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{FP14} There are Rules (Regulations)

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There are Rules

This isn't Nam. In order to make sure things run swimmingly, content must be submitted in a specific but simple way.
Submission Guidelines:
There are two types of submission: Engine Dependent(ED) and Standalone (SA). ED submissions are in game assets while Standalone assets exist in a file outside of the engine data. 
Engine Dependent (ED)
Method A (Recommended):
Make sure you have CLCL (clipboard manager) downloaded and installed*

  • Download the most recent game folder from the site page.
  • When working on the game try to only use variables and switches that do not have names on them. You can add as many names as you want within reason.
  • When you are done in your Rpg Maker Engine, copy the outer most data structure that holds your work. This means that if you are working on a portion of an event, you select the section and copy it. If you worked on an entire event, go to the map and copy the whole event. If you have multiple events, copy the entire map.
  • You can copy anything in the engine by right clicking, even actor and database data.
  • Look for a paper clip on your task bar, the bar at the bottom, and click the paper clip.
  • Click the + next to clipboard and you should find whatever you copied, drag that to the template folder.
  • List the changes you made such as added actors or new variables in a text document.
  • Continually, copy and drag into template all of the things you added in the engine that isn't minor stuff that can be put into the changes.txt
  • Click File -> Export and save the .dat file in the following format: task#_username_date.dat
  • Post in the thread you are submitting to and attach the .dat file and the changes.txt

Method B:

  • See Method A (1)
  • See Method A (2)
  • When you are completely finished with your submission, remove any game assets (graphics, music, etc.) that you did not add. In other words only include the files that your are adding.
  • See Method A (8)
  • Put the changes.txt into the your game folder
  • Zip the game folder and rename it in the following format: task#_username_date.zip
  • See Method A(10)

Standalone (SA)

  • Save dialogue or story scripts as .txt files with no formatting.
  • When uploading a resource, rename it in the following format: task#_username_short description of file. For example: 2_enigma_sirens-song.mp3
  • Post in the thread you are submitting to and attach the file


  1. Download the most recent game folder from the site page.
  2. Over the week add submissions from contributors into your game folder.
  3. Keep a record of all the submissions you use and all the changes you made in a text file called changes.txt
  4. Zip the game folder and rename it in the following format: username_date


If you have any suggestions or questions please post them here and discuss.

Edited by Enigma

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