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Main Menu Options


I am new to RMXP, I want add some custom menu options like bestiary and journal..

I've read most of the menu option topics, but only i see that i have to edit scene_menu..

Like this:

    s1 = $data_system.words.item
    s2 = $data_system.words.skill
    s3 = $data_system.words.equip
    s4 = "Status"
    s5 = "Save"
    s6 = "End Game"
    s7 = "Bestiary"
    s8 = "Journal"
after that i have to put the script call for those extra options..like $scene_Bestiary.new etc..
Everything is fine...but when i'm starting the game the menu becomes a mess..because of adding more options, last two options are staying over the playtime window..and its looking like a mess..how to solve this problem..  :ehh:
I want these menus to be shown in the main menu properly..
Edited by Anirban

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Look at the beastiary and the journal script and tell me what is says after class. It does matter what the case of the text is so type it exactly as is.


Once i get that info we can start.


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Here is the quest script, i didn't understand what u said about class, so i put the whole script.

Organized Quest System Version 1.2
Author: KK20 [11/24/2013]

This script is a full-fledged quest system that uses pictures to represent the
different types of quests in the User Interface.

~ Different page tabs to organize which quests to display (the four tabs
used are 'All', 'New' (not accepted), 'Accepted', and 'Completed'), which
can be accessed by pressing the 'Shift' key.
~ Player rank determined by number of quests completed
~ A window displaying the quest's information when selected
~ Repeatable quests
~ Some customizable features
[[ Version History ]]
1.2 [11/24/13]
- Descriptions now use \n and \v[n] and no longer need to be spaced apart
- Added new features:
* Repeatable Quests
* Can check quest's acceptance status more precisely
* Rewards can have strings in them
1.1 [1/27/13]
- Cleaned up code
- Added new features:
* Map background
* More quest descriptions and use of game variables
- Removed storing data into a Game System variable
1.0 [8/15/12]
- Released script

* I N S T R U C T I O N S *
-Getting Started-
To call the quest window, use the following in a script call:
> $scene = Scene_Quest.new

To add quests that are available and can be accepted, use the script call:
> Quest.new(quest_id)

To change the quest to being accepted, use the script call:
> Quest.accept(quest_id)

To complete the quest, use the script call:
> Quest.complete(quest_id)
(Doing this will automatically give the rewards to the player--This includes
the items, EXP, and Gold. No need to event that in!
If you still want to use events to reward, this can be configured below.)

To make a quest repeatable, use the script call:
> Quest.repeat(quest_id)
(In order for a quest to be repeated, the player must complete the quest
at least once. Repeated quests are still considered completed quests,
regardless if the player is accepting it or not.)

######[ NOTE ]################################################################
A quest cannot be accepted if the quest is not currently available. A quest
cannot be completed unless the quest is currently being accepted.
Example: Quest.new(1)
Result: Quest 1 is still considered "new". The player has completed nothing.

For conditional branch needs:

To check if the quest is repeatable, use the script call:
> Quest.repeat?(quest_id)
Returns 'true' if the quest is repeatable, 'false' otherwise.

To check if the quest is completed, use the script call:
> Quest.complete?(quest_id)
Returns 'true' if the quest is completed or repeatable, 'false' otherwise.

To check if the quest is currently being accepted, use the script call:
> Quest.accept?(quest_id)
Returns 'true' if the quest is accepted, completed, or repeatable,
'false' otherwise.

To check if the quest can be accepted, use the script call:
> Quest.new?(quest_id)
Returns 'true' if the quest is new, accepted, completed, or repeatable,
'false' otherwise.

######[ NOTE ]################################################################
In the last three commands (thus, excluding Quest.repeat?), you can put a
second parameter to check if the quest is CURRENTLY new, accepted, or
completed. All you have to put is true after your quest ID.

Example: Quest.new?(1, true)
Result: Returns true ONLY if the quest is considered new. If it has been
accepted or completed, it will return false.

To check how many quests have been completed, use the script call:
> Quest.done
This will return an integer. If you want to, for example, give a reward for
completing 7 quests, use a 'Conditional Branch', select 'Script' and
type in 'Quest.done >= 7' (without the quotes).

Arrow keys to move the cursor around
'C'/'Enter' to view the quest's information
'X'/'Esc' to close the Scene_Quest
'Shift' to change tabs (All -> New -> Accepted -> Completed -> All)

When the quest's information window is being displayed:
You can still use the Arrow keys to view different quests
'C'/'Enter' and 'Shift' have no use.
'X'/'Esc' to remove the quest's information window

This script uses images stored in 'Graphics/Pictures' to represent the quests.
The script was written in support for 48 x 48 graphics. Your images must be
of this size (no less, no bigger). To configure what graphics you wish to use,
look below for the configuration.

Located below. All the instructions are there.

KK20 -> Making this script
game_guy -> Used his 'Quest Log System' as a basis for this script
Blizzard -> Method to turn a long string into a paragraph
module QuestData
#@ S T A R T O F C O N F I G U R A T I O N @
# NPCPicture - Set to 'true' if you want the NPC graphic to be displayed in
# the quest's information window. Set to 'false' if you don't
# want to.
# HideReward - Hides the rewards in the quest description until the player has
# completed that quest. Set the quest IDs in the array to use this
# feature. Delete the array and put 'true' to apply this to all
# quests. Create an empty array if you do not wish to use this
# feature. An empty array looks like this--> []
# RewardOnComplete - Set to 'true' if you want the player to be rewarded at the
# instance of 'Quest.complete(quest_id)'. 'false' otherwise.
# ShowMapBackGround - Sets the opacity of the windows to allow viewing of the
# map. Set to 'true' if you want this option. 'false' otherwise.
# ExitScene - Set to the scene you wish to view upon exiting quest scene.
# PageTurnSound - Sound effect that plays when player shifts the quest page.
NPCPicture = true
HideReward = [1, 5]
RewardOnComplete = true
ShowMapBackGround = true
ExitScene = Scene_Menu.new(0)
PageTurnSound = RPG::AudioFile.new("005-System05", 80)
# EXPicon - The graphic used when the quest's information window is brought up.
# It represents EXP gained from the quest. Name it the same as it is
# found in 'Graphics/Icons'.
# GoldIcon - Same as above. Represents the gold gained from the quest.
# ** If you do not want graphics, simply use an empty string ---> ""
# If you do opt to not use icons, the text will fill in the words for you.
# These are ICONS, so the graphics must be 24 x 24.
EXPicon = "exp"
GoldIcon = "gold"
# NewQuestPic - The picture you want to represent a quest that hasn't been
# accepted. Name it the same as it is in 'Graphics/Pictures'.
# AcceptedQuestPic - Same as above. Represents a quest that has been accepted.
# CompletedQuestPic - Same as above. Represents a quest that is complete.
# RepeatQuestPic - Same as above. Represents a repeatable quest.
# Remember: Graphics must be of size 48 x 48.
NewQuestPic = "quest_new"
AcceptedQuestPic = "quest_accepted"
CompletedQuestPic = "quest_complete"
RepeatQuestPic = "quest_repeat"

def self.name(id)
case id
# Quest Name - The name of the quest.
# Configure:
# when x then return "name"
# x = Quest ID
# name = Quest name. Use "quotes".
when 1 then return "Red Chest of Wonders"
when 2 then return "Spectral Hunter"
when 3 then return "Forever New"
when 4 then return "Dead Weight"
when 5 then return "Stoney Blight"
return ""

def self.new_description(id)
case id
# New Quest Description - Paragraph of the quest's description. This is for
# when the quest is new for the player to accept. If the description
# is really lengthy, the program will adjust the text into paragraph format.
# You may use '\n' to create a new line (e.g. "Hello World!\nYou Rock!").
# You may also use '\v[id]' to show a variable in the description. Thus,
# doing something like "Found \v[3] out of \v[4]" will replace the
# instances with the game variables 3 and 4.
# Any quests that are not configured will result in using the message
# located between the [] brackets. This text will be centered in the window.
# Do note you cannot use \n or \v to format this text.
# Configure:
# when x then return "description"
# x = Quest ID
# description = Quest's description. Use "quotes". Can be quite lengthy.
when 1 then return "I just magically spawned on this weird island and this guy is waving at me. There's some red chest sitting next to him. I guess I should say hello..."
when 2 then return "Justin has been shifting his eyes frantically. There must be something troubling him."
when 4 then return "This strong-looking man is grinning a bit too much. Actually...he looks weird. I hope he doesn't--\n\nCrap, he's looking at me."
when 5 then return "*huff* Why...was I so foolish enough...to carry that many rocks?\nWHAT WAS THE POINT?"
return ["? ? ?"]

def self.accepted_description(id)
case id
# Accepted Quest Description - Paragraph of the quest's description. If the
# description is really lengthy, the program will adjust the text into
# paragraph format.
# You may use '\n' to create a new line (e.g. "Hello World!\nYou Rock!").
# You may also use '\v[id]' to show a variable in the description. Thus,
# doing something like "Found \v[3] out of \v[4]" will replace the
# instances with the game variables 3 and 4.
# Configure:
# when x then return "description"
# x = Quest ID
# description = Quest's description. Use "quotes". Can be quite lengthy.
when 1 then return "A guy named Justin wanted us to find a key to open up the red chest he recently found. He isn't sure where this key could be, but I have a strange hunch that it can't be too hard to find. \n \n Let's try checking an obvious place."
when 2 then return "Justin is quite scared of all the ghosts around the area. To make him feel better, we should probably kill a few for him. I think 5 should be good enough. \n \n Killed: \v[1]/5"
when 3 then return "Um, there's no way you can be viewing this description right now. You modded the demo!"
when 4 then return "Strong guy here wants us to find a rock for him.\nTo smash.\nI...\n...why?!"
when 5 then return "\v[3]"
return ""

def self.completed_description(id)
case id
# New Quest Description - Paragraph of the quest's description. This is for
# when the quest has been completed by the player. If the description
# is really lengthy, the program will adjust the text into paragraph format.
# You may use '\n' to create a new line (e.g. "Hello World!\nYou Rock!").
# You may also use '\v[id]' to show a variable in the description. Thus,
# doing something like "Found \v[3] out of \v[4]" will replace the
# instances with the game variables 3 and 4.
# Any quests that are not configured will result in using the accepted
# quest description (the ones you wrote above).
# Configure:
# when x then return "description"
# x = Quest ID
# description = Quest's description. Use "quotes". Can be quite lengthy.
when 2 then return "I killed 5 ghosts for Justin. He looks much happier now that there's nothing to scare him anymore. \n \n But now he's just standing there, being a 'useless' NPC. \n What's an NPC anyways?"
when 4 then return "Okay, I was actually stupid enough to bring him back a rock to smash. I don't see the point in all of this.\n\nRocks Smashed: \v[2]"
when 5 then return "Well, that settles that. Glad I got something out of all of this.\n\nBut that's the last time I ever help a pompous braggart."
return nil

def self.location(id)
case id
# Quest Location - Place where the player received the quest.
# Configure:
# when x then return "location"
# x = Quest ID
# location = Map's name. Use "quotes".
when 1..5 then return "Mystery Isle"
when 6 then return "Traudsbogen"
return "?????"

def self.NPC(id)
case id
# Quest NPC - The NPC that the player got the quest from. This can be
# displayed in both "string" and/or "picture" format. If using the picture
# format (NPCPicture = true), you must name the NPC the same as the
# image stored in the 'Graphics/Characters' folder. Otherwise, an error
# will occur while running the game.
# Configure:
# when x then return "NPC"
# x = Quest ID
# NPC = Name of the NPC as well as the name of the NPC graphic
when 1..2 then return "Justin" # Even though these character graphics are
when 3 then return "Some Woman" # part of the RTP, you still need to copy
when 4..5 then return "Stonemason"# and rename the graphics and put them in
end # your Graphics/Characters folder
return nil

def self.exp(id)
case id
# Quest Experience - The amount of EXP given for completing the quest.
# Configure:
# when x then return EXP
# x = Quest ID
# EXP = Amount of experience (Player EXP)
when 1 then return 5
when 2 then return 50
when 3 then return 69
return 0

def self.gold(id)
case id
# Quest Gold - The amount of gold given (or lost) for completing the quest.
# Configure:
# when x then return Gold
# x = Quest ID
# Gold = Amount of gold given/taken. Use a '-' for lost gold (e.g. -500)
when 1 then return 20
when 2 then return 300
when 3 then return 9001
return 0

def self.reward(id)
case id
# Quest Reward - The items given for completing the quest. The amount of
# different items that can be earned should not be more than 5.
# You can also put in string values to represent a unique kind of reward.
# If RewardOnComplete is true, the game will ignore rewarding string-
# based values.
# Configure:
# when x then return [[item_type, item_id, amount], ...] (max size of 5)
# x = Quest ID
# item_type = Type of item. Refer below:
# 1 = Normal Items (potions, key items, medicine, etc.)
# 2 = Weapon
# 3 = Armor
# item_id = Item's ID located in the database
# amount = Number of items given for completion
# For inputing string values, you can copy one of these examples:
# when x then return ["String"]
# when x then return [[1,2,3], "Your Message"]
# when x then return ["You got", [1,1,1], "Nice potion!"]
when 1 then return [[1,2,5], "New Quest: Spectral Hunter"] #5 High Potions
when 2 then return [[2,3,1]] #1 Steel Sword
when 3 then return ["This is", "how you", "skip lines", "", "See?"]
when 5 then return [[3,25,1]] #1 Ring of Strength
return nil

def self.rank(value)
case value
# Quest Rank - The player's rank in terms of completed quests.
# Of course, if you do not wish to use this, simply delete the 'when's
# and the 'end' directly after, leaving only the 'return' left. Then,
# put an empty string after the return like this --> return ""
# Configure:
# when x then return "rank"
# x = The number of completed quests. Use (x..y) for all values in between
# x and y (for example, (3..6) applies for IDs 3, 4, 5, and 6
# rank = The rank of the party. Use "quotes".
when 1 then return "Neophyte"
when 2..5 then return "Amateur"
return "Beginner"
end # <-- Don't delete this 'end' !
#@ E N D O F C O N F I G U R A T I O N @

module Quest
#Adds the quest under "New", meaning the player has yet to accept it
def self.new(id)
#Adds the quest under "Accepted", meaning the player is doing the quest
def self.accept(id)
#Adds the quest under "Completed", meaning the quest is finished. Gives reward.
def self.complete(id)
#Adds the quest under "New" and "Completed", meaning the quest can be redone
def self.repeat(id)
#Checks if the quest is repeatable
def self.repeat?(id)
return $game_party.repeating?(id)
#Checks if the quest is completed
def self.complete?(id, only=false)
return $game_party.completed?(id, only)
#Checks if the quest is accepted
def self.accept?(id, only=false)
return $game_party.has_quest?(id, only)
#Checks if the quest is unaccepted
def self.new?(id, only=false)
return $game_party.has_available?(id, only)
#Returns quests completed
def self.done
return ($game_party.quests_completed.dup | $game_party.quests_repeating).size

# Game_Party Class
# : Adds the quest data
class Game_Party

attr_accessor :quests_new
attr_accessor :quests_accepted
attr_accessor :quests_completed
attr_accessor :quests_repeating

alias kk20_initialize_again initialize
def initialize
@quests_new = []
@quests_accepted = []
@quests_completed = []
@quests_repeating = []

def add_newquest(id)
unless has_available?(id)

def accept_quest(id)
if !@quests_accepted.include?(id) and @quests_new.include?(id)

def complete(id)
if !completed?(id, true) and @quests_accepted.include?(id)
if QuestData::RewardOnComplete
unless actor.cant_get_exp?
actor.exp += QuestData.exp(id)
rewards = QuestData.reward(id)
return if rewards.nil?
#~~begin loop~~
next if reward.is_a?(String)
case reward[0]
when 1 then $game_party.gain_item(reward[1], reward[2])
when 2 then $game_party.gain_weapon(reward[1], reward[2])
when 3 then $game_party.gain_armor(reward[1], reward[2])
#~~end loop~~

def repeat(id)
if completed?(id, true)

def repeating?(id)
return @quests_repeating.include?(id)

def completed?(id, only=false)
if only
return @quests_completed.include?(id)
return (@quests_completed.include?(id) or @quests_repeating.include?(id))

def has_quest?(id, only=false)
if only
return @quests_accepted.include?(id)
return (@quests_accepted.include?(id) or @quests_completed.include?(id) or

def has_available?(id, only=false)
if only
return @quests_new.include?(id)
return (@quests_new.include?(id) or @quests_accepted.include?(id) or
@quests_completed.include?(id) or @quests_repeating.include?(id))

# Window_Base Class
# : Modified method provided by Blizzard
class Window_Base < Window

def draw_even_text(x, y, width, height, text, align = 0)
# Replace all instances of \v[n] to the game variable's value
text.gsub!("\v") {"\\v"}
text.gsub!("\V") {"\\v"}
text.gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
# Break up the text into lines
lines = text.split("\n")
result = []
# For each line generated from \n
# Divide text into each individual word
words = text_line.split(' ')
current_text = words.shift
# If there were less than two words in that line, just push the text
if words.empty?
result.push(current_text == nil ? "" : current_text)
# Evaluate each word and determine when text overflows to a new line
words.each_index {|i|
if self.contents.text_size("#{current_text} #{words[i]}").width > width
current_text = words[i]
current_text = "#{current_text} #{words[i]}"
result.push(current_text) if i >= words.size - 1
# Draw results to the window
result.each_index {|i|
self.contents.draw_text(x, y + i*height, width, height, result[i], align)}

# Window for displaying the party's rank and number of new/available/completed quests
class Window_QuestRank < Window_Base

def initialize
super (0, 0, 640, 64)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width-32, height-32)

def refresh
quest_rank = QuestData.rank($game_party.quests_completed.size)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 640, 32, "#{quest_rank}")

new = sprintf("%5s", $game_party.quests_new.size.to_s)
accepted = sprintf("%5s", $game_party.quests_accepted.size.to_s)
completed = sprintf("%5s", ($game_party.quests_completed.dup | $game_party.quests_repeating).size.to_s)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 608, 32, "New:#{new} " +
"Accepted:#{accepted} Completed:#{completed}", 2)
# Window for displaying the quest's ID and title
class Window_QuestTitle < Window_Base

#Type determines what window to view (0 = All, 1 = New, 2 = Accepted, 3 = Complete)
def initialize(type=0)
super (0, 64, 640, 64)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width-32,height-32)
@quest_num = 0
@quest_title = ""
@type = type

#Updates the quest /value/'s ID and name
alias kk20_update_quest update
def update(value)
return if @quest_num == value
@quest_num = value
@quest_title = QuestData.name(value)

#Method is called when user shifts the quest tab
def next_page
@type = (@type + 1) % 4

def refresh
quest_tab = ""
case @type
when 0 then quest_tab = "ALL"
when 1 then quest_tab = "NEW"
when 2 then quest_tab = "ACCEPTED"
when 3 then quest_tab = "COMPLETED"
quest_number = sprintf("%03d", @quest_num)
if @quest_num != 0 and @quest_num != nil
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 640, 32, "No. #{quest_number}")
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 640, 32, "There are no quests here.")
self.contents.draw_text(80, 0, 640, 32, "#{@quest_title}")
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 600, 32, "<#{quest_tab}>", 2)
# Window for displaying all the quests as pictures
class Window_QuestList < Window_Selectable

#Type determines what window to view (0 = All, 1 = New, 2 = Accepted, 3 = Complete)
def initialize(type=0)
super (0, 128, 640, 352)
@column_max = 5
@type = type
self.index = 0

#For information window
def quest
return @data[self.index]

#When the player shifts to next page. Also places cursor to new index if nil.
def next_page
@type = (@type + 1) % 4
if (@data[self.index].nil?)
self.index = [@data.size-1, 0].max

def refresh
if self.contents != nil
self.contents = nil
@data = []
if [0,1].include?(@type)
for i in 0...$game_party.quests_new.size
if [0,2].include?(@type)
for i in 0...$game_party.quests_accepted.size
if [0,3].include?(@type)
total = $game_party.quests_completed.dup | $game_party.quests_repeating
for i in 0...total.size
@data.push(total[i]) unless @data.include?(total[i])
@data.sort! if @data.size > 1
@item_max = @data.size
if @item_max > 0
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 64, row_max * 64)
for i in 0...@item_max

def draw_item(index)
quest_number = @data[index]
if $game_party.quests_repeating.include?(quest_number)
bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(QuestData::RepeatQuestPic)
elsif $game_party.quests_new.include?(quest_number)
bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(QuestData::NewQuestPic)
elsif $game_party.quests_accepted.include?(quest_number)
bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(QuestData::AcceptedQuestPic)
elsif $game_party.quests_completed.include?(quest_number)
bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(QuestData::CompletedQuestPic)
x = 8 + index % @column_max * (self.width / @column_max)
y = 8 + index / @column_max * 64
self.contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 48, 48), 255)
# Modified methods to allow 64x64 selection windows #
def page_row_max
return (self.height) / 64

def top_row
return self.oy / 64

def top_row=(row)
if row < 0
row = 0
if row > row_max - 1
row = row_max - 1
self.oy = row * 64

def update_cursor_rect
if @index < 0
row = @index / @column_max
if row < self.top_row
self.top_row = row
if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
# Calculate cursor coordinates
x = @index % @column_max * (640 / @column_max)
y = @index / @column_max * 64 - self.oy
# Update cursor rectangle
self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, 64, 64)
# Window to display quest's information
class Window_QuestInfo < Window_Base

def initialize(quest_id)
super (0, 0, 640, 480)
self.z = 1000
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width-32,height-32)
@quest = quest_id

def update_quest(quest_id)
if @quest != quest_id
@quest = quest_id

def refresh
# Titles of important text------------------------------
quest_number = sprintf("%03d", @quest)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 640, 32, "No. #{quest_number}")
self.contents.draw_text(80, 0, 640, 32, QuestData.name(@quest))
# If quest is completed OR quest is repeatable but not currently accepted
if Quest.repeat?(@quest) && Quest.accept?(@quest, true)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0, 230, 255)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 600, 32, "-REPEATING-", 2)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
elsif Quest.complete?(@quest, true) || (Quest.repeat?(@quest) && !Quest.accept?(@quest, true))
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(233, 188, 10)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 600, 32, "-COMPLETED-", 2)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 200, 280, 32, "Requester:")
self.contents.draw_text(0, 360, 280, 32, "Location:")
self.contents.draw_text(320, 200, 280, 32, "Reward(s):")
# Description------------------------------
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.fill_rect(0, 40, 640, 5, Color.new(24,184,231,128))
self.contents.font.size = 18
if Quest.complete?(@quest, true) || (Quest.repeat?(@quest) && !Quest.accept?(@quest, true))
unless QuestData.completed_description(@quest).nil?
draw_even_text(0, 58, 640-32, 18, QuestData.completed_description(@quest))
draw_even_text(0, 58, 640-32, 18, QuestData.accepted_description(@quest))
elsif Quest.accept?(@quest)
draw_even_text(0, 58, 640-32, 18, QuestData.accepted_description(@quest))
unless QuestData.new_description(@quest).is_a?(Array)
draw_even_text(0, 58, 640-32, 18, QuestData.new_description(@quest))
self.contents.draw_text(0, 103, 640-32, 18, QuestData.new_description(@quest)[0], 1)
self.contents.fill_rect(0, 180, 640, 5, Color.new(24,184,231,128))
self.contents.fill_rect(300, 180, 5, 320, Color.new(24,184,231,128))
# NPC and Location------------------------------
self.contents.font.size = Font.default_size
if QuestData::NPCPicture and QuestData.NPC(@quest) != nil
bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(QuestData.NPC(@quest), 0)
h = bitmap.height/4
w = bitmap.width/4
self.contents.blt(0, 240, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, w, h))
self.contents.draw_text(w+20, h+240, 280, 32, QuestData.NPC(@quest))
if QuestData.NPC(@quest) != nil
self.contents.draw_text(20, 240, 280, 32, QuestData.NPC(@quest))
self.contents.draw_text(20, 400, 280, 32, QuestData.location(@quest))
# Rewards------------------------------
if !((QuestData::HideReward == true or QuestData::HideReward.include?(@quest)) and !Quest.complete?(@quest))
y = 225
exp_string = ""
if QuestData.exp(@quest) != 0
if QuestData::EXPicon != nil and QuestData::EXPicon != ""
bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(QuestData::EXPicon)
self.contents.blt(340, y, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))
exp_string = "EXP"
self.contents.draw_text(370, y, 280, 32, QuestData.exp(@quest).to_s + " " + exp_string)
y += 24
gold_string = ""
if QuestData.gold(@quest) != 0
if QuestData::GoldIcon != nil and QuestData::GoldIcon != ""
bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(QuestData::GoldIcon)
self.contents.blt(340, y, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))
gold_string = $data_system.words.gold
self.contents.draw_text(370, y, 280, 32, QuestData.gold(@quest).to_s + " " + gold_string)
y += 32
if QuestData.reward(@quest) != nil
#~~being loop~~
item = QuestData.reward(@quest)[i]
# If string value
if item.is_a?(String)
self.contents.draw_text(370, y, 280, 32, item)
y += 32
# An actual item
case item[0]
when 1
bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_items[item[1]].icon_name)
self.contents.draw_text(370, y, 280, 32, $data_items[item[1]].name + " x " + item[2].to_s)
when 2
bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_weapons[item[1]].icon_name)
self.contents.draw_text(370, y, 280, 32, $data_weapons[item[1]].name + " x " + item[2].to_s)
when 3
bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_armors[item[1]].icon_name)
self.contents.draw_text(370, y, 280, 32, $data_armors[item[1]].name + " x " + item[2].to_s)
self.contents.blt(340, y, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))
y += 32
#~~end loop~~
if QuestData.exp(@quest) == 0 and QuestData.gold(@quest) == 0 and QuestData.reward(@quest) == nil
self.contents.draw_text(370, 225, 280, 32, "None")
else #If Quest Reward is hidden
self.contents.draw_text(370, 225, 280, 32, "Unknown")

# The actual quest scene
class Scene_Quest

def main
#Creates the windows
@quests_rank = Window_QuestRank.new
@quests_title = Window_QuestTitle.new(0)
@quests_list = Window_QuestList.new(0)
@quest_info = Window_QuestInfo.new(@quests_list.quest)
@quest_info.visible = false
if QuestData::ShowMapBackGround
@map = Spriteset_Map.new
[@quests_rank,@quests_title,@quests_list,@quest_info].each{|win| win.back_opacity = 128}
loop do
if $scene != self
@map.dispose unless @map.nil?
def update
@map.update unless @map.nil?
@quest_info.update_quest(@quests_list.quest) unless !@quest_info.visible
def update_controls
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
# If quest information is not displayed, exit scene
if !@quest_info.visible
$scene = QuestData::ExitScene
else #If quest info is displayed, return to quest list
@quest_info.visible = false
[@quests_title,@quests_list,@quests_rank].each{|win| win.visible = true}
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
#Works only if quest info isn't displayed
if !@quest_info.visible and !@quests_list.quest.nil?
@quest_info.visible = true
[@quests_title,@quests_list,@quests_rank].each{|win| win.visible = false}
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::SHIFT) and !@quest_info.visible

Edited by Anirban

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Theres a few things you need to set in the Scene_Menu



First you want to edit the top part like you did to add the options to the menu like so.



As you see to actually make the options show you need to add s7 and s8 where i have underlined. Without adding that the options wont even show.


Now when you select the options nothing will even happen cause you havent told the script to do with those options.



Last we need to add what the actual options that will be called when you select your journa. Since you didnt provide the bestiary script info i will leave a blank spot for that.


Scroll down to about line 168 and you should see something like this


As you can see there is something called when 0-5


when 0 is actually the 1st option so when 0 would mean s1, when 1 would mean s2, and so on...


So to add our own we are going to need a when 6 for bestiary and when 7 for journal.


Now for the hard part. We want when 6 and 7 to have the same 2 things that when 5 has.

$game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) plays the decision sound effect that you have set in the database.

$scene = Scene_End.new calls the end scene.


Since the quest system tells us that it can be called by $scene = Scene_Quest.new we can easily add it to the menu under when 7 since when 6 is going to be the bestiary.


Once your done adding all that to when 6 and 7 it should look like this.


Hopefully this helps you and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Well, i'm already familiar with the process you have shown, and thanks for that. But that's not the solution for me...I have done with those things, alright i don't know how to explain the problem that i am facing, that's why i'am uploading an image to show u the mess..

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Ohhh im sorry lol. Picture is worth 1000 words.

 All you need to do for that is define the height of the command window like so.


@command_window.height = 224

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Oooohh....thank u thanku thanku.....really...after 1 year usage of RMXP finally i'm able to get rid of this thing...oh god...thanku very very very much..........................   :grin:  :excited:  :lmao:  :thumbsup:  :ok:


Well, another thing...after doing what u said it's working nice...but there is something, that when i am going back from newly added custom menus (Bestiary, Journal etc...) the window is returning to the map, i mean just like other menus (item, skill etc...) when we choose to exit from these menus we return to the main menu..but when i ma choosing to exit from those newly added menus, it returns to the map...

Edited by Anirban

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Not to worry, i found the solution for this myself..in each script i have to define the return scene to scene_menu.... ;)

Thanks Again.......

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Yea if a scene has a scene_name(2) thats defining the index to go to.


Glad i could help, if you need anything else just ask :) .

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