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Daily Life Project (time and lighting)

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Daily Life Project

1- Time & Lighting
Author: Moonpearl
Date: December 31st, 2013



My very own attempt at a day/night script I started writing when I got tired of seeing ugly or unrealistic lighting effects (mainly). You can use it for the dynamic lighting feature even if you do not wish to have day and night cycles in your project, since you can control the flow of time - and keep it frozen at noon for instance.
It's been on my hard drive for a long time (because of THE ISSUE - see below), but I finally came to feel it was a waste to keep it for myself, since I consider it a great achievement of mine, alongside the Animated Custom Menu System 2.00.


Features & Screenshots



Event-controlled time.

  • time does not advance automatically - unless you command it to with a parallel event. You get to control how time changes with game variables, down to the second.
  • a wide range of variables and switches allows you to set event to appear/occur only at specific times - specific hours and/or days in the week and/or months and/or years...

Natural-looking day and night.

  • progressive transition between dawn, day, dusk and night
  • progressive change of daytime duration according to the season (daytime lasts longer in summer)
  • fading overlay effects according to time of the day (sunbeams at noon and haze at night)
  • events named "Shadow" automatically fade out as night gets closer
  • day/night can be disabled when inside closed spaces, and luminosity set manually

Realistic, dynamic lights

  • any number of light sources can be set and blend naturally into each others
  • real-time calculation allows light sources to flicker and even move around
  • adjustable radius and strength
  • lights tear through darkness but do not overlay ambient light



Known Issues

This script is known to make the interpreter lag, depending on the user's machine. It is not the script's fault. RPG Maker's graphic engine has such poor performances, that how the script works will necessarily confront it to its limits sooner or later. It is pointless to ask me for an optimization, since there's absolutely nothing more I can do to address this issue. See my blog for more information.




Download links and all other information (including terms of use, instructions and FAQ) can be found on my blog.

Author's Notes

I put a great deal of effort into this project. Please provide feedback if you like what you see!

Also, I'm interested in seeing this at work in your own project. With your permission, I might want to display screenshots of it on my blog as an illustration of how extensively it can be customized.

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