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I need some information about Photobucket. I've never actually been to their site before, but I see a lot of images hosted there. What I need to know is, do the images that members upload ever get deleted? Or can members delete their own images? Basically I'm wanting to know if I posted an image from photobucket, would it last forever?

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I think it will last forever because i have an account there and its been 2 years and no images are deleted yet.

I use imageshack now

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They only get deleted if you have to much their or something like that I can't remember but I use it and all my pics are still up and I have alot. The only problem is they allow 100GB of bandwidth a month to your account but when you exceed 100gb happens they replace your image with a image that says bandwidth exceeded. Here is what it says on their site.


"I am seeing Bandwidth Exceeded.


If you have a Photobucket account, log in and click on 'account options'.


Scroll down the page to 'Account Dashboard' and check your Monthly Bandwidth.

If it has exceeded - that is why the logo has replaced your images.

When you 'go pro' or when your monthly anniversary date arrives this will reset to zero and your images will reappear.

If you have not exceeded this allowance or you are not a Photobucket member then you probably have an image incorporated in your MySpace background (or other website) that is hosted in a Photobucket member's album which has exceeded this allowance. In order to prevent the logo from displaying, you will have to remove the HTML code that was linked from Photobucket.

To avoid this please consider going 'pro' - this will change your account to having unmetered bandwidth and you will likely never have this problem again.


If you are not a Photobucket member, please consider joining and using your own account to host the images you wish to display around the web."




Defintion on bandwidth though I'm sure you know what it is Marked but others might not. well this definition pertains to Photobucket because it came from their site but oh well.


"Bandwidth is used when digital content is viewed from a link you have posted on another website or in an email (e.g. MySpace, eBay, message boards, etc.). Bandwidth is a measure of the number of bytes passed over time via direct linking. It is calculated by adding up the size of each of your images or videos as they are sent from Photobucket. The 'Monthly Bandwidth' number is the amount of bandwidth you have used within the last month. The month is determined by the day of the month you registered your account.


Bandwidth usage is unmetered for Pro accounts, however Photobucket reserves the right to disable direct linking on accounts that are using excessive bandwidth or otherwise abusing the system. The current usage number for Pro accounts is displayed in your Account Options just to give an idea of your current usage level. Free accounts are allowed 100 GB of bandwidth per month. This is hundreds of thousands of images viewed via direct links and resets each month on the day you registered."

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100gb of BW thats quiet alot. i dont see how anyone can go over that ammount unless they had an image that was huge and had alot of views, but thats alot of BW

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Yes 100gb is a lot, considering we average 5GB per month. But I can see how an account could use that all up. A whole lot of large image files.


Thanks for the info, but one more thing, can users delete their own images?

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Yes users can delete their own images. You have full control over all of it.



And its quite easy to use 100GB of BW depending on what kind of stuff you do. Like if you host images for a website layout. And that site gets a lot of hits well there goes your BW.

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