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Characters - Changing Party

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Hey, it's me again..XD.. anyways I was just wondering..and I think this hasn't been posted yet. How do you change your party? What a easy question this time.. How to change your party.. but I don't mean like using the Change Actor etc etc tab I mean like you can go to the menu and press Change Party like in a game made with RMXP - Aveyond. Or you talk to some person and a window opens ..like in some Final Fantasy games. And if I need a script to do that.. which I hope I don't.. please tell me. Thank you

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I think your best bet would to use the party switcher script or your events could get very messy.

Just give me some time to track the script.

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I think your best bet would to use the party switcher script or your events could get very messy.

Just give me some time to track the script.

Hey Polraudio, thanks for the help... but guess what I found the script..I should have noticed the Tutorial Forums..

In fact.. I never knew it was there. But here's the page to refresh you:


Edit: But I still have one question about the script. I want to change my members from the menu and it said on that forum to use this: $scene = Scene_Party_Change.new

But I have no idea how, and if i need to put it into the script on which line?

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are you using a CMS or the dafault?

If you are using a CMS post the script here and i will intergrate it.

If using the default i will edit it for you.

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are you using a CMS or the dafault?

If you are using a CMS post the script here and i will intergrate it.

If using the default i will edit it for you.

I'm sorry.. I don't really know my RPG Maker terms.. but I figured out how to open the party change script.

But I still have one question, and oh the script is right here: http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php?topic=116.0

So, my question is....with that scipt, how am I able to not select the characters that are not in the plot of my story.. EX: Main Char... meets 2nd 3rd and 4th Char. Then the 5th Char come and joins and I the party change is open. But when I use party switch my other not in plot Chars are viewable.. how to I make them not?

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