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[REQ] Very Basic Request :P

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Ok, so this is a very basic request I think. I can't script but I would of thought it'd be easy.


Could someone give me a script that makes a small box at the top of the screen (in the centre) that randomly generates a number between 1 - 6. I'd like it to flicker through the numbers really fast for atleast 2 seconds before stopping. I'd then need 1 code:


1) I'd need the code to make the box appear (Script Event Command).


Also, could you make it so it changes the value for my variable called 'Dice' to the number is selected so that I can use a conditional branch.


Thanks guys. ;)

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You could probably do this using Dubealex's AMS or Ccoa's UMS combined with eventing. If I can work out how to get the easiest and most clean way to do it (by clean I mean that the event looks tidy), I will post it.

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