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GDU turns 10 years old

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Yesterday, on 8 May, was GDU's 10 year anniversary. 


10 years ago the site started out on a free hosting service, and you can see the date I created it here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/RPGXP_Unlimited/index.php?showuser=1


It is quite an achievement. It's something I'm proud of and the others who kept the site going should be proud as well. There is so much history. And many of the people who contributed so much can seen on the top posters list: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=members&module=list&max_results=20&sort_key=posts&sort_order=desc&filter=ALL


I suppose it says something that there's no one on the top 20 posters that joined the site after 2011, or anyone in the top 18 who joined after 2009. The site has certainly slowed down from those days. 


It is crazy to think about how long 10 years is for a website. I think we're almost the same age as facebook. 


I would thank several people for their service, but most of them are no longer active here. I will however tribute Bob and Polraudio though. I don't know why you guys are so loyal. I haven't been very active the last couple of years, but it has been fun. 

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Well I don't know why I'm so loyal either to perfectly honest. Me being in the top 10 posters is kinda sad and it's honestly a miracle this site is even still up.


I have no clue where I'd be without this place, though. Seriously, it changed my life.

I was taking high school online when I first joined because my parents and I thought I'd do better without all the obnoxious kids everywhere...Turns out it was worse, but that was when I started using computers and the internet more and when I discovered RMXP Unlimited while slacking off, back when I was still playing around with RPG Maker XP and making terrible games just for fun.

The site quickly became a home when I felt more welcome here than at any other forum I had posted in at the time. That lead to me realizing that I really love making games, and even just coming up with ideas for what I thought would be the perfect RPG, even if I sucked at everything game-dev related.


Finally having friends who were had the same interests as me was what kept me here I think. If not for this site, I'd have no friends I talk to regularly. Before Polraudio, my best friend was a guy named Brandon I met in 6th grade who eventually moved away, making it difficult, but not impossible, to stay in touch and hang out on weekends. Distance and my own social anxiety lead to me calling him less and less. Looking back, I realize we had more in common than I thought. I still want to somehow tell him how I got into Doctor Who years after forgetting he showed me an episode of it one time.

Other than him, I had a few other friends, but with most of them, what we mostly had in common was the fact that we liked video games and went to the same school.


Now I'm going to a technical college to study Software development, but back when I first joined this site I didn't know what a CPU was.

Without this site I never would've met Pol, and I don't know how I would've gotten to where I am without him, even if I haven't gone all that far.


So anyway, thank you all, and here's to 10 more years of GDU slowly dying, like always. (It's like dividing rather than subtracting. It gets smaller and smaller, but never reaches 0)

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I learned many things from this community and I'm glad that the site is still alive after ten years. Hey let's have some cake :P

Edited by zahraa

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I remember coming to this site in 2012? 2013? I've known about it even before I had an account. I'm glad that the community is still alive, watching the site grow in the last few years has been awesome... let alone the past 10 years, which I wasn't here for. :D

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Goodness, that old already?


Sheesh, you've been keeping this site up to date for a very long time, kept it nice and clean.


Thats serious dedication. Thank you for GDU, Marked.

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I remember the beginnings of this site, the almost-endings, and the revivals... Keep it going, guys.

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A little late to the party. But cheers! :dance:


What I find is crazy is that I'm sure the RPG Maker community is bigger than it's ever been due to it's official release on Steam.

I wonder if forums are a dwindling format?

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Ive only been on here since 2014 but ayo, still alive so thats cool lol I remember the few shitty games i have made then giving up halfway through because i couldnt figure something out lol. Anyways gratz, thats pretty gud.

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Hey, happy Bday GDU! Been a very long time since I've been here. I don't even remember what it looked like when I last visited. I re-stumbled upon this looking for older rpg maker programs(was researching a little on nrm2k again). Anyway it's good to see this site is still around. 10 years is quite an accomplishment. Most of the RM sites I ever used to go to are no more...So finding you guys still here warms my little RM heart.

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I've only been here since last year or so, but I'm glad we've made it ten years! I know I'm a few months late to be saying this, but ten years is a big accomplishment! :) And Marked, thanks for all the hard work put into making GDU, we wouldn't have all this without you. Let's keep GDU going for as long as we can!

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Wow, although I've been dead the last few, err, years ( :( ), I can't believe I've been here since 2009. That's crazy..

P.S. Hopefully I'll be more active now that everything isn't falling down around me

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Wow, although I've been dead the last few, err, years ( :( ), I can't believe I've been here since 2009. That's crazy..

P.S. Hopefully I'll be more active now that everything isn't falling down around me


I hope so too :) 


Yeah 10-years is pretty crazy, especially for a site like this. We've been lucky for a number of things, like the staff members we've had and the fact that we've always had someone to host us, and of course the fact that I studied two degrees and stayed in uni so long that I had heaps of time to code  :grin:

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I'm late to the party, but I have to say Happy Birthday GDU!!! :)


How the years have passed, 10 years is a massive achievement and I've seen the site evolve bit by bit over the years. I'll always remember this place and visit now and again lurking, such a great community with some really good members that I'm proud to have met and spoken to when I was active back in the day. Time well spent!


I miss game development but my life has moved into a different world now but the love is still here ever so strong, I plan to finish at least some of my game ideas even if it reaches a somewhat playable state, then again you know how I am for not finishing things hehe.


Love you GDU/ RMXPUnlimited and everyone in it!!!

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