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Welcome to "Quest for the Book" a roleplay that I've created. The main plot of this is rather simple. Group together, travel through the Woods of Fardinia (Far-dee-nee-ah), and find the Book of Eleshra (El-ee-shra) that lies within the Temple of Gaia in the center of the woods. The book holds the power to raise an army of Earth warriors which are virtually invincible (they come back to life whenever they touch anything of the earth element, and are literally invincible as long as they touch something of the earth element).


The rules are simple.


1. This is a medieval RP, so think swords, magic, dragons, etc. No guns or futuristic weapons of any sort (yes, this means you can't bring your gatling laser, pokeballs, or forcefields).

2. There are 4 races and 3 classes you may choose to play as for this story. Races: Humans, Dark Elf, Minotaur, and Dragon-man. Classes: Warrior, Mage, Assassin. These will be explained in further detail later on.

3. Talking Out of Character (OOC) is fine, but please do not post only OOC if you can avoid it. A couple OOC posts here and there are fine, but if there get to be pages of OOC posts, I may consider deleting them.

4. If you must talk OOC, then please choose one of these styles to do it.

  • With Parantheses (), Brackets [], or Braces {} (I may have those backwards)
  • With your OOC in paragraphs that starts with "OOC:" and "IC:" is placed in the first paragraph that returns you to In Character (IC). If you do this way, it is recommended your OOC is at the beginning of the post, and your IC ends your post.

5. Please TRY to post more then one line at a time...This is a forum RP...we can post paragraphs, right guys?

6. You must be at least Semi-literate when you RP. That means no typing 'lyke dis', or using u for you, r for are, b for be, et cetera. I, personally, would like to see correct grammar (for the most part...), which means using punctuation (periods, question marks, exclamation points, quotations marks, et cetera), and not using things like 'their' for 'there' or vice versa. I won't get mad if you mess up the grammar, though. Grammar is hard, and I know that. I always have lots of comma splices...

7. NO GODMODDING/POWERPLAYING. This is defined by me as controlling others' characters, being super powerful/fast all the time, and dodging everything. If someone introduces a monster, it is fine to control that monster when you attack, but don't make it so your character can't be hurt. Remember: Casting magic uses mana, you don't have unlimited mana. Warriors cannot rush around and slice heads off and not grow tired at some point. This is not a video game, you will get tired if you fight 1,000 monsters (example!) together in one battle by yourself.




Humans are a very versatile race. They can be pretty near anything, and are your typical, well balanced person. They do not excel at magic (but they can use it), they do not excel at fighting with a sword or dagger (but they can), they are balanced and are good at anything, just not great. It is rare for a human to tap into any other elements other then fire, water, earth, air, and lightning. It is possible, but rare.

(Balanced, can be any class.)


Dark Elves

The dark skinned race of elves that excels at bloodlust. After being driven away from their brothers, the High Elves, they fell into chaos. They hated the High Elves for joining the side of the God of Darkness, and so they immersed themselves in anything they could to destroy their brothers, this included dark magics and the ways of the assassin. In the end, like their High Elven brothers, they become great Mages, but they also became great Assassins. They also forsook the healing arts, and practiced very little of the ways of warriors. They desired the path of quick, quiet, and deadly killing. It is uncommon for a Dark Elf to tap into any of the holy elements, such as order, thunder, and water. They care none for the defensive arts of earth or air, and indulge themselves in the dark, destructive arts of bone, blood, and fire magics. However, even the Dark Elves wouldn't touch the element of chaos, as it was the element the High Elves delved into.

(Excel at magic. Can be either Assassins or Mages. Known for being necromancers and pyromancers)



Big, tough, bull-human creatures. They care only about strength, and generally wield axes of great power. They are warriors first and foremost, though there are the shamans who work in the art of the earth and water magics. They do not touch the other magic elements, and any who do not go the path of the shaman go the path of the warrior.

(Can only be warriors or mages who use earth and water magic)



Tough creatures, they are half human and half dragon. Pure mages, they work in all but the magics of chaos, bone, or blood. They see no use in the paths of the warriors or assassins, and thus, they only take the paths of clerics and mages. They come in many styles, but the most common are those of the red, blue, green, black, and white. Each has their own style of fighting, and each is equipped with their own breath weapon, just as their full dragon brethren are (Red = Fire, Blue = Lightning, Green = Gas, Black = Acid, White = Frost).

(Can only be mages, but are the most powerful mages.)




Typical fighter class. Uses no magic. Can wield near any type of weapon.



Mages use magic and usually carry with them a magic staff. They can be one of 8 different types.

  • Pyromancer: Can tap into fire magic.
  • Cleric: Taps into the healing powers of water magic.
  • Shaman: Taps into the defensive powers of earth magic.
  • Wind Mage: Taps into the magics of the air and wind.
  • Naturalist: Taps into the thunder element.
  • Necromancer: Taps into the art of raising undead with bone magic.
  • Ritualist: Taps into the forbidden art of casting dark rituals using blood magic.
  • Paladin: Taps into the order element. The only type of mage who is also a warrior, but their way is holy, and they only fight if they have no choice. They always offer a chance to surrender, and never take a life needlessly.



"Warriors of Death" or "Secret Killers" are common titles for them. They are skilled in killing in secret, or can even make a public display of it if they so desire. But one thing is common about all of them, they never get caught, and if they do, they'll have killed themselves before they can be taken to a prison. They tend to use poisonous weapons, and never work for free. They're work is always expensive, and they only take well paying jobs, which are usually of high risk.


Joining the RP

When you join, please copy and paste this into your first post.

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Class:[/b] (if mage, please post which subclass of mage you are afterwards, like Mage - Pyromancer)
[b]Description:[/b] (describe your character, or post a picture. Remember, medieval!)
[b]Bio:[/b] (give a little character history!)

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yuppie a RP. joining!!!


Character Name: Mia Everstone

Age: 18

Race: Dark Elves/Human

Class: Assassin




Bio: Mia is the daughter of a Dark elf and a human, when she was born her parents were killed by the king, because they are said to be a abomination to the kingdom, she was then planned to be killed but the sister of her mother managed to hid her. when she was older she knew what happened to her parents and trained to take revenge, she manage to assassinate her grandfather but someone saw what she did she was blackmailed to assassinate another person after that assassination she was payed and they manage to build up a baker, after a few years money got short and she decided to do assassination to earn money, present day, she works as a maid on a inn, she and her aunt live in a bakery in the town.

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Looks good aya. Guess I should post mine, eh? ^^"


Character Name: Ranawen Elendil

Age: 165

Race: Dark Elf

Class: Necromancer



Bio: She was born to a very noble home of Dark Elves. They rose her as such, and she became a rather snotty-nosed, stubborn person due to her upbringing. She was the very essence of the "spoiled-little rich kid." That is, until one day when a raid of High Elves attacked her city, slaughtering all that lived there. It was by mere chance that on that particular day, she had been off at a school outside of the city borders, and upon her return, she found her family and friends slaughtered. At that point, she felt the power well up within her, and she cast her first bone spell, resurrecting an army of undead from the remains around her. She led them out to gain revenge, and destroyed the High Elf Outpost the raid had come from.


She was now consumed by blood and revenge, and since that day, she has spent day-after-day wandering the world with her powers of Necromancy. She seeks nothing more then to kill those of the Forces of Light. She would love to see every human, every Dragon-man, and especially every High Elf dead.

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Character Name: Setih Xymemaia (Or Aidsoar, for those who won't or forgot to read the Bio.) [Wow, Oversized last name!]

Age: Somewhere between 100 and 150 {"I lost count, Ok?"}

Race: Dragon-men (Frost)

Class: Mage - Naturalist



Like Gray from Atelier Iris 2, only white and blue where red. Hair is still same color. [May change with time and work, so this is his temporary description]

Bio: Although he works with the elements of thunder, his greatest work is with Armor. Born as an outcast, Setih (Say-t-he) was the only Dragon-men from his village to ever wonder about human structures. "Why are Humans and Dragon-men different? What makes them such," he often asked himself. One time, however, he said it outloud by accident and was then exiled from the hidden village. From then, he always disquised himself if a big black cloak and went by the name Aidsoar. He made due with most of his life making armor as hard as Dragon Scales {"Hey, they grow back!"} and killing of monsters with his thunder. Now, as he despises dragon-men, he keeps himself locked up for hours, sitting around doing almost nothing. When he does leave his home now-a-days, he often leaves to get three loafs of dry bread, 2 litters of water, and a ton of ice {"I need it, don't ask why."}. Hes a Passafist, by the way.


[Oh, one question. Whats an RP in this case, like an RPG?]

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Age: Unknown [How long can Dragon-men live?]


[Oh, one question. Whats an RP in this case, like an RPG?]

Dragon-men can usually live like elves. Several hundred years. It's something from their dragon cousins (since they were once formed from dragons). They just lost their dragon immortality when they were turned into Dragon-men.


In this case, it's a chat RP. Basically, we each post a few lines of text to describe what we do and so on. We try to create a story, basically. That help any?


Also, anyone else want to sign up?

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OOC: wow, all the characters here are really vengeful. oh and when will we start exactly? (after more members join or after a deadline?)

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Just a small question, but are we limited to just one character? Also, I'm going to try and make Setih with VX sprites, any idea how?

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@aya: We'll be starting in a bit. I wanna see if others join, but if not, we'll start.


@Overlord: I have no idea, sorry.

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The sound of drums is heard as several figures walk through a long hallway. On each side, there are several commoners standing, in a line, waving to them. Some look afraid, others said, and others seemed happy for what was coming. "You deserve this!" a man in the crowd shouted.


"No one deserves this!" a woman, standing next to the man, shouted before clobbering the man over the head with a basket that was in her hands.


Large, double doors opened at the end of the hallway, and there, on the other side, was darkness. As the figures entered the darkness, torches lit, as if by magic, and they now found themselves in a large room, circular in design. A mighty throne lied at one end, while a round table lied in the center, surrounded by chairs, each with a man clad in a blue tunic sitting there. In the throne sat the King, though he looked more like a war king then a noble king. He wore a suit of armor that covered his body, and his crown as a mighty helmet that covered most of his face.


"Welcome," the King spoke. "Mercenaries from around the world, I have called each of you here for a single reason. As you know, I have promised you all great wealth in return for a simple task."


"We know of this," a warrior spoke. "But you haven't told us what, just that you needed the best, and that the riches granted would be beyond our imaginations."


"Aye, that is true," the King spoke. "Now that you are here, I shall convey your task to you. You must go to the Woods of Fardinia, and find the Book of Eleshra that lies within the Temple of Gaia in the center of the woods. Return the book to me, and you will be rewarded."


"The Book of Eleshra? Are you nuts?" a mage shouted. "Those woods are cursed, and that book is cursed!"


"And I am giving you riches beyond imagination! Is that not reason enough to go after it?"


"No," the warrior spoke up. "There is no money great enough to cause me to enter those woods."


"Nor I," the mage spoke.


"Is that so?" a female voice asked, and the two turned. The woman beyond them pulled off the hood of her cloak, revealing her dark hair and skin, along with her blood-red eyes. They noticed next, her long ears, and as she dropped the cloak to the ground, they noticed her robe was similar to what one would expect a Drak-shal to wear. Blood red in color, symbolizing their hate for their blood brothers, the High Elves, and how they were forced into self imposed exile. Bone-white lining flowed throughout the robe, and the woman smirked. "I would go there."


"You also follow the magic of demons," the warrior spat.


"Demons?" the woman asked, her eyes seemed to glow brightly. "Demons?!" she shouted. Her hands grabbed the warrior and mage, and they screamed as they felt their life forced sucked right out of them. Their skin melted, and their clothes fell off, leaving nothing but their skeletons. The girl laughed. "If I serve demons, then you do as well."


The skeletons gave a bow. "Mistress Ranawen," they spoke and the girl laughed loudly, then turned. "Oh, but even with the undead at my side, I could still use help." She turned behind here at the other mercenaries. "Anyone else interested in joining me? I promise I won't kill any of you if you do." She giggled with an almost insane giggle.


(And now, to those who are RPing introduce your characters ^^)

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"Is this why you called me? For the Book of Eleshra!? HA!!!" As this was being said, a white Dragon-men emerged from the darkness. The Dragon-men, called Aidsoar, was dressed in white and gray from his gray hair to his light gray cloak with purple around the ends of his sleaves.


"The Book of Eleshra is a myth, a legend!," Aidsoar said, "You humans believe whatever you want, but this Book can hold no more then Ancient Tales of things we already know." He paused, thinking. After some time, Aidsoar finally said, "I will help you try to get the Book, but on a single condition. I want an alchemist. Why? Don't even bother! All you need to know is that I require an alchemist and I will help you get this... book!"


(This is my first RP, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be any good or not. Bare with me, please)

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"Well, then, we have one other," Ranawen spoke. "And look at this, he's a Dragon-man." The skeletons seemed to laugh at this. "Hmm...Dragon-men do make lovely undead, but I won't harm him...for now." She turned back to the King.


"An alchemist?" the King asked. "If you can obtain the book, you will have riches beyond your wildest dreams, so I think you could afford your own then. Or do you mean to say you require one now?"

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"Ranawen," Aidsoar spoke in a low, calm voice, "you forget that Dragon-men will rearly, if ever, work along with humans, dark elves, or even the rare minotaur." After taking a small sip from something he had around his neck, he continued, "Besides, an alchemyst can come in many ways. After all, a true alchemyst must work in chemistry, botany, medicine, astronmomy, and astrology. All I require an alchemyst for is... well, I'll leave that up to you."


He turened to face the king. "I will, of course, require the Alchemyst after the book is aquired for that will be the only thing I require after it. Should you decide to not have my help, of course, I could level this whole city with my thunder magic and even my own wing beat," Aidsoar said matter-of-factly, "And besides," glancing back over to Ranawen, "Dragon-men aren't touched by necromancy as easily as weak-minded Humans, and a Dragon-men like myself can easily detach their mind from this world, AND bring it back. Turn me undead as much as you want, but I know it costs you mana power each time, while I just detach my mind from the Other Relem, and come back to this one at free will. Plus, whats to stop you from knowing someone who was around WHEN the Temple of Gaia was built. I know everything on how to get there, though the times have changed the path." Aidsoar took another sip from the thing around his neck. From a distance, it could be thought of as an elven or human heart, but truely, it was Dragon heart. A TRUE Dragon heart!


(Well, I better stop here for now. I need a break ^_^ )

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[[OOC: Any chance I can join? I realise you've already started so feel free to delete my post if you like :)]]


Character Name: Rex

Age: Unknown to many, calculated to be in his 30s

Race: Human

Class: Assassin




You might recognise him, haha

Bio: Born into a brotherhood of deadly assassin's, Rex is one of the last of his kind following the destruction of their temple. Since that tragic day in Rex's timeline, he has been working 'freelance' - partly to assist those who can find (and pay) him, partly for his own means. Any friends he makes are purely to get him closer to his target, and are forgotten not long after. Emotionless as steel, unrelenting as a typhoon, Rex is a character you would not like to meet in a dark alley....not that you would - this expert at remaining anonymous would have left the alley long before you got there.

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(well, your character looks good, and I have no problem if you join. Only reason I haven't continued the RP was because I was waiting on aya, but I dunno if she will post now or not. The only complaint I have is the unknowns. I don't really like to accept "unknowns" because of the fact that the RP playing that character usually tends to pull a trick that isn't acceptable in the RP. So, I'd prefer it if you changed those, but otherwise, it's fine.)

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"You deserve this"


The shout came from across the hall in an area of the crowd far from Rex's position. Standing amongst the commoners, the assassin's hood shrouded most of his face. He watched silently as the mercenaries before him walked through the doors at the end of the hallway. Swiftly darting away through the crowd without alerting a single member of it, Rex slipped through the doors as they were closing and moved instinctively into the shadows at the end of the hall furthest from the king.


He stood silent and still, such that if he were spotted he would easily be mistaken for a fixture of the room. As he watched the events unfold before him, Rex's mind was always working - plotting and formulating every possible action he and the people around him could take.


"Ok you two," the King interrupted the argument which was beginning to increase in intensity, "let us keep a civil tongue. I have researched this thoroughly, and though the path may be arduous, the rewards are great." He paused briefly "and might I add that I have not overlooked your presence here, assassin."


Rex became alert - was the King referring to him? How could he be?


The King continued; "assassin, I am aware of your presence across the hall from me, so do not keep pretending you are unseen. Guards! To arms!"


"King I am not here to end your life, for if I were you would already be dead where you sit." In the blink of an eye Rex had draw two small knives from his garment and thrown them in the direction of the two guards beside the King. The knives pierced the skin of the guards' hands and the swords they had drawn fell to the floor with a loud clatter which echoed around the room. He stepped slowly from the shadows and stood facing the King, yet still a safe distance from the table before him.


"I come here today to save the lives of the people here. For this mission you are sending them on is naught but suicide. I too have researched this quest, through the struggle I have endured upon undertaking quests to that forest."


"So you know of the forest and it's contents?" the King replied, bringing his hands up to his chin, one fist encased in the other palm.


"Yes, and what you are asking of these men and women here is a great feat. I have faced the dangers of the Temple of Gaia before and I would not wish it on any other."


"Then you will know of the power attained from obtaining that book. You may in fact speak the truth, assassin. This mission may be suicide." He paused again, hiding his smirk under his armour but revealing it in his tone of voice "All the more reason for you to be there to....what were your words? 'Save the lives of the people here'?"


Rex let out a low growl at the sheer audacity of the King, "I would never return to that place of my own free will!


"Then their path becomes even more arduous!" The King interrupted. "This quest is going ahead with or without you, assassin. You must decide whose lives you are to save; your own or those around you."


The hooded assassin stood with his eyes fixed on the King, fists clenched. Uncertainty was not a familiar feeling to him.


[[OOC: Age changed - thanks for accepting me :)]]

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"Ha!" Ranawen shouted. "A quest of suicide? I don't even care. I am a necromancer, a Mistress of Death. I control death itself, and so I do not fear it." She laughed an evil giggle of sorts, then waved her hands. The skeletons that still stood around her now crumbled into bone. "If you would stand in my way, assassin, I assure you that you would meet the same fate that many have faced before. You are not the first assassin I have laid eyes upon. You forget, assassins may be skills in daggers, and great speed and agility so they may slip and and slip out, but never in history has an assassin won against a necromancer. For are never unguarded." The bones from before now rose from the ground, swirling around her and forming a sort of barrier.


"We are both Commanders of Death, and are skilled at killing, but we have always beaten you." She snapped her fingers once more, and the bones around her seemed to dissolve into dust, which also seemed to vanish.


(Also, a question, Mao, you have Setih signed up, but you are using Aidsoar. I just now noticed this, and was curious about it. I don't mind if Aidsoar is another character, but please sign up with him if he is. If he's not, then one of the two (the application or the RP posts) should be changed to avoid confusion of later on members.)

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(Setih is Aidsoar. He never uses his first name because he doesn't want anyone to find out he is a long-since dead Dragon-men (I'll send you a PM about that if you want))


"Hmm... an Assassin and a Necromancer," Aidsoar thought quietly to himself, "the book of Eleshra definatly brings the greed out of people, but also the hatred from them." Facing the king, Aidsoar speaks calmly saying, "A group of three can easily comb through the thick Woods of Fardinia, but, if given permision, I could translate the book into a language you may be able to read. After all, demons and beasts alone may not be able to guard such an ancient power, but the ancient language the book is written in is an Ancient form of Dragon-Tounge along with your language spoken today. Please, you many consider me for the quest and have your own untoldof powers, or have these two 'Masters of Death' obtain the book, find its powers, and kill you where you may stand now. The choice, of course, is yours." Aidsoar then takes a large gulp from his dragon heart that lies around his neck, and continues, "If you want power, you'll want my help. If you want to keep your people safe, you'll want my help. But if you want to let these two gather up you book and kill what you have worked hard for, I'll be glad to leave."

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Rex turned only his head to face the Necromancer before him, an unchanged, serious expression on his face.


"Necromancer...Ranawen Elendil, isn't it?" The assassin spoke swiftly, illustrating his researched knowledge of the Necromancer. "Born amongst a kingdom of Dark Elves just under 2 centuries ago. Always the snob amongst your people, never known to fraternize with even the middle-classes, never mind the undead. Always keeping yourself to yourself, until..." Rex paused briefly, slowing his speech down slightly, "the day of the attack. When returning from an out-of-town school at the end of the day to find your entire people dead as the result of an unnecessary attack from the High Elves, you summoned the darkness within you - the darkness you never even realised you had - and raised the dead. Since then you have been on a rampage of destruction, wildly aiming your revenge at any being that gets in your way." Rex paused again.


"You see Ranawen, I know everything about everyone in this room - assassins like myself know that knowing your foes is the best kind of leverage. And yes, the necromancers may be running without defeat against the assassin's to date, but that is merely because none has ever encountered me. For you see, the fish is undefeated against the eagle only until the bird swoops down. You say your people are always defended, but had I chosen to I could have brought you down in the seconds between your skeletons hitting the ground and you raising them up again. So please, do not threaten me."


This said, Rex turned back to the King. "I will show these mercenaries the way to the Temple of Gaia, but ANY blood shed is on YOUR head" Turning sharply, the assassin walked with purpose towards the exit.

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Are you guys going to continue this? If not you should start a new one. I want to do it too.

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Yeah this topic is not going to get anywhere. You might as well join the active one. :P



Welcome back!

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