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Software used: Xp 

I have finally created the perfect system to change positions with another event, whose trick was in teleporting the hero to the other event to change its appearance in this event and vice versa (change the appearance of the event in hero) I give the link of the system open to everybody 
But my problem is to use this system on another map, like when I teleport to another map I want that when I press a button I teleport to where I left the event in question for the last time, and vice versa, I always teleport with the support of the button or I left the other vent: wow 
In short, for those who have Rpg Maker Xp, I leave the demo available 187 KB: D if someone wants to help me !!

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2 answers to this question

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For the sake of convenience, I'll call whatever things that changing place in this system as object.


For the teleporting to another map problem, make sure you save the Map ID too, and use it when changing position with another object. Put the system on common event. Then create an event that call the common event on each map where you want the system to be available to use. This would solve the problem that the system is only work on one map.


Take a note that the other object might not appear on the map, so you need to put an events which take the place of the object whenever you change the object. IIRC, there's a command to relocate event on designated position, so you can use that. The problem is that the object can only be relocated on the map where you are. So you need copies of certain event (that'll turn into certain object) on each map to relocate them when the map changes. It'd be easier if each copy has the same event ID.


I hope this solve the problem. :)

Edited by black mage

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