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Idea: bring back forums for tuts, scripts, then get published.

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I know it's not necessarily the fact that we have custom scripts + tutorials systems. Particularly the tutorial submission system is unique and takes at least 1 submission to get used to. But perhaps this idea will increase submissions in these areas.


The idea is to create WIP forums for various tutorials and scripts, and when they're ready, have them published in the scripts/tut sections. The idea that this will increase submissions is based on the fact that members want attention for their content and forum topics are designed for discussion, and secondly it's much simpler to submit.







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This could work, especially for tutorials like my rgss for beginners thing that I kept adding to.

I think you may be missing the point. Finished high quality tutorials will be published in the tutorials section and removed from the forum.

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I could see this working for tutorials but not so much scripts. Scripts are usually finished when submitted anyways. tutorials are soemtimes a WIP for a while. It would certainly increase the quality of tutorials as they can get useful feedback before completing it.

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True. Although it's not strictly for WIPs. Over the years it's become quite clear that people want a lot of attention on their stuff, more than we as a website can give them. So as the theory goes, a forum is easier to post in than the scripts section and there's a perception that it'll lead to more attention (though it prob won't). I duno if in reality that'll happen... its hard to test theories when you don't have many human resources. I don't really want to decrease the automation but if it would help...

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That's a very interesting idea to me because I would write tutorials, but for one I don't really have the time or motivation to make something clean and neat, and a WIP forum could be a good compromise. Second I don't really know where to start since there's so much to learn, and do much I could write about, it would be nice to really know what people need, and a forum seems like a good alternative to initiate an exchange on the matter.

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Im going to get a little off topic.

Second I don't really know where to start since there's so much to learn

Best way is to start off how you learned. Send them down the path you took to learn. Thats how i teach people stuff. Then you will know what problems they will run into and how to help them get past it.

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Best way is to start off how you learned. Send them down the path you took to learn. Thats how i teach people stuff. Then you will know what problems they will run into and how to help them get past it.

Well the thing is, I learnt all by myself, reading the RMXP scripts and fiddling with them, trying to understand what I was doing. The only help I would get would be the official Ruby documentation. So if I should write a tutorial following how I got there, it would be a simple one-liner like - go and experiment on your own! I'm not sure this is helpful at all. Plus, I could do this only because I had an extensive experience in programming beforehand. which won't be the case for most people looking for a tutorial.

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Interesting as I guess it could be good for scripts that are still in the idea stage and once there ready for production, you can give it a published page.

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