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Game development collaboration SaaS App

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Oh hello there 


As you all know, I am honing my C# skills immediately prior to launching a glamourous career as a full stack developer. 
I need to get some code on Github boys. 
I am currently considering an open source web application (possibly for offline too) aimed at game dev management / collaboration. You coudld also download a copy and whip it on your own server. This probs exist and if so please link so I can steal ideaz. 
Bob will be my code supervisor. 
The goal is not necessarily a succesful start-up. It's to flex my C#/React muscles, create something cool and useful, and knock back all the job offers. Wew. 
I am now taking feature and concept suggestions. 

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I would cater for any game. That infers an absence of engine specific features, i.e. coding being stored or managed in the system, at least initially.  

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I did have ideas for games that could be done.  However I'd like to keep the general engine work to a minimum.


However, if you decide to go full custom engine, then I know at least where to start.

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