toonnooness 0 Report post Posted November 8, 2008 I have a event command list that is self explanitory mostly. A character walks left then up, says some text and then walks back to the start position, however it keeps looping round the text and doesn't return to the start postion. Any help to fix this is much appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leon 55 Report post Posted November 8, 2008 Use a switch to end it. set a local switch to 'a', then add a new page that needs that switch on as a prerequisite. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toonnooness 0 Report post Posted November 8, 2008 Ahh I see ok, I'll read up on a switch tutorial then. Thanks EDIT: Ok I got the event working how I wish it to. But after the lady moves back to her starting position I "End Event" and this makes the graphic disappear, what would be a way round this? Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kiriashi 117 Report post Posted November 10, 2008 On the second page of your event, make sure there is a graphic. Each page of your event has to have a graphic set. End event? There doesn't have to be anything on the second page of commands. If you had a girl with the graphic you wanted and trigger: autorun with these commands: @>Set Move Route: This event : : $>Move Left : : $>Move Left : : $>Move Left : : $>Move Up @>Wait 75 frames(s) @>Text: My, my you're awake. I didn't think you would make it : : through the night. @>Wait 100 frames(s) @>Text: Well, anyway; there's things I must get on with. Feel : : free to move about my establishment. @>Wait 120 frames(s) @Set Move Route: This event : : $>Move Down : : $>Move Right : : $>Move Right : : $>Move Right @>Control Self Switch A=ON and then made a new event page with the condition that Self Switch A was on and had the same graphic as the previous page and a trigger: Action button and had these event commands: @>Text: I'm busy now. Your girl would walk up to the player (assuming he is at the place the girl walks to) and tell him "My, my you're awake. I didn't think you would make it through the night." Then she would walk back to where she was after the frame wait was over. Then whenever you talked to her she would say: "I'm busy now" Hope I helped! ~Kiriashi~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites