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Dang, this forum has grown a lot. O_o

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I don't know if any of you remember me, or at least some of you might know who I am on other forums.


You can call me Ratty, for those who don't know who I am. I left here once for no apparent reason, just due to addiction to larger forums (this forum wasn't as heavily populated as it seems to be now). Thus I've been through a lot of crap, like getting banned from rmxp.org for calling one the staff members a man and comparing her favorite cartoon to drugs, being a moderator for a very brief period on RMVXP Universe, joining RPG RPG Revolution and viewing the drama that has been going on there, and so on. :P


So, this is kind of my welcoming back more than an introduction. I just like RPG maker forums for some reason.


So... N'cha. :)

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I remember you, after all you did make over 100 posts.

this forum wasn't as heavily populated as it seems to be now

We have grown and recently increased a tiny bit in activity, but we are probably no more active than when you left. A recent bulk email was sent out(and I'm assuming that's why you're back again) and this always brings a lot of members in all in one day. Since our migration to a new host, today is a record day in terms of pageviews and visitors. But I'm sure there will be a day where this is a daily occurrence.


Well anyway, Welcome back Ratty. I hope you will be staying with us for a little while longer.

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I remember you :D. Hopefully you remembered all of us. Well, welcome back again Ratty.

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Yeah I recognize you, like I said before in my greeting thread...you're the guy that had the freaky rat avatar right? lol

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lolz... banned from .org? funny stuff... you should hop by rmf sometime soon also... but yeah, this lace pwns too.

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Glad everyone here seems to know who I am. It feels like I haven't been here since forever. xD

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