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Make windows 10 even faster by removing OneDrive~

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how to speed up 10 even faster (although already fast windows 10 can be faster if you want it to be faster)

step 1: remove the onedrive app with Command prompt

step 2 remove one drive from files using registry editor

and there the biggest bloatware micosoft ever gave birth to is gone you are now faster then before

Sources in the links:
Edited by GraveBusta

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hmm.. I didn't have to do any of that... I just stopped it from starting up with windows and it stopped being showed everywhere.

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3.38gb right now in Dropbox. Really hard to get much if you don't pay anything while Google Drive gives 15gb for free. 30tb max if you have $300 to spend every month (guess that's for businesses).


edit: Just checked, and Drive gives 5gb, gmail gives another 5 and Google Photos, which I don't even use, gives another 5. That's still 15 free and takes like 2min to get, while the 3.38 with Dropbox required me to follow them on twitter, create a fake facebook page, and do a bunch of other crap...

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52GB Damn, that's quite a bit.

Though the 30GB I got in OneDrive is more than enough. Too much even. 

I would be happy with 10GB probably.

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hmm.. I didn't have to do any of that... I just stopped it from starting up with windows and it stopped being showed everywhere.

actually not true its still there just not active, even if you disable startup its still there 


Not saying you guys shouldn't use OneDrive its just the thing slows my PC down no matter how much I pay prob cuz of CenturyLink  due to low internet speed damn ISP is the worst I ever seen..... but I used Mega it still slowed my PC down but nowhere near as bad as OneDrive 

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I use a 2TB NAS, no need for dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or iCrap

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