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Are the Star Wars prequels and special editions really that bad?

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Ahem, sorry, lost my temper a bit, let me explain...


Recently I learned about something called the Machete order. A new way for people to watch the movies, that improves, not only how the prequels are seen, but also IV, V, and VI.

You watch them, not in release order, or chronological order, but like this: IV, V, II, III, IV

You'll notice Episode 1 is omitted. I'll admit, the movie is almost completely pointless to the rest of the series, but I'll get to that later. You can read more about the Machete order here: http://www.nomachetejuggling.com/2011/11/11/the-star-wars-saga-suggested-viewing-order/


Now, first of all, I've heard a lot of things about how the special editions and all the changes to the prequels made it worse. I've also realized, as I had suspected, that those are hipsters and people just following the Star Wars hate band wagon, talking.


I'll start with Episode IV, which I watched yesterday on DVD. I have a box set of the original trilogy, I think it's from 2004.


I found this image, which is kinda big, so just open it in a new tab, that shows a change that was made in the special edition.


The first thing I notice is that the glowing of everything, even the things that don't glow, is toned down. The scene is slightly darker, making it look a bit clearer and more realistic, as if a newer camera was used.

Special Edition: 1

Original: 0


Exhibit B is this:

Also a large image.


There is a much bigger change in this one. The number of Storm Troopers.

In this, Han chases some Storm Troopers, but has to turn around and run back, because he realizes he's going to die if he doesn't. Although they wouldn't be able to hit him with their blasters anyway.

This is another example of a scene that was improved in the 2004 special edition. First of all, it makes more sense for him to run into a ton more Storm Troopers before running away, then having them just stop and turn around at...a dead end? maybe?

The 2006 DVD is obviously worse, seeing as the quality is actually worse than the original, but the 2004 special edition is much clearer, although the fact that it was changed is a bit obvious.

Special Edition: 1.5

Original: 0.5

While making Han look slightly out of place if you squint, was almost completely unavoidable, especially for a 2004 re-release, it was probably best to leave SOME scenes alone, for fear of making them worse, or at least worked harder on making it look convincing


Now, this scene: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/Xezn-0xottw/maxresdefault.jpg

Has only one purpose, in my mind. To show people who Jabba is, before episode VI. Kinda pointless to be honest, but since I've never seen the movie without this scene, I can't say much about it.

Special Edition: 1.5

Original: 1 (Gave .5, because it doesn't improve the movie or make it worse.)


Please, for the love of god, don't tell me you prefer the original here:


The newer ones are clearly, much more improved, unless you like your Sith Lords slightly blurry and/or GREEN

And besides, what's his name's acting here wasn't that great, at least in the version I watched. The way he talked didn't sound super convincing.


You say Episode 1 had bad acting? Well so did Episode IV, it just might not have been noticed as much because it was older and the original, so it was put on a pedestal.

Special Edition: 2.5

Original: 1


I forgot which one this is from, but I think the change is a good one:


Not only is the image better, but putting the newer actor for Sidious was a good idea. The old hologram looked like a bad puppet, and/or rubber mask, but putting in the new actor helps establish the prequels as cannon, and not someone's terrible fan fiction


Same with this one, from Episode VI:


If you watch Episode III before VI, no matter what, you won't be confused when you see a familiar face next to Yoda and Obi-Wan, except if you watch the originals. The other actor for Anakin was never shown anywhere except right here. The image isn't as clear in the lower picture, and Hayden Christensen may constantly look like he's trying to undress someone with his eyes, but changing the actor was DEFINITELY necessary here. Obi-Wan already looks like Obi-Wan, and Yoda has always looked the same...more or less.


Now let's see how Yoda was changed.


Just because he has the same voice actor as Miss Piggy, Fozzy Bear, and Grover, doesn't mean he needs to look like a muppet.

CGI Yoda looks much better than his puppet. Especially in Episode I



With Yoda as a puppet, it's harder to see him as the bad ass, incredibly powerful, and wise Jedi Master that he is.


Next, let's talk about the supposed train wreck, Episode I.

First of all, Jar Jar wasn't that bad. I don't understand why everyone hates him. I think, just like most of the things people hate about the series, a few people hated it, and everyone else just jumped on the band wagon.

Jar Jar is definitely not a great character, but he is in no way the worst. Cloud from Final Fantasy VII on the other hand, who is loved much more than Jar Jar, is a much worse character with no personality, but this isn't about Final Fantasy.

There are very few things in the story that are necessary and some of it was a bit weird, like the fake Queen Amidala thing, but, in general, it wasn't that bad. Just a bit pointless. The movie probably should've taken place a bit later, with a short explanation of how Anakin and Obi-Wan met, but the pod race and the awkwardly obvious age gap between Padme and Anakin is just weird. Without this movie, Padme could have been almost a childhood friend to Anakin.


Episode II wasn't that bad either.

The story was much better, first of all. It established how the Storm Troopers were created, that they're all clones, and that they originally helped the Jedi. Although they have always followed Sidious's orders. (one of the most important ones being number 66)

It shows that Anakin was as much of a whiny teen as Luke was, but much more angsty, angry, and creepier around girls.

It introduced Count Dooku, who is played by effing Christopher Lee, which already makes the whole movie better. It is made clear that Count Dooku was Sidious's Apprentice before Anakin.

This movie also shows a hologram blue print of the Death Star, which I thought was pretty cool.

Not to mention Mace Windu is a bad ass AND played by Samuel L. Jackson.

It shows Obi-Wan and Anakin as friends and Obi-Wan's familiar beard and brown Jedi cloak.

It shows how Anakin lost his hand to Sidious's apprentice just like Luke did, helping to show more similarities between the two characters. And to help make the viewer think Luke might end up following in his father's footsteps if you're watching in Machete order.

It shows how Anakin's mother's death contributed to his turn to the Dark Side and how he often lets his anger get the best of him.


Episode III is probably the best of the prequels.

It's, in general, epic, has it's own plot twist of Palpatine being Sidious made better if you're watching Machete order and an awesome final battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Well Semi-final, their next battle in Episode IV was kinda lame. Although you could argue that neither of them have had to use a Light Saber in years, so they may be a bit rusty.

It even has this line "You underestimate my power" Said by Anakin, which was also said by Luke in Episode VI, making Machete order even better. Jar Jar has no lines in it, which is a plus for many people, but I don't really care. The ending shows an unfinished Death Star and how much of a manipulative jerk Sidious is. It helps to show that Anakin has always been sort of sitting on the Jedi/Sith line, but here, we see how his fear of Padme's death pushed him over it.

Darth Vader, as  character, is made more human by the prequels, which makes his redemption in Episode VI all the more satisfying.  The movie even shows how Anakin lost his limbs and why he needs that suit and helmet. It really helps to tie the whole series together and I always cringe when someone pretends the prequels don't exist.


I realize I didn't talk much about how the prequels actually look, but that's because the last time I watched them was years ago. I'll have to watch them soon, and I'll tell you what I think when I'm done.


So what are your thoughts? Anything I missed? (probably)

Edited by Bob423

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If I don't like it, oh well :P

I was just complaining that so many other people are STILL complaining about the prequels and stuff. George Lucas knew they wouldn't be able to do some of the things he wanted to have in the movie, which is why he changed them later, when the things he wanted to do were possible. Many of which required CGI

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Personally, I'm curious about this. Disney reported that they are taking the storyline from the novels of Star Wars, and I've read a majority of them. I think if they stick with the novel's storyline and not make it cute and cuddly, it might work. I honestly wish that if George Lucas was to sell it, he would sell it to Warner Bros. They would take better care of it than Disney.

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As long as Episode VII doesn't suck, I don't really care. Even then, it will probably be fine. I'm not very picky about movies, especially when it's either, not made by the same people as the others, or it's based off of a book, and/or a film adaption of one since it would be very unlikely for it to be the same.

I'm about half way through Episode II right now and I've decided that the prequels are only considered bad, because the expectations of the fans were way too high. The prequels are good, but just aren't as good as everything expected them to be. I personally prefer to judge the series as a whole unless one of the movies actually IS bad, or is just so good that all the others suck in comparison, which is very unlikely.

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Considering how they fking murdered Iron Man 3 and Avengers by turning them into family movies instead of keeping them as action movies and just that. I'm not going to watch Star Wars episode VII, VIII, IX. Whether they are good or not I'm not wasting my money on anything Disney buys so they can become more richer. Iron man series was my favorite and they ruined with so much shit I could start a hurricane with it and Avengers just had to much comedy for a action movie. So unless it's a Disney original I'm not watching it. Disney can suck it. 


P.S. Disney: If your actor in this marvel isn't Robert Downey Jr, stop trying to make every character do or say something funny. It's not their job.


@Bob423: I actually agree with that list after reading that link you provided, it makes sense. Episode I does seem random as half the characters disappear and they explain everything in the beginning of Episode II anyways making Episode I basically an extra move to watch after the whole series is over. I find that if you watch Episode I after, that you can see who this Qui-Gon character is that was spoken of in Episode II and III but was never explained beyond being mentioned. Also how he trained Obi-won and how they found Anakin. They only problem is the age difference with Anakin and Padme, which would make looking back at the other five moves as a weird relationship. 

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I love the idea of them being childhood friends, but Anakin was still really creepy towards Padme in Episode II. The whole series could have been done much better, but the special editions and prequels don't deserve all the criticism they get. Honesty, what is wrong with Jar Jar? I don't mind him and I actually liked him when I was little. I think he's just the kind of character that only little kids like, so everyone else finds him annoying...maybe.

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