Joey 9 Report post Posted November 6, 2008 I always wanted to make one...and with XP's ability to let you add in or edit scripts I'm sure that this can be done. If it is I'm thinking of putting my RPG I've been trying to work on away for a while and do this instead...I always loved most of the Mario Party games and wanted to make one of my own, heck, back then I remember trying to make a board game from it...Now with RMXP I think it will be possible to make a 2-D RPG-like party game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkbennett 16 Report post Posted November 6, 2008 It is very possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joey 9 Report post Posted November 6, 2008 Yeah I thought so, it's going to be a challenge, but I'm sure we (my team when I get one anyways) can do it...This would be a good chance to revive my artistic skills as well since I could draw Mario Party maps. Are there any tutorials I should look at though? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkbennett 16 Report post Posted November 7, 2008 Depends on what you plan on doing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joey 9 Report post Posted November 7, 2008 Well probably one important thing is that this will be a board game, so there has to be a dice system involved. That's all I can think of at the moment, I mean there's a lot of stuff in a Mario Party game, if you haven't played it, well...There are the mini-games, the board itself where it contains different types of spaces, there's the coin system though I'm sure that's going to be easy (involves variables, I'm pretty sure I could handle that), the same deal with the stars...and there are the items where they can all do craploads of If you've played the games and/or know a lot about them just let me know what I should take a look at. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkbennett 16 Report post Posted November 7, 2008 Just figure out if your want to script or event. And gets some gfx. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joey 9 Report post Posted November 7, 2008 Well I thought both were going to be involved, well since I'm better with eventing I'll go with that. With the graphics I'm going to actually try something new, I'm wanting to see how things such as the maps and stuff would look if I drew and colored them out. I have the stuff I need to do it...and I do a pretty good job at drawing and coloring stuff out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkbennett 16 Report post Posted November 7, 2008 Then you have all you need. Either way, if you need eventing help. Contact me. If you need scripting help, I'm sure Leon will be fine with lending a hand. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joey 9 Report post Posted November 9, 2008 Alright well...I'm probably going to need help getting started, since there are a lot of stuff I'll be clueless about...such as the dice system and how it works with the board, and there is the multiplayer part of the game, and how the players control their characters. (I'm thinking of somehow using different options such as one player using the keyboard, while another uses an XBox 360 controller, etc.) Anyways, I'm at my dad's parents right now...and I'm going to say this...we're having internet issues back at home. My dad probably knows what it is and he might be able to fix it, but for now I don't know when I'll be back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites