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Playing a animation on active battler sprite?


I'm in need of some help. I want to have an animation pay whenever anyone in the party has a certain item equipped. meaning if anyone in the party(regardless of position in party) holds a steel sword their class changes to knight or something.


what happens is the animations plays and then their battler graphic changes. it only does it once in battle on one turn.

I realize there is a command tho do that based off pay position or hero ID. but trying to do that for every part position would be tedious it's there a simpler way I could do this? in the call script feature?

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hm. it's problematic. while you can check if a certain actor has weapon X, you cannot check his/her party-order (1st, 2nd,3rd or 4th), so you never know which party member is the animation's target. I think you need a script.

try this script line:

$game_variables[9] = $game_party.actors[0].weapon_id

then variable 9 will hold the number of the 1st party member's weapon. you can check if it's the steel-sword by comparing that variable to the steel-sword's weapon number. do this check for every other party-member, by changing the 0 with 1,2,3.


btw, my current script may help you with this sort of problems. it should be out in a week or so. it lets you save ANY data in the database in a variable, as well as party-member's data. this is done by selecting the data you need from a new menu, and pasting the 'result text' it generates as a comment in your event.

for example, a comment that saves the weapon-number of the 1st party members in variable 001:


# Variable 1 = PartyMember 1 weapon_id


the advantage is, you need no scripting knowledge, the menu generates the comment for you.

Edited by Metaclaw

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no, after you set variable #001 to the 1st party member's weapon, you check if it equals the Steelsword's number. if it does, you play animation on the 1st party member. then, you do the same process for the 2nd party-member, the 3rd, and the 4th (by changing the 0 to 1,2 or 3 accordingly). you'll need 4 script-lines and 4 conditional branches.

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don't you just use Show Battle Animation ?

oh.. but I don't think you can change the actor's graphic like you wanted.

there's no event-command to change the graphic of the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th party member. maybe you should post a script request for this. once again, the script I'm working on will allow you to do all this using comments.

Edited by Metaclaw

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