rmmz DoubleX_RMMZ_Custom_Script_Calls
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By DoubleX
This topic aims to share the basic knowledge on what the default RMMZ TPBS battle flow implementations do in general, but you're still assumed to have at least:
1. Some plugin development proficiency(having written several easy, simple and small battle-related plugins up to 1k LoC scale)
2. Basic knowledge on what the default RMMZ turn based battle flow implementations do in general
3. Basic knowledge on what the default RMMZ TPBS battle flow does in general on the user level(At least you need to know what's going on on the surface when playing it as a player)
Simplified Flowchart
Please note that this flowchart only includes the most important elements of the battle flow, to avoid making it too complicated and convoluted for the intended targeting audience
Battle Start
Input Action Slots
Thinking In Frames
Frame Start
Start Phase
Turn Phase
Action Phase
Turn End Phase
Battle End Phase
Update TPB Input
That's all for now. I hope this can help you grasp these basic knowledge. For those thoroughly comprehending the essence of the default RMMZ TPBS battle flow implementations, feel free to correct me if there's anything wrong
For those wanting to have a solid understanding to the default RMMZ TPBS battle flow implementations, I might open a more advanced topic for that later
By DoubleX
This topic aims to share the basic knowledge on what the default RMMZ turn based battle flow implementations do in general, but you're still assumed to have at least:
1. Little javascript coding proficiency(barely okay with writing rudimentary Javascript codes up to 300 LoC scale)
2. Basic knowledge on what the default RMMZ turn based battle flow does on the user level(At least you need to know what's going on on the surface when playing it as a player)
Simplified Flowchart
Please note that this flowchart only includes the most important elements of the battle flow, to avoid making it too complicated and convoluted for the intended targeting audience
Start Battle
Input Actions
Process Turns
Execute Actions
That's all for now. I hope this can help you grasp these basic knowledge. For those thoroughly comprehending the essence of the default RMMZ turn based battle flow implementations, feel free to correct me if there's anything wrong
For those wanting to have a solid understanding to the default RMMZ turn based battle flow implementations, I might open a more advanced topic for that later