Finally, the first edition of the Games section is (almost) ready to be rolled out. That will mean the games forum will soon become a mere archive ;)
I've been on a coding binge for about 3.5 weeks now, and I want to get this live ASAP. Although it will not be a complete system, most of the displaying of content is done. What won't be quite available is interactive features, but I'll talk about that another time :)
Before we roll this out live, I want a few of our forum members to give it a decent run through. I'm going to lock up it up tight except for the few who volunteer, so reply here if you're interested.
For the testing, I preferably want you to just add your existing project in there. So hopefully you have a forum topic out there or whatever. I basically want to see you guys customize your sites to your own preferences and see how they come out.
I want testers to give it a run through, see what's good and what's bad and (if you like) post back here. I sorta want to build a wee bit of hype for it, since I've been keeping it so secret :P
Bob, you're in despite your betrayal...
It just so happens your game is the one I used to build the system around. How ironic.
From the point of release, there will be no sharing your game with other sites, you'll be sharing the link... :yo: