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Mcshabarang Campbell

Giving up and leaving and apologies

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I just wanted to say I'm sorry for wasting everybody's with my project Malefic World and i decided to give up on it and besides i doubt anyone would have enjoyed it anyway and i was having trouble with things and i didn't have any help and the game would have probably been a failiure and i JUST made this account so yeah bye... i doubt i would be missed.

and thanks for those who cheered me on.

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don't just give up so quickly. Every project has it problems but if you're really passionate about it then you need to try and work out those issues. 

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Dont give up. The only way to learn is by trying and trying again. Sure you will fail at doing some things but as humans we learn from those fails. If you need any kind of help all you need to do is just ask. We all started by asking questions and not giving up. I have failed many times in my past but i kept chugging along slowly till i learned how to get past those fails.


Many members came here not knowing much and left knowing alot(most of them still around). Look at bob for a very good example. He was very bad at making games. But with a little push and him asking questions he became a very good game designer.


I see you starting a game and need custom resources. Starting a big project with custom resources can be ultra hard to do as a beginner and can turn most beginners away from making games. I would start making a simple game with the default resources and try to tell a story just so you can get use to how to go about making a game and get your name out there. You can do alot of neat things with the default resources.


If you need any guidance along the way just ask anyone on these forums and we will be there to help with any issues. I been helping guide people on this site for 8 years now and dont plan on stopping.

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Hmph, I have to apologize.

You have clearly taken my remark more to heart than I intended.

I have nothing against you, you are welcomed to stay.

Just keep in mind that wherever you stay here or go somewhere else, nobody in any of these communities is obligated to like or support your endeavors.

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It's probably going to be difficult to get help on your game at first, but luckily, we're actually super friendly and helpful here, so don't go.

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If you really want it, don't give up. I'm telling you, if this is not what you want, problems will stop you sooner or later. I'll do my best to help you but you should not expect anyone to enjoy your game since it's still under development. When I start my game, there was nobody to support me and no one told me your game is great and you should make it soon, In fact I got critiques instead (and they REALLY helped me to improve my game). I only had my sister and she really supported me, I couldn't do anything without her. I had a hard time contacting with people and companies to ask them for permission, especially with my bad English, things got worse. Anyway I had many problems and there were days that I was about to cry. but now, I'm very close to finish my amazing game and the most important thing is that I love it.

By the way, this topic is not about me and my hard days. I want to tell you a great sentence which my sister always tells me when I solved a big problem : "Don't be very happy when you solve a problem, the next one is going to be much harder and bigger. and when you face it, don't be very sad, because you'll solve it."

Finally, don't expect anyone to support you and your game. Develop it in the best way you can and trust in yourself AND you will never ensure that the result would be want you want. That's all.

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Zahraa did have a points. I just want to say that giving up is not the best way to solve problems. Face them instead so that you wont ever find that problem in the future. Of course, i don't have the permission to tell you what to do but please DON'T GIVE UP! I failed so much times before, but i take every members constructives criticism and takes them to heart while i dispose those critiques who only want to bring me down to the ground. Till now, im still learning, and i just delete the 'giving up', 'gives up' word from my life dictionary. Please, the arts is good, and i want to see more of your project. I cant say more. if you still wants to give up, it's your choice but please think about the feeling of those that had contributed to your projects. I can only wish the bestest for you, so... good luck.

Edited by Calvinchun

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