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In-Battle Events

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I have used RMXP a couple of times over the years however, I have not tried doing this before and so I am in quite a slump.


I wanted to make the first battle in the game, which is part of an introduction to the whole story, a tutorial battle where the player is introduced to the battle system and is guided through out the battle up to the point where all the things regarding battles have been discussed.


I know this could be done with the events in the Troops tab found in the database however, I am confused as to what conditions should be used if I want the message/instruction to appear after the player had chosen to FIGHT but prior to him/her choosing whether to attack, defend, use an item or skill.


I also want to know if it would be possible to disable one of the commands in a particular turn. For example: In the first turn of battle, a message would appear regarding how the player could attack by selecting the ATTACK command in the Battle Commands menu. In this turn, the other commands (Skill, Defend and Item) could not be selected. Then on the second turn, the player would be instructed to use the SKILL command and now the attack and the other commands cannot be selected save for the SKILL command, (and so on)...


Also, I seem to have a problem regarding CCoa's UMS when it comes to adding messages in-battle. The name (as well as the name box) does not appear despite having added a '\nm[<Name of Character>] in the message. Is this natural or am I doing something wrong?


I am hoping that someone would be able to answer this query of mine.

Thank you and good day to all. :)

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You wont be able to do it with the default battle system the way it is. You may have to modify it. I would just make it where it introduces all the things without you having to go into the menus. Use images to point to commands and have it talk about them.

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