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Thoughts on Undertale

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So I recently just got into playing a game called "Undertale", mostly because of how popular it has become in the video game industry world... because of Homestuck... and because of all the posts I receive on Facebook about Sans and his brilliant bad puns.


But really, this is the best game I have ever played. I have no complaints about this game other than besides that there wasn't enough TEMMIE!!!!!


It has my favourite bosses of all time, and kept me really emotional at points with how good it got you into the game through the 4th wall at many points. And that finale(s) was just astounding.


But if you want to know what was my favourite moment, just




My entire Ghosty life has built up to this.

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I haven't played this game yet, but Flowey is super cute. <3







You need to buy this game like right now as you are reading this.

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