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That is useful, now if only other sites had that translate option.


I know,right? I had no idea what this one anime was called even after watching the entire anime because the title was written in Kanji. The anime was called Wall Flower.

Yes,I watched all of Wall Flower,unsubbed,without even knowing the title.

I didn't know it until I talked about the anime with my friend. She says,"Oh,you're talking about Wall Flower!" and I'm thinking,"I am?"

Course Wall Flower is a pretty simply anime,I didn't even need subs to understand the plot.

It wasn't a complicated show like Death Note and Code Geass.

>.< I would've NEVER understood those shows if I didn't read every single word...

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I watched it subbed, and in whole episodes. The fish scene in episode one was funny.


Edit: I think the manga was still going even after the anime stopped.

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Hwe Hwe, very useful feature. I have watched an anime, and I STILL don't know what it was called, what it was about, or why I even watched it.

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That's so strange. Way back when, like old schoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollll Arkbennett. When I was just starting off into the RM world with RM2000 and making one of my most beloved games, "$ummoner", I had to DL Japanese characters for some reason. Then I downloaded something shortly afterwords that added a "Translate..." option to my tools. So whenever I went to a Japanese site or had Japanese search results (How rarely they appeared) I could just use that button and it'd translate just like that.


Then I got my computer and it was gone... =(

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