Ardaceus 21 Report post Posted July 30, 2015 So on a forum I posted a few days ago, there was a talk about piracy. What is your opinion on piracy? Should it be acceptable? Should it be prohibitied? A bit of Both? I personally think that in some cases it should never be used. If it is an old file that is inaccessible to the public, that is fine. If the file is of a game that you won't find in a store or would not mean anything if you bought it, like a game which doesn't have much to show or demonstrate about it, that is fine. If it is music, I don't really care for I can find free music on so many websites. If it is a program that doesn't offer a trial, that is fine. If it is from somebody or some company that p***es you off by not providing things for you correctly or incomplete, fine. I don't agree with not buying a program that you are going to use for a long time, a game which you'll play for loads of hours that isn't a game for something old like the snes or ps1, or to sell out to others for personal gain. I haven't pirated anything from the pirate bay, but I have used free music downloading websites like... (is there a rule against mentioning websites you can use that offer things you usually have to pay for?) Definitely pirating is a thing that people can have different opinions about. I would definitely dislike it if people took something hard earned from me for free when I ask for something in return, but I wouldn't do anything about it. I would hate it and do something about it when people use my own work for public use or personal gain when I said that you couldn't or never gave permission. So how about your own opinion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polraudio 122 Report post Posted July 30, 2015 I was in the proccess of making a topic like this before my computers watercooling took a shit and completely destroyed my $2000+ desktop. Now im on a shitty laptop that can barely play minesweeper. Consumer Standpoint: Piracy is a touchy subject. Theres not really an ok time to pirate something. This brings up my Dear Devs; Demos topic. I have pirated games in the past but it was only becasue i didnt know if it would run on my computer or if id like it. But that was all becasue the games didnt even have a demo. EX: I pirated skyrim because i couldnt afford it and i was unsure if it would run. I enjoyed the game so much that i actually bought it. Same with saints row 3, pirated it, liked it, then bought it. If all these games offered demos piracy wouldnt even cross my mind. Was it ok to pirate those games? Not it wasnt ok in any way but they left me with no choice because they failed to offer a demo. And no one wants to go through the painful refund proccess if they buy the game and dont like it. The ONLY time i find piracy fine is for very old stuff that you can no longer buy from the maker and can only buy from other people. EX: Older games. That was a consumer standpoint so ill go through a developers standpoint since i have a commercial product on the market Developer Standpoint: As a developer i should really care about piracy but i dont becasue it hinders sales.... or does it? In reality piracy doesnt hinder sales becasue if someone doesnt want to pay for the game of if they cannot they wont. So in the end your not losing anything at all. Sure if people have the money and still pirate the game that most likely means you dont have a demo or the game isnt worth the money to them. Either way your not losing out on money. As a dev i see demos as the best way to let people decide if your game is worth buying or not. It also depends on the market. you may think your game is being pirated but in reality it prob becasue you are poor at advertising or the market is not good for your game. But it shouldnt stop you from trying to push that game out to make it apart of the current market. Im doing a gaming first by making a commercial clicker game(Mobile games dont count). Im trying to take clicker games to the next level and show people that clicker games can be more than a game about clicking and that theres a market for such game. In the end piracy doesnt bother me much. As long as people are playing my game and enjoying themselves im happy. If people are willing to buy the game to support me then it makes me even more happy. Everytime i get a sale i get alot more motivated to work on the game even more. Final Thoughts: Is piracy a bad thing? Well piracy isnt bad and it isnt good. In the end its all about if its worth it or not. Some programs have DRM that make it very annoying for mainly the legit buyers. EX: I bought watchdogs before release day and was unable to play it for about 2 days after release even knowing i had it downloaded already. The damn login servers were down for uplay. I bought the game on steam but it required uplay. The game required me to have it on steam to launch uplay to launch it on steam again. So it had sort of tripple DRM. My friend pirated it the same day it came out and was playing like nothing to it while i was still fighting with uplay to even get to play the game. 4 things determine if someone pirates something and most of it can be prevented with a demo. Not having a demo. People will pirate games becasue they cannot try the game out first. DRM. People will pirate a game becasue the legit way is super annoying(yes im looking at you ubisoft). Unsure about quality. If you fail to make a demo or a decent enough demo people might still pirate it just to try it out. Lack of money or just a pure pirate. Some people just wont buy a game at all or lack the money to buy the game. Most pirates are people that lack money so they pirate games. Some get into the habbit so much that they pirate games no matter what. Most people are willing to buy something if they have the money(i know from experience). In the end piracy isnt really a bad thing but you should REALLY consider supporting the developer who makes the stuff you might enjoy. If you dont support the developers they might not be around much longer to make the stuff you enjoy. It really means alot to us devs. Hell if you pirate my game and can only afford a few pennies send it my way and ill forgive you for pirating my game and might be kind enough to send you a full copy when you send at least 50% of games cost. Ill even work with you and do payments if possible. I may even do GDU points...but marked needs to work on a system to make them worth money and not really easy to get. I can see the site getting popular enough if people create quality games and sell them for GDU points. Could also sell GDU points for irl $(could even setup a market where people could sell GDU points for money to other people). This place could turn into an indie dev place to get your foot in the door for selling games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob423 52 Report post Posted July 30, 2015 DRM. People will pirate a game becasue the legit way is super annoying(yes im looking at you ubisoft) And that is why I bought Assassin's Creed 2, but pirated Brotherhood. Freaking Uplay... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zahraa 26 Report post Posted July 30, 2015 Umm it's not really my place to talk because I have to pirate almost everything I want. It's because my country is under restrictions and I'm not able to buy anything. Not a single company is interested to have their services here. Online stores don't ship anything for us and Paypal is blocked and blah blah blah of course u can buy games from stores here but in fact u r paying another pirate to get the game, so yeah no real retailer. But imo Pirating = Stealing. No matter what ur excuse is. It's like stealing a table from a store. You might say hey I just wanna see if it's nice in my house then I'll buy it if I like it. No, You're still stealing it. If the company lets u test it then it's fine but if it doesn't, u r stealing it. Like it or not. As pol said having a demo helps a lot (not in my case though) I know it doesn't really feel like stealing because it's online and all...Anyway I think it's fine if the game/music/software is very old. As I said earlier my words have no validations because I pirate everything. But I liked to share my opinion anyhow :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob423 52 Report post Posted July 30, 2015 It's not actually the same as stealing because, with software, the owner still has a copy. They still own the thing. If you steal a table, the owner no longer has that table. I get what you're saying though. They're asking money for it and you're not giving it to them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinkuAura 15 Report post Posted July 30, 2015 I bought a cool game called Mine Clicker. But then i pirated a good game called The Hidden City of Arcatis. I feel bad because it's a good game. I downloaded it on a site called GDU. I hope the creator will ever forgive me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob423 52 Report post Posted July 30, 2015 Not only is it free, but the dev doesn't care about that game anymore because he's working on something a lot more awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted July 30, 2015 I wish I had time to properly read through all of these :( It's definitely not stealing in the traditional sense, so we should never refer to piracy as that because it's misleading. There is no deprivation of property, there is no loss. I have always found it legally fascinating. When you take away laws made by government, and you revert to the laws of the land (ie common law) and judge must rely on precedent: The standard may well be: What loss was caused by the action? The purchase price? If by pirating GTAV I have caused a loss of $90NZD revenue, then the prosecutors must prove that I would have bought if I wasn't going to pirate it. Good luck with that. I believe we live in a unique time in history where we can pirate things, but it won't last. I think piracy is the thing that will drive efficient market allocation and force companies to change the way they do business, and when they do, it will benefit everyone. In the meantime, I'm torrenting the internet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitsuki 17 Report post Posted July 31, 2015 Should it be acceptable? Should it be prohibitied? A bit of Both? I don't agree with not buying a program that you are going to use for a long time, a game which you'll play for loads of hours that isn't a game for something old like the snes or ps1, or to sell out to others for personal gain. Definitely pirating is a thing that people can have different opinions about. I would definitely dislike it if people took something hard earned from me for free when I ask for something in return, but I wouldn't do anything about it. I would hate it and do something about it when people use my own work for public use or personal gain when I said that you couldn't or never gave permission. Don't ask me if things like these should be acceptable or prohibited :) I have moral standards, but I tend to disregard them for what's more convenient for me. I know, I'm a wonderful person. I pass off piracy on certain items like Sony Vegas and Photoshop as "saving money". Seeing as I'm a terrible person, I don't expect myself to pay for things that will never/rarely benefit me and are more for personal fun than doing anything that will be showcased publicly. And as a high-school student soon to attend college, would you bust $200-$500 on a video editing program? If I had the money to spend on hobbies, sure I would. But I'd much rather be throwing my money at college tuition so that I might have that sort of easily-spent money someday. But I will definitely say that getting something illegally and attempting to sell it to others is low, and I wouldn't stoop there. But come on, if we all paid in full for our hobbies, we'd be very expensive people. Also, from the pespective of large companies that can sell millions of copies of programs, games, I don't think they could care less. In my numerous voyages of plundering and pillaging, I do keep that kind of thing in mind. I would more likely pay for a product of a small, less popular company than a large, profitable one. Though I'm known to twist logic to fit justify my crimes ;) Though my main reason is I don't have the means to pay... I'm underage, have no access to paying for things online, etc. I could ask my parents--they'd say no. What solution, then, does a curious teenage have but to pirate? If there were a store that carries Steam/online reedemable gift cards near my home, I'd go and get them myself. I'd really love to pay for most of the products I get. But seeing as I am a shut-in with no such stores around (and not that much money on my hands in the first place), I pirate most of the time. Umm it's not really my place to talk because I have to pirate almost everything I want. It's because my country is under restrictions and I'm not able to buy anything. Not a single company is interested to have their services here. Online stores don't ship anything for us and Paypal is blocked and blah blah blah of course u can buy games from stores here but in fact u r paying another pirate to get the game, so yeah no real retailer. But imo Pirating = Stealing. No matter what ur excuse is. It's like stealing a table from a store. You might say hey I just wanna see if it's nice in my house then I'll buy it if I like it. No, You're still stealing it. If the company lets u test it then it's fine but if it doesn't, u r stealing it. Like it or not. As pol said having a demo helps a lot (not in my case though) I know it doesn't really feel like stealing because it's online and all...Anyway I think it's fine if the game/music/software is very old. As I said earlier my words have no validations because I pirate everything. But I liked to share my opinion anyhow :) That's understandable, Zahraa. The case makes piracy a lot more interesting case for those who are adamantly against it. One of your examples reminds me of a story I heard from a friend who visited his home in China... he once bought a Photoshop crack for a dollar, no doubt from another pirate, and then found out that it didn't work at all. (Meanwhile my cracked Photoshop works fine and dandy. Lesson to the kids, don't pirate indirectly? Pirate yourselves? Hmm, maybe I'd better rethink that.) Well, seeing if it's nice in your house and then buying it is more like having a trial, no? There are many commercial that promote that if you don't like their services/appliances, they'll give you back your money. A nice pirate gets the luxury of trying out the product before paying the money. I'd much rather do that than buy a table that looks extremely ugly in my home. Not only is it free, but the dev doesn't care about that game anymore because he's working on something a lot more awesome. Hmm, keep us updated about this, please, Bob? I'm super interested in this newer awesomeness you've got owo It's definitely not stealing in the traditional sense, so we should never refer to piracy as that because it's misleading. There is no deprivation of property, there is no loss. I have always found it legally fascinating. When you take away laws made by government, and you revert to the laws of the land (ie common law) and judge must rely on precedent: The standard may well be: What loss was caused by the action? The purchase price? If by pirating GTAV I have caused a loss of $90NZD revenue, then the prosecutors must prove that I would have bought if I wasn't going to pirate it. Good luck with that. I believe we live in a unique time in history where we can pirate things, but it won't last. I think piracy is the thing that will drive efficient market allocation and force companies to change the way they do business, and when they do, it will benefit everyone. In the meantime, I'm torrenting the internet. Mark brings up a lot of interesting points. The internet has changed society and the mindsets of many people as to what is acceptable and not acceptable. Piracy feels a lot nicer than actual physical stealing--but is it any less wrong? What we do and see on the net has interesting effects on our thinking... for better or for worse? Your legal example made me laugh out loud. My parents think I'm crazy now, so thanks, Mark. But some final thoughts of mine... I just wanna say I pirated RMXP two years ago. And just two months ago, I bought it because I liked it so much and was using it extensively. Admittedly for way less than the $60 it would have cost at the time, I think. But see? I'm a good pirate who buys products when I can. I pay for mobile apps because it's more accessible to me--I can easily get Google Pay cards and redeem them. And even though I ranted so much about Outlast and how much I wanted to support them right from the very start, the truth is that I pirated it at the beginning. Sure they had a demo. But I pirated the full game and liked it so much that I paid for an official copy. Most of the things that lead me to paying is pirating. Now y'all got me in a pirating mood. I'm going to settle down with ice cream, a pirated copy of Pirates of the Carribean, and watch Jack and Will debate about whether pirates can be good men and more than flat, 2D characters. :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob423 52 Report post Posted July 31, 2015 Hmm, keep us updated about this, please, Bob? I'm super interested in this newer awesomeness you've got owo This is all the publicly available info on it It's like everyone just ignores blog posts or something :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitsuki 17 Report post Posted July 31, 2015 This is all the publicly available info on it It's like everyone just ignores blog posts or something :P :D But now that I've had my share of being a smart alec for the day, I'll go find it on GDU's search. Time to get engrossed in another game ugh why do you ppl do this to me. In order to not receive a half-hearted threat of banishment from one of the mods... piracy is cool. :> :dizzy: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinkuAura 15 Report post Posted July 31, 2015 I wish I had time to properly read through all of these :( It's definitely not stealing in the traditional sense, so we should never refer to piracy as that because it's misleading. There is no deprivation of property, there is no loss. I have always found it legally fascinating. When you take away laws made by government, and you revert to the laws of the land (ie common law) and judge must rely on precedent: The standard may well be: What loss was caused by the action? The purchase price? If by pirating GTAV I have caused a loss of $90NZD revenue, then the prosecutors must prove that I would have bought if I wasn't going to pirate it. Good luck with that. I believe we live in a unique time in history where we can pirate things, but it won't last. I think piracy is the thing that will drive efficient market allocation and force companies to change the way they do business, and when they do, it will benefit everyone. In the meantime, I'm torrenting the internet. I think i know what you're trying to say. Piracy is something that we've all done already. In Mexico we don't need to torrent games, movies, music. We have flea markets full of pirated content. It's congested with pirated content and I myself buy this content, but i do it because the "authentic" copy of the content i want to consume is pretty expensive to buy, especially in a 3rd world country like mine. Hollywood really needs to update their business strategy because time has degraded it. I feel that pirating is somewhat promoting the content itself. Lets say that a 10 year old kid has never seen The Original Trilogy of Star Wars, if i showed that kid just one movie of the original trilogy. He will either love it or hate it. What i am trying to say is that even if piracy is NSFW, i personally think that it's promoting something... Err like Music on Youtube. If you hear a good soundtrack on Youtube and check the comments you'll see people saying "songs name" (of course they'll reply with darude sandstorm lol) because the content creator is "promoting the soundtrack" Hollywood is just very greedy and wants all the profits for themselves. I HOPE THEY MAKE BETTER MUSIC BEHOLD KITSUKI'S WALL OF TEXT LOL! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob423 52 Report post Posted July 31, 2015 :D Crap...I might've unpublished it. Oh well, maybe I'll make a topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitsuki 17 Report post Posted July 31, 2015 Hollywood really needs to update their business strategy because time has degraded it. I feel that pirating is somewhat promoting the content itself. Lets say that a 10 year old kid has never seen The Original Trilogy of Star Wars, if i showed that kid just one movie of the original trilogy. He will either love it or hate it. What i am trying to say is that even if piracy is NSFW, i personally think that it's promoting something... Err like Music on Youtube. If you hear a good soundtrack on Youtube and check the comments you'll see people saying "songs name" (of course they'll reply with darude sandstorm lol) because the content creator is "promoting the soundtrack" Hollywood is just very greedy and wants all the profits for themselves. I HOPE THEY MAKE BETTER MUSIC BEHOLD KITSUKI'S WALL OF TEXT LOL! walls of text is what cool kids do nowaday :/ half arsed defense of my less than desired replies lol I do get what you're saying. Piracy does promote. My friends and I have little circles of piracy discussion at my school where groups of kids just... hang out and talk about what they pirated, what to pirate next, why piracy is or ain't cool. It's very fun and happy. Definitely how high school kids should invest their time. But no, it actually makes for very interesting and stimulating conversation. Some of the things we talk about is how a certain company gets their visual novels recorded and uploaded to a certain site I used to be registered on. Of course, I can't name them :P But one person buys the stories, records them, and uploads them, and there's a bunch of volunteers doing that. The company likes to go and take these videos down and ban their accounts. But a good point that's brought up is that this is promoting the company to other people who usually don't buy these visual novels. When I first got into the visual novel fandom, I was completely against spending money on these stories. Fast forward one month, $50 poorer. siiiigh. Promotion indeed. Crap...I might've unpublished it. Oh well, maybe I'll make a topic. oh u. I'll be looking out for that topic, anywho ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ardaceus 21 Report post Posted July 31, 2015 walls of text is what cool kids do nowaday :/ half arsed defense of my less than desired replies lol Have you seen my walls of texts? I spend like half an hour writing one thing on this website, and it goes on for a flipping long way, all because walls of textsinses are such cool, much wow. If peeps be hatin us, they'll just has ta Now looking at all of these posts, there tends to be a similar opinion between everybody. Everybody looks down on it, but understands and forgives it at the same time. But since, like, all of us pirated something at one point or another, might as well call this website GPU (Game Pirating Unlimited). I feel like when my game is done, I would just like people to enjoy what I made, but It would be better if people bought it, cause I'm spending a lot of time into my game, and that would be nice to make some money for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bob423 52 Report post Posted August 1, 2015 Just because we're not against piracy doesn't mean we're a pirate site. Everything here is legit and I'm sure no one here would try to try to pirate your game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinkuAura 15 Report post Posted August 1, 2015 Bob's right, we aren't a pirate site. Also for those who are getting any ideas, please don't post keygens or sites. (unless you're Mark trolling)This Topic feels like you're confessing your deeps sins of the Internet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites