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Lottery System

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Well, this time, it's to big to go into detail about.

But I did provide a link for a project that you can download with several comments.


Basically, you buy a certain amount of tickets, once you do. You wait around for a set amount of time (Can be changed in common events), once the time is up, the player can match up his randomly generated ticket numbers with a randomly generated ticket winning number and earn the BIG BUCKS!

(Randomy generated money is not included)


This event tutorial is a little more advanced than usual,

it might give you a headache if you don't know what your doing.

It's definately anti-newbie (Sorry guys :()

It was also designed to limit the amount of game variables and switchs needed.

It also uses a more unknown event command - loop.


You can change everything needed as instructed in the following:

-Change the timed needed to wait in the common event

-Change the price of tickets and how many you can buy on page 1

-Change the amount of numbers randomized on page 2 (default is 1-15)

-Change your winnings on page 2.


Also, this event would require:

-1 event, 3 pages

-1 common event

-1 switch

-5 variables



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