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James Anthony Hyatt

[[SOLVED]][REQUEST] Targeting window rework, if possible

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This is a script request and I am not 100 percent on how to explain what I want/need for my game, but from what all I can understand is it’s a rewrite of the class Window_BattleEnemy. I can be, and am probably wrong. But from what I understand that is the class that handles the targeting window in combat.


Basically what I am wanting is to take that and change it so it displays icons for battlers in a ring menu style. I have no idea how to do this though. So I am asking, a few things here:


1-the rewrite, if indeed that is what is needed.

2- the ability to somehow  designate icons for each battler ( preferably with note tags) in the enemy database ,not the troop data base( I say this because I am using multiple enemies to make on battler image to be able to target different parts of the battler.)

3- if at all possible it would need to be on the left side of the screen, kind of where the default target box is drawn( if I remember the positioning correctly) 


Here are some images of what I mean, they are mock ups of what I need/want.

This one is the multi-enemy that makes up one battler.



This one is just showing what/where I mean:



And this one shows what window I mean that I need changed: 



I have no ideal how hard it would be to script this, so if someone sees this and knows it will be too hard please let me know so I can start to rework my game. Thank you for taking the time to read this.



Edited by James Anthony Hyatt

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