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Wanted: Help with Scripts, Sprites, Tilesets, battle Graphics

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Hey guys! I've started a project tentatively titled "Dead Reckoning", which is going to be like a Zombie-Survival game (though, most likely, more of a comedy than a horror.)


I'm the kind of person who likes to do everything on their own, and while I feel that I could, with enough time, accomplish everything I want to do (save probably the tilesets) on my own, if anyone is interested in helping out, it would be greatly appreciated!


Here's what I'm looking for:



Someone who could perhaps lend a unique style to the sprites in this world. I already have a walking sprite for the main hero, and part of a sprite for the dog... they look okay on their own, but when put into the game it doesn't look right, and it's impossible to see any details when they move. So, I would send you the hero and dog sprites, and let you completely re-do them, while simply maintaining the key features. In addition, I would like you to do the sprites for other important characters, as well as townsfolk. Also, as noted below, I want to have a side-view battle system with the hero graphics animated in battle.


Remember, this is a zombie game, so be prepared for a handful of undead sprites! Also, for the dog, you must be willing to draw an anus. :lol:




A lot of my ideas will require significant modification of RMXP's systems. First and foremost, I want a side-view battle system similar to RM2003. I think I've found a script I really like, but if anyone wants to make a custom one, let me know and we can talk about what sorts of things I'm looking for.


I'm also looking to modify the equipment and item systems, and perhaps a complete overhaul of the menu system.


Here are some examples of the functionality I'm looking for:

-Different party members have different equipment setups (hero has slots for a weapon and two accessories, but the dog only has a slot for one accessory, or something like that.)

-When hero chooses "fight" he can choose to attack with any of the weapons he's currently carrying (this is important; as there are three range classes for weapons, and zombies will have resistances (conferred via elementals, probably) to different range classes, as well as affording the hero different degrees of defense.)

-Hero can only carry a certain amount of stuff (one small-size weapon, one other-sized weapon, and a limited amount of restoratives etc.)

-A "throw" command, a la shadow from FF6 (and only chooses from a specific list of throwable items)

-The Hero's dog will have a "fetch" command, where the hero can switch weapons by sending the dog out of battle for a few turns (most likely way it will be implemented.) There may be a small chance that the dog returns with the wrong weapon :P

-Hero can give zombies status effects like lopping off an arm or leg, or decapitating him, or maybe poking his eyes out... and these cause different penalties to the enemy. Perhaps it could change the monster's graphic as well.

-There should be some unique scenarios, in which you have to kill zombies in unconventional ways (as opposed to just hacking and slashing until they stop moaning for brains.) This could lead to some unique battle events.

-[edit] I just had another idea: Perhaps the dog's equips could be in the form of "charms" or "tags" (which sounds manlier) that he can put on his collar, to provide enhancement. In that case, it would probably be cool to have a separate menu (perhaps with purdy graphics) to add/remove tags.


That's all I can think of for now... if you feel like implementing any of these ideas, or have any helpful information, or are ambitious enough to hop aboard this project as the official scripter, lemme know! Also, note that I currently have the official version of RMXP (currently on a trial with about 20 days left,) not the PK version, so I would need the scripts in that setting. If this project takes off, I'll probably just buy the full version (it's nice not being poor for once :lol: )




Basically, I plan on having the entire game take place in a city and its surrounding suburbs. The advantage here is twofold: it reduces the amount of chipsets I need, and in addition, I can make the game's city, like, a legitimate city instead of these minimalist towns that are seen in most games (not necessarily a bad thing - who wants to explore 30-some buildings every time they get to a new area?)


I'm thinking that there will be AT LEAST three pizza places... heheh.


I'll probably need one basic city tileset, and another for zombie areas, or run-down, decrepit areas. Probably variations for indoor vs. outdoor, and the like. I'll also need another one for suburban areas.


Other Graphics help


Since I want a battle system similar to RM2k3, or FF6, the heros are animated but the monsters are stationary (possibly.) So, if anyone wants to help out with making static monster graphics, or (definitely) help with battle backgrounds (for the various settings outlined above,) or can think of anything else they want to contribute, I'm welcome to all ideas!




Don't get excited, nobody's getting paid for this... :P

Basically, if you help me out, we'll become best buddies forever, oh and of course you'll be recognized in the credits for whatever you contributed to the game.


As I mentioned before, I sort of like to do everything on my own, so I'm keeping absolute creative control over my game. However, if you have any ideas, I'll always listen to them, whether or not I end up using them or not. So post away, if you think it's cool or interesting enough! My whole idea with this game, is just to do something a little different.


Once again, any help is welcome. I think this game has a lot of potential. A couple points that didn't fit anywhere above:

*All the weapons, until the endgame when you acquire classic zombie-slaying equips like the chainsaw and shotgun, are improvised. The hero will use things like a pizza cutter, curtain rod, chain, electric drill, etc. to fight zombies. He's a 15-year-old kid who lives in a suburban neighborhood, so holy blades and 9mms aren't exactly commonplace.

*Restorative items and in-battle enhancements will be in the form of food and beverages aggressively marketed toward kids: go-gurt, capri sun, froot loops, lunchables, etc... to give the game more personality.

*Throwing items, of course, will also be improvised. This can be really cool; for example, the hero drinks a root beer to restore his hit points (or whatever;) an empty glass bottle is then placed in his inventory that he can throw.

*[edit] Most of the hero's advancement in the game (level-wise) will happen with weapons and accessories. Perhaps partly due to my control-freak nature, as this gives more control over when the hero gains stats. HP and SP will probably be the only things that increase with level ups (though, for the SP, I'm not sure what skills the hero should have - aside from throw - so any ideas there would be cool too.)

*I'm 20 years old, and I work, take classes, and instruct a drumline three nights a week. This game is really more of something to do when I feel like it, just a leisurely thing. SO if you want to help, don't expect this to be completed in the near future. Besides, it gives more time for my ideas to ferment and become even better!


One More Thing!

That I didn't mention - music! I was thinking about maybe using the capability of RMXP to play MP3s, and use some MP3 music (this probably means it will all be MP3s, because transitioning between MP3s and MIDIs would be awkward.) I have a rather ecclectic collection, so MOST people wouldn't be distracted by "I know this song!" and all that. Of course, I plan to only use instrumentals, as vocals can also be distracting, and really take you out of the game. But if anyone has any comments on this part, lemme know - whether it would make load times too long, it's impractical, technically unsound, or if midis just tend to mesh better with this aesthetic.


I think that's about it. Thanks for your time, folks!

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Woo, screenies! Anyone with criticisms, post away! Hopefully you don't mind my interior mapping skills, because my exterior mapping skills are abysmal! :P


And as you can see, I've made an animated battle graphic for the hero (and it's nice and big!) so I don't need anyone to do that (still working on it, though.) If anyone, for some reason, wants to re-do the battle graphic 'cause they think that can make it even cooler, then make a few frames first (like maybe his standing and charge animations,) and lemme see what I think of it (make sure it's as big as the graphic I already have!)


One last thing, don't be confused by the different names for the hero (Deej, Cliff, and Steeve); I simply have an option to name your hero and didn't take these screens all from the same file.


Oh, and one last last thing, I really need some modern city and/or suburb tilesets! I've searched many different places, and haven't come up with anything.


Okay, here be the screens:


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Wow, you're a better internal mapper than I am!


I noticed you don't have any sections up for game balance/design (don't worry, most people never even think about it).


Well if you need someone to flesh out a battle system, and make interesting boss fights, then I'm your man!

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Oh, you mean like a numbers/statistics-type of guy? I was gonna do all that myself, but I wouldn't mind some help there. I suppose you have at least a rudimentary understanding of the algorithms used in battles.


A few points on that subject:

*At the point I've reached, the hero has only fought one enemy (and that's supposed to be a fairly easy fight, naturally.)

*The hero's stats don't increase with a level up, but rather via weapons and accessory upgrades. His HP, however, does increase with each level up.

*This is a zombie game, so, while enemies can (and will) get more difficult as you progress through the game, the goal of leveling up and getting better weapons is not the ability to kill HARDER enemies, but to kill MORE enemies FASTER. At least, that's my idea at this point. That may become tedious. What do you think? There will still be boss battles to give the player a sense of achievement.

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