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Dark Dragon

Legal V.S Cracked

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Alrighty, dere was some rumors goin' on about legal version has some diffrences with the cracked one

in a positive way.

In dis topic, we wanna look at zis an' zen decied weder it is real or not

an' now 'ere is me opinion, RUBBISH, da only diiffrence is dat da legal one is legal me says


but maybe I'm wrong, so guys we wanna every one say wa' he knows, don't be shy oki ? *laugh* j/k

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in the battle between 1.02 and 1.01 Postilaty Knights Edition, I would say 1.01. However, it depends on what you mean by "cracked". There are also versions of RMXP that are cracked and translated that are not the PKE version. In which case, then it's 1.02 (legal) that beats them out, as legal has better script functioning. However, as 90% of scripters use 1.02 nowadays, it is unlikely you will get anyone still making PKE scripts, and 1.02 scripts will not work with version 1.01 PKE. So, in the long run, legal is better, unless you know how to get around the bugs that were fixed in 1.02, AND can make all yoru own scripts.


And you know, not to put down RMXP.org anymore then I have (people are probably getting tired of me yelling at RMXP.org in my posts...), but it's good you aren't posting this on RMXP.org, cause you would be warned and the topic deleted...I know, it was the last thing I did before I left...

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On a scripting level, yes there are differences. In fact, if you take a 'legal' script and use it in PK, you need to add a few lines to show text. In addition, making a script in the illegal version, you need to omit the lines for the legal version. I write mine for teh illegal version simply because it is easier to delete said lines then tell the person to add them.

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Well there are 'cracked' versions of the full version out there.

So, if you managed to get your hands on that (which is illegal *waves to cops as they walk by*) then you shouldn't have to worry about any differences.

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Yes, I think that most people download their copy from download.com, and crack that, and its exactly the same as if you paid for it.

So there arnt any differences from a cracked version, and paid for. They didnt put in any limitations for the trial except it expires in 30 days.

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Agreed, cause there are about 20 different "cracked versions" out there so...It's better to say "PKE" then it is to say "Cracked". MAN am I glad Marked doesn't ban, warn, or temporarily suspend anyone's account for the thought of using PKE or any cracked versions...and when I say the THOUGHT I litterally do mean that...RMXP.org does anyway >>;;

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The windows? I'm not sure what you mean...it's been too long since I used PKE...I know the original 1.00 release of RMXP had several problems with the windows being too big and such, but that was fixed either by installing the RM2k3 fonts, or buy getting 1.01 PKE...I know Enterbrain themselves fixed it, though, in the new 1.02 release...

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oh... -shrugs- truthfully, the only thing better about PKE is the stretchable windows...and I found a way around that so...

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he means the fact that most scripts now adays are made with v1.02, and you cannot use v1.02 scripts with the non-legal version of RMXP. v1.02 works ONLY with v1.02 of RMXP. All in all, though, Marked is right, legal beats PKE anyday...EPSECIALLY if legal had scroll windows...if I knew how to do add that, I SO would right now.

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hey, you see legal IS good to make another non-original game

I don't care, I make my own scripts, so, that means mine will be better million times than most other people(by the way, me talking dosen't mean I use illegal)

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To me there is a big difference. The old version of RMXP I had before PKE was really messed up. Half of the scripts were wrong and stuff. Leon had to fix one of them for me so I could use it. Yea I use PKE. No need to hide it really because if they come on these forums than try suing you there is such thing as Privacy Rights which each forum has.

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I personally love the cracked version for the way things are named and the way it's a little easier to navigate. But when it comes to Scripts, everything's in Japanese, and I can't figure out where to put things. So, that's why I use both versions for different things.

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I find that PKE's scripts are easier to use, simply because it is easier to change things. Such as font and size of said font. If you use the legal version, you ahve to know a totally different command, and it changes the WHOLE game's font. Whereas w/ PKE, i can make a window with each font type different than the one before. hence, i use both.

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There are other very small diffrences, but nothing to worry about. Like in PK the message button is called: "message" and in LV it's called "Show Text" In PK "Heros" in LV "Actors" and so on.

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I find that PKE's scripts are easier to use, simply because it is easier to change things. Such as font and size of said font. If you use the legal version, you ahve to know a totally different command, and it changes the WHOLE game's font. Whereas w/ PKE, i can make a window with each font type different than the one before. hence, i use both.
The only thing that makes PKE scripts easier is a couple of lines? Cant you add those to the legal version before you start to develop a script?
I personally love the cracked version for the way things are named

I think you are just used to them. I think that the PKE versions text was translated from Japanese, and the Legal one was made in English. So the legal one has the proper names.

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