so that's, event id 3, range 4, nil switch, A selfswitch, block by impassibility false.
I put this in my event using script insert, paste it in ther. run game, then the game runs an error??
I really have no idea what i am doing wrong
Please help me.
Script attached below.
# ** View Range Script v3 gamma
# Original version by: Near Fantastica
# Original date: June 14, 2005
# Modifications/edit by: DerVVulfman
# Modification date: November 25, 2007
# The original v3 View Range system allowed a more detailed detection between
# player and event ranges than version 2. Adding the ability to use events to
# detect the player as well as enemy events facing the player added to its
# usefullness.
# Unfortunately, when version 2 was released (at least where I found it), the
# instructions for the system's use were only partially correct and did not
# inform the users that the system no longer used the event's self-switches.
# The newer version now used the RMXP Database's regular switches instead.
# Though it was not my intention to tangle with the View Range system, luck
# (and a few friends) nudged me into experimenting with this system. As such
# I have not only combined the use of SelfSwitches 'AND' regular switches in
# to the system, I have also added a couple more features for use.
# The system now includes a routine to check the range between two different
# events which may be useful for 'collision detection' purposes. Also, I have
# also altered the Event_Sound routine so the user can set a lower volume or
# pitch setting for targettable events.
# There are now four routines that you can use with this system (or 5 if you
# script a routine to use the vr_in_range? method). The four are listed below
# detailing usage and proper syntax for you.
# Event View
# ==========
# This function checks to see if the player is within the range of an event
# and turns on the properly designated switch.
# Syntax:
# $view_range.event_view(ev_id, v_range, sw_id, s_sw_id, block)
# ev_id - (Event ID)
# This is the ID number of the event that the radius/range is
# based on. If the player comes within the range of 'this'
# event, the system is triggered.
# ev2_id - (Event2 ID)
# This is the ID number of the event
# v_range - (View Range)
# This is the range(in tiles) in which to perform the check.
# sw_id - (Switch ID) - Defaulted to 'nil'
# The RMXP switch number to turn ON. By default, this is set
# to 'nil'. You must enter a valid Switch number to use.
# s_sw_id - (Self Switch ID) - Defaulted to 'nil'
# The 'Self-Switch' for the event to turn ON. Proper values
# to set are "A", "B", "C", or "D". By default, this is set
# to 'nil'. You must enter a valid Self-Switch to use.
# block - (Blocked by Tiles) - Defaulted to 'false'
# This is a 'true/false' switch that determines if the view
# range system is unable to see around impassable tiles. By
# default, this is set to 'false'. If it is set to 'true',
# the view range system will not detect the player if it is
# behind an impassable tile or tiles.
# Event to Event View
# ===================
# This function checks to see if a single event is within the range of
# another event and turns on the properly designated switch. This new
# routine may be useful for collision detection between events.
# Syntax:
# $view_range.event2event_view(ev_id, ev2_id, v_range, sw_id, s_sw_id, block)
# ev_id - (Event ID)
# This is the ID number of the event that the radius/range is
# based on. If the target event moves or appears within the
# range of 'this' event, the system is triggered.
# ev2_id - (Event2 ID)
# This is the ID number of the target event which to check.
# If this event finds itself within range of the other
# event's area of effect, the system is triggered.
# v_range - (View Range)
# This is the range(in tiles) in which to perform the check.
# sw_id - (Switch ID) - Defaulted to 'nil'
# The RMXP switch number to turn ON. By default, this is set
# to 'nil'. You must enter a valid Switch number to use.
# s_sw_id - (Self Switch ID) - Defaulted to 'nil'
# The 'Self-Switch' for the event to turn ON. Proper values
# to set are "A", "B", "C", or "D". By default, this is set
# to 'nil'. You must enter a valid Self-Switch to use.
# block - (Blocked by Tiles) - Defaulted to 'false'
# This is a 'true/false' switch that determines if the view
# range system is unable to see around impassable tiles. By
# default, this is set to 'false'. If it is set to 'true',
# the view range system will not detect the target event if
# it is behind an impassable tile or tiles.
# Enemies View
# ============
# This function checks to see if the player is within range of an event
# that is facing him/her, and turns on the properly designated switch.
# Syntax:
# $view_range.enemies_view(ev_id, v_range, sw_id, s_sw_id, block)
# ev_id - (Event ID)
# This is the ID number of the event that the radius/range is
# based on. If the player is in front of 'this' event and
# within the set range, the system is triggered.
# v_range - (View Range)
# This is the range(in tiles) in which to perform the check.
# sw_id - (Switch ID) - Defaulted to 'nil'
# The RMXP switch number to turn ON. By default, this is set
# to 'nil'. You must enter a valid Switch number to use.
# s_sw_id - (Self Switch ID) - Defaulted to 'nil'
# The 'Self-Switch' for the event to turn ON. Proper values
# to set are "A", "B", "C", or "D". By default, this is set
# to 'nil'. You must enter a valid Self-Switch to use.
# block - (Blocked by Tiles) - Defaulted to 'false'
# This is a 'true/false' switch that determines if the view
# range system is unable to see around impassable tiles. By
# default, this is set to 'false'. If it is set to 'true',
# the view range system will not detect the player if it is
# behind an impassable tile or tiles.
# Event Sound
# ===========
# This function checks to see if the player is within range of an event
# that is linked to a sound effect. The closer the player is to the event,
# the louder the effect is played.
# The maximum sound range of this routine is eight (8) tiles. It is not
# recommended to overlap these events as this can cause massive lag on the
# game/project as the system will attempt to cycle through the overlapped
# calls. Also note that this routine will override the map's default back-
# ground sound effect.
# Syntax:
# $view_range.event_sound(ev_id, bgs_name, bgs_vol = 100, bgs_pitch = 100)
# ev_id - (Event ID)
# This is the ID number of the event that the radius/range is
# based on. If the player is in front of 'this' event and
# within the set range, the system is triggered.
# bgs_name - (Background Effect's Name)
# This is the filename of the background effect. This effect
# is stored in the Audio\BGS folder.
# bgs_vol - (Background Effect's Volume)
# This is the volume setting of the background effect within
# a range of 1 to 100, with 100 being the loudest.
# bgs_pitch - (Background Effect's Pitch)
# This is the pitch setting of the background effect within a
# range of 50 to 150, with 150 being the highest setting.
# The Range system works by searching the area of a circle for the player's
# 'x' and 'y' position. The view range is set in each event and is the ra-
# dius of a circle.
# The equation used is: radius^2 = (Px-Ex)^2 + (Py-Ey)^2
# Where P = player, and E = event
# If the radius is less than or equal to the view range, then the player is
# inside the circular area.
# ** View Range
# This class is Near Fantastica's which checks distances between events.
class View_Range
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
@playing_bgs = []
@bgs =
@event_local_switch = ""
# * In Range?
# element : element
# object : object
# range : range in tiles
# pass_block : if terrain tiles can block view
def vr_in_range?(element, object, range, pass_block = false)
# Obtain Range
x = (element.x - object.x) * (element.x - object.x)
y = (element.y - object.y) * (element.y - object.y)
# Obtain values to loop and counter value
x_loops = x_count = (object.x - element.x).abs
y_loops = y_count = (object.y - element.y).abs
# Reset player's check location
check_player_x = -1
check_player_y = -1
r = x + y
if r <= (range * range)
# Set the return flag
rflag = true
# If tiles can block view
if pass_block
# Horizontal Checks
x_loops.times {
x_playerchk = ((object.x - element.x) >= 0 ? element.x + x_count : element.x - x_count)
x_passingchk = ((object.x - element.x) >= 0 ? (element.x + x_count)-1 : (element.x - x_count)+1)
unless $game_player.passable?(x_passingchk, element.y , element.direction)
# Change flag
rflag = false
# Set player check location
check_player_x = object.x if x_playerchk == object.x
# Decrease counter
x_count -= 1
# Vertical Checks
y_loops.times {
y_playerchk = ((object.y - element.y) >= 0 ? element.y + y_count : element.y - y_count)
y_passingchk = ((object.y - element.y) >= 0 ? (element.y + y_count)-1 : (element.y - y_count)+1)
unless $game_player.passable?(element.x, y_passingchk , element.direction)
# Change flag
rflag = false
# Set player check location
check_player_y = object.y if y_playerchk == object.y
# Decrease counter
y_count -= 1
# Re-enable flag based on player position
if check_player_x == object.x && check_player_y == object.y
print "uyui"
r_flag = true
# Return system-determined flag
return rflag
# Return default flag
return false
# * View Switch
# ev_id : event ID
# sw_id : switch ID
# s_sw_id : event's self switch ID
def view_switch(ev_id, sw_id = nil, s_sw_id = nil)
$game_switches[sw_id] = true if sw_id != nil
if s_sw_id != nil
key=[$game_map.map_id, ev_id, s_sw_id]
$game_self_switches[key] = true
$game_map.need_refresh = true
# * Event Sound
# ev_id : Event ID
# bgs_name : filename of background sound effect
# bgs_vol : background effect's volume
# bgs_pitch : background effect's pitch
def event_sound(ev_id, bgs_name, bgs_vol = 100, bgs_pitch = 100)
event = $[ev_id] = bgs_name
@bgs.pitch = bgs_pitch
radius = ($game_player.x-event.x) * ($game_player.x-event.x) +
($game_player.y-event.y) * ($game_player.y-event.y)
if radius > 64
if @playing_bgs[] != nil
@playing_bgs[] = nil
elsif radius <= 64 and radius > 49
if @playing_bgs[] == nil
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 30)/100
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 30)/100
if @bgs.volume != @playing_bgs[].volume or != @playing_bgs[].name
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
elsif radius <= 49 and radius > 36
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 40)/100
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
elsif radius <= 36 and radius > 25
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 50)/100
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
elsif radius <= 25 and radius > 16
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 60)/100
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
elsif radius <= 16 and radius > 9
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 70)/100
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
elsif radius <= 9 and radius > 4
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 80)/100
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
elsif radius <= 4 and radius > 1
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 90)/100
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
elsif radius = 1
@bgs.volume = (bgs_vol * 100)/100
@playing_bgs[] = @bgs
# * Event View
# ev_id : event ID
# v_range : range in tiles
# sw_id : switch ID
# s_sw_id : event's self switch ID
# block : View block (true/false)
def event_view(ev_id, v_range, sw_id = nil, s_sw_id = nil, block = false)
event = $[ev_id]
if vr_in_range?(event, $game_player, v_range, block)
view_switch(ev_id, sw_id, s_sw_id)
# * Event to Event View
# ev_id : event ID
# ev2_id : event ID of target
# v_range : range in tiles
# sw_id : switch ID
# s_sw_id : event's self switch ID
# block : View block (true/false)
def event2event_view(ev_id, ev2_id, v_range, sw_id = nil, s_sw_id = nil, block = false)
event = $[ev_id]
target = $[ev2_id]
if vr_in_range?(event, target, v_range, block)
view_switch(ev_id, sw_id, s_sw_id)
# * Enemies View
# ev_id : event ID
# v_range : range in tiles
# sw_id : switch ID
# s_sw_id : event's self switch ID
# block : View block (true/false)
def enemies_view(ev_id, v_range, sw_id= nil, s_sw_id = nil, block = false)
event = $[ev_id]
if event.direction == 2 && $game_player.y >= event.y
if vr_in_range?(event, $game_player, v_range, block)
view_switch(ev_id, sw_id, s_sw_id)
if event.direction == 4 && $game_player.x <= event.x
if vr_in_range?(event, $game_player, v_range, block)
view_switch(ev_id, sw_id, s_sw_id)
if event.direction == 6 && $game_player.x >= event.x
if vr_in_range?(event, $game_player, v_range, block)
view_switch(ev_id, sw_id, s_sw_id)
if event.direction == 8 && $game_player.y <= event.y
if vr_in_range?(event, $game_player, v_range, block)
view_switch(ev_id, sw_id, s_sw_id)
# ** Scene_Title
# This class performs title screen processing.
class Scene_Title
# * Frame Update
alias vr_scene_title_update update
def update
$view_range =
# ** Game_System
# This class handles data surrounding the system. Backround music, etc.
# is managed here as well. Refer to "$game_system" for the instance of
# this class.
class Game_System
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :playing_bgs
# ** Background Sounds
# Data class for Background SE files.
class BGS
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :name
attr_accessor :volume
attr_accessor :pitch
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
I'm Using RMXP.
Hello, I am having troubles getting the View Range Script by Near Fantastica - 2005 working correctly.
I have pasted the script above main, and below Scene_Debug.
According to the instructions, you should do this:
$view_range.event_view(ev_id, v_range, sw_id, s_sw_id, block)
so i did this:
$view_range.event_view(3, 4, , "A", true)
so that's, event id 3, range 4, nil switch, A selfswitch, block by impassibility false.
I put this in my event using script insert, paste it in ther. run game, then the game runs an error??
I really have no idea what i am doing wrong
Please help me.
Script attached below.
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