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Converting this RMVX Ace Script to RMXP?


After all the time I've spent on this site, I'm still not sure if this should go in Support or Requests. Will leave it here for now. If I'm in the wrong section, let me know and... well, I can't do anything about it, so if you're a mod just move it :> That'd be appreciated.


The script:




# Message Sound
# Autor : Raizen
# Função do script: O script adiciona um som a cada tecla digitada
# nas mensagens, perfeito para fazer efeito de maquina de escrever por exemplo
module Raizen_Message
# Volume do Som
Volume = 10
# Arquivo que será tocado na pasta SE
Sound = "Lyra_texto"
# Frequencia que será tocado o som (0 equivale a cada tecla digitada)
Freq = 3
# Switch que ativa e desativa o efeito.
Switch = 79
# Aqui começa o script
class Window_Message < Window_Base
alias :raizen_sound_message :wait_for_one_character
alias :raizen_initialize_sound initialize
def initialize
@charcount = 0
def wait_for_one_character
if $game_switches[Raizen_Message::Switch]
if @charcount == Raizen_Message::Freq
RPG::SE.new(Raizen_Message::Sound, @volume = Raizen_Message::Volume).play
@charcount = 0
@charcount += 1




It seems to be in Portugese or something, but it should be self-explanatory. The script is supposed to play a letter-by-letter SFX when a switch is activated (I think the author made it so the number of characters written before SFX is played is adjustable).


I can't read/script RGSS or any computer languages at all, RIP.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 



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