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VX Ace specific Parallax Mapping question & ODM


Greetings all!


I've just joined GDU and I am a new user of RPG Maker VX Ace.  I nave seen the advantages of and wonderful examples of parallax mapping in this community and elsewhere, so I am eager to dive in.  However, though I've tried searching a number of areas I cannot seem to find a complete step-by-step tutorial with optimum scripts to use -- I am sure it's probably out there I just need help finding it :)


Some of what I found works only with RPGMakerVX and not ACE or needs complex tweaking to do so.


I am looking for something basic that works on large maps and addresses all passability scrolling options.  Later I will want to get into filters, day and night, light and fog, animations, etc., however "baby steps, baby steps" as they say!


I am fairly knowledgeable and a long-time user of Photoshop and understand the image creation/layering-delayering-merge layering concepts, so what I am looking more in terms of step-by-steps is the RPG Maker VX Ace and script functionalities.


Also,  while I was in the forums there was a link to a Victor Engine which looked intriguing, however when I tried to download it I found it was handled by ODM (Open Download Manager) which I researched, and then decided not to download.  What I found was this warning on a site [please see screenshot]


Anyone know if that engine is good, should I use ODM, etc.?


Thanks in advance for any responses and help and tutorial pointers!


All the best,





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I found a solution to my Parallax (aka Overlay) Mapping question above.  Doing some more searching I found a program that worked great in setting up a custom map that can be customized and artistically altered beyond the limitations of the VX Ace's mapping features.  It is Yami's Overlay Mapping script which I found at:




As mentioned, I'm new to RPG Maker, so I am still exploring the wealth of information out there -- and there is a lot.  I get a bit confused though since some information/resources/scripts only work with VX and others only with VX Ace.


BTW: if anyone has any information on ODM, if it is safe to use, etc. please let me know since it appears that its use is mandatory if you wish to download the Victor Engine.   If anyone who sees this post uses the Victor Engine please let me know what you think of it and if there are other resources you would recommend to a newbie (--> NovaMondo).


Thank you and all the best,


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I have been using RPGMVXA since it was released in japan and love everything about it. Welcome to the Ace world.

On your Parallax mapping question I would suggest that you do more research into what other features you want in your project as some of the overlay mapping, tints, fogs, and many other options are not compatible with all the parallax scripts but I would recommend a few


YEA -Parallax lock by Yanfly  This gives you the option to lock your parallax from moving with the use of a notetag in the notebox of the map. Keeps it from Scrolling up or down or both. There may be other Parallax lock scripts..but I don't use them.

Fogs and overlays - There are multiple fogs and multiple overlay scripts out there. Do some research and find out what fits your needs best.

(added) lighting - if you use additional lighting script it can result in some nice effects but if you add to much or use large maps it can lag you game down fast.


ODM = Wish I knew what you meant by ODM and victor engine couldn't pinpoint what you meant pal.


Victor Engine - is good but most of the battle and other scripts are very complex and requires a lot of customization, setup, and can be a frustrating pain in the rear. So I would not recommend it for beginning RPGMVXA users unless you have a lot of time to sink into learning the whole system.


There you go NovaMondo (Cool username btw) any more questions I will be around.



Let me know what site that was so I can report that to Victor and have that addressed asap.

What site did did you get Victors Engine from? I wouldn't use it.


This is where you get

Victor Sant's

Victor Engine Scripts




Edited by ShinGamix

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Greetings ShinGamix,


Thanks much for the welcome and the great pointers!  Much appreciated, especially on the advice regarding Victor Engine.  Since I am the proverbial newbie aka stranger in a strange land, I will probably hold off on the complexities.


As for the page that offered ODM it is off the site you pointed to.  I went to the "Basic Module" page on Victor's site at:




Where it states:

Last Update: 2012.02.18
Script Download


When I clicked "Script Download" from Victor's site it took me to a weird Adfly URL:  http://q.gs/2pVY0 ... so if you want to check it out I would start at the Victor URL:




BTW: I did not end up downloading the Victor Engine basic module due to the redirect to ODM, so if you hear any updates from Victor on it I will be grateful if you pass them along.  :)




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I have been using RPGMVXA since it was released in japan and love everything about it. Welcome to the Ace world.

On your Parallax mapping question I would suggest that you do more research into what other features you want in your project as some of the overlay mapping, tints, fogs, and many other options are not compatible with all the parallax scripts but I would recommend a few


YEA -Parallax lock by Yanfly  This gives you the option to lock your parallax from moving with the use of a notetag in the notebox of the map. Keeps it from Scrolling up or down or both. There may be other Parallax lock scripts..but I don't use them.

Fogs and overlays - There are multiple fogs and multiple overlay scripts out there. Do some research and find out what fits your needs best.

(added) lighting - if you use additional lighting script it can result in some nice effects but if you add to much or use large maps it can lag you game down fast.


ODM = Wish I knew what you meant by ODM and victor engine couldn't pinpoint what you meant pal.


Victor Engine - is good but most of the battle and other scripts are very complex and requires a lot of customization, setup, and can be a frustrating pain in the rear. So I would not recommend it for beginning RPGMVXA users unless you have a lot of time to sink into learning the whole system.


There you go NovaMondo (Cool username btw) any more questions I will be around.



Let me know what site that was so I can report that to Victor and have that addressed asap.

What site did did you get Victors Engine from? I wouldn't use it.


This is where you get

Victor Sant's

Victor Engine Scripts





Sorry ShinGamix, I meant to quote you (I wonder if by doing so you are then notified of my response ... [?])


Please see my answer to you above and thanks again!




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Okay here is what I do


right click on the words in green that say "Script Download" and open link in new tab

Then that adfly crap will appear wait for the skip ad countdown to count to zero. then say skip add (it will be at the top right)

the the notepad file will appear


or just use this link Nova


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Okay here is what I do


right click on the words in green that say "Script Download" and open link in new tab

Then that adfly crap will appear wait for the skip ad countdown to count to zero. then say skip add (it will be at the top right)

the the notepad file will appear


or just use this link Nova




Awesomeness!  The skip ad trick did the work.  Thanks for everything, ShinGamix, you are a great help!




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