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Distributing Games...




Basically I want to make my games as idiot proof as possible, in other words I want people who download my games to be able to run a simple installer that will throw all the appropriate files to the appropriate places and then create a convenient shortcut to the game on the users desktop.


The only way that I can think of doing that is by figuring out where the RTP installs to, taking the RTP, my game files and then using a random installer creator to direct the relevant files to the appropriate places and having the installer create the shortcut.


I was just wondering if anyone has an easier way of doing this or can offer any helpful information such as where the RTP installs to or the name of a good installer creator...

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The RTP installs to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Enterbrain\RGSS\Standard

On windows XP, but I dont know about Vista.


Why dont you include the RTP with your game? If you have the installer install the RTP on the computer, your game is going to still have those folders with the resources you imported. Including the RTP just makes the file size larger in those files. Goto that location to the RTP and copy and paste it into your games folders.


Once you compress the game data, when the person runs the installer created, the game is ready to go. Although you dont want to compress it RPG Maker XP do you? If you use an installer, and include the RTP in your project folders, you game is ready to go straight after install. I dont know any installers, but you can search on google: http://www.google.co.nz/search?hl=en&q...earch&meta=

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