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Dog Troubles

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I recently got a new puppy.He is a cocker spaniel,full blooded,named Ryan(Age:1 month).

I also have a full blooded lab,named Carmen,(Age:3)and a mixed blooded lab,named Rachel(Age:3).

This morning,I tried introducing Ryan to Rachel and Carmen.

I immediately noticed Carmen started to drowl heavily.She wanted to EAT him!!

She lunged at him,and I kicked her away.

I scooped up Ryan,and tied up Carmen in the front yard.

Afterwards,I put Ryan back down in the backyard with Rachel.

They seem to get along fine.

Now I'm wondering,should I have Carmen put down?

She's extremely hostile towards other people,besides me.

Ryan,as a cocker spaniel,will never be big enough to defend himself against a fully grown lab,and

I'm guessing it would be impossible for her to find a new home at her age.

Any Advice?

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Before completely putting her down, I would try to find a new home because 3years isn't that old. Also, maybe you could try just keep her in the front yard.

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Before completely putting her down, I would try to find a new home because 3years isn't that old. Also, maybe you could try just keep her in the front yard.


As I said,she's completely hostile towards other people.My friends and relatives are all afraid of her.

I'm not sure about keeping her in the front yard.Neighbors walk up and down my street a lot.

She might get loose and attack them.She's already broken several leashes and chains.

She breaks the hook off of the leashes.The pounds in my area have a 10 day system for dogs over 2 years old.If they don't find a home in 10 days,they put them to sleep.

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Well hopefully, they will take care of her good. Maybe she won't be hostile towards them.

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