemid=29 Go to the battle system stuff and everything is there. or You can try XAS ABS http://atelier-rgss.com/Index.html
  15. Okay I'm done submit scripts for now, I'm going back to working on my CMS and CBS

  16. Sorry but I don't think he's completed it as I've been looking for them to and the same amount of spirits would appear but nothing more. Sorry for the inconvience.
  17. Help Window+ Author: Bigace360 Type: Menu Add-on Version: 1.0 Introduction It's simple plug-in-play script that just adds extra feature to the help window during battle. Version History v.1.0 (Feb. 1, 2012) ~ Original Script completed Features Help window Plus adds the HP & SP gauge for enemies, it also allows the developer choose which enemies will show ??? to hid the HP instead. Instructions It's plug and play, only thing that needs to be done is for you to add the enemies that you wish to have there HP & MP blocked which can be done in the module by putting the enemies id in the bracket array. Screenshot Close your eyes and image your help window with a HP and MP for your selected enemy. Script Compatitblity Shouldn't have any issues with any other script then another custom Help window script Credits and Thanks Bigace360, for the script. Author's Notes Enjoy the script
  18. So um, whats the issue here? I think it's just as Noob Saibot said.
  19. Well the Monster book v1.0 is released after a 2 weeks and still more to do.

  20. Nice collection, I've might of heard of the movie somewhere in the 90's. However, right now it looks like something I've never heard of. I should show my collection of something one of these days, just to lazy to take a picture of them. Cool though bro.
  21. Scene_Bestiary Author: Bigace360 Type: Enemy Catalogue Display Version: 2.7 Introduction This script will allow your characters to retrieve information about enemies they gained during battle and show them in a window. Version History 1.30.2012 (v1.0) – Initial Release 3.13.2012 (v1.1) – Fixed Incompatibilites 4.24.2012 (v2.0) – Overworked the system, Improved coding, Fix bugs 6.04.2012 (v2.4) – Improved coding, Add conditions to the ability page 8.21.2012 (v2.7) – Fixed Incompatibilites, Improved coding, added layouts Future Updates [table=Feature] Elemental and Status resist tables Enemies skill Page Show enemies description text You can test fight defeated monsters Some monsters data can stay hidden [color=#000000 Inside the script in the first comment. [color=#000000 [color=#000000 [color=#000000Q: The demo won't open, how to open it?A: Download Winrar and try again. Q: I'm having problem with working this with my CBS, can you help? A: No! Sorry but unless it's Tenkantai CBS, I suck at Custom Battle Systems so you're going to have to request help from some one else. [color=#000000 This is an Advisory for those of you using multiple scripts. If you are using other scripts that rewrite the same classes or methods as this one, there may be a conflict and things will work incorrectly in unpredictable ways. This script automatically adds itself to the default menu if you turn that feature on in the module. [color=#000000 Bigace360, for the script. Blizzard (Bitmap.Slice_text method) Kellessdee, for helping me add the conditions to the Bestairy Night_Runner, for helping fix a couple of things I was having trouble with [color=#000000 If you have any suggestion to add to the Monster Album, don't hestitate to ask. But just know that there's a chance that it won't be added.
  22. Google it, you might learn something. Never seen it myself so I can't really add any input on this. sorry
  23. Or a tactical RPG (there is a RMXP/VX script), where people can use points to recruit made up characters to there team; Sorta like FFT series.
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