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[XP]Monster of the Pot

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Heres the pot.SinglePot.png


Now, for the request. :P


You all know how genies come out of lamps, right? I kind of want something like that, but instead of a lamp, the pot above. I just need a head sticking out of it for two monsters, Devil01 and Angel01. I also need some kind of a fire spirit dragon monster in five elements (Fire, Water, Thunder, Wood, Null) where the pot stays the same. Heres a cr@ppy picture I made to show what I need for it.



I know, its horrible. The square is where the head should be, by the way.


...and heres a video showing it better. Watch it close to 1:46


Youtube Video ->




Thanks in advance. :D


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The Devil01, and Angel01 sound easy to make, but this Spirit Dragon sounds hard to make. I do have a question though, what do you mean by "Null"?

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Basic black and white, I guess. Oh, and every shade of gray in between. :P


Edit: Almost forgot, I need the idle, or standing still sprites.

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I made the Angel01......


Is this what you ment, or something different?


Edit: I was going to recolor Angel01, so lucky you I had it out and ready to modify.

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Thats good, I needed the idle sprites. (Not sure if you read what I editted into the last post)

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But it's a pot, there are no legs, wings, tentacles, pincers, or even arms. So what do you mean by "standing still"?

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Read it, didn't answer my question. Do you want only the head to move, head and pot to move, or nothing moving at all? Need to know before I make the Devil01.

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Ok, understood. Give me a moment. -Making the sprite before posting this reply :P-


There we go, and now for this Spirit Dragon. Is this a good sprite for it, or should I remodify it?


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Thats good for the dragon. Think you can animate the fire? I hear animations are your specialties. :P

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They are, but you're thinking of Charasprite movement, that's a different kind of Animation :P Anyway, here you go.


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Dang it! I was going to do this, but the great and mighty Nisage came along. At first I didn't even know what you wanted! xD

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Well, considering the sort of template per say thing that Nisage made for the first one, there would be no point, and it would be stealing to use it.

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...you don't have to use the dragon. Use another monster or make your own version of the dragon.

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Make one more. Make it look stronger and more b@d@ss then the rest of the other Pot Dragons. I'll let you decide what colors to use.

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A recolor job? Easy, but I'm going to post a few since I don't know which ones you'll like.

Time to do some classic recolors..........



Now for some interesting recolors.............

Thunder Aqua DarkNisage-PotDragon-ThunderAquaDark.png

Chaos MagmaNisage-PotDragon-ChaosMagma.png

Your opinion on them?

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Poison- Very basic, somewhat good  :3: (3 Stars)


Stone- B@d@ss, like I expected  :4:   :ph34r: (4 Stars and a ninja!)


Thunder Aqua Dark- an unepected b@d@ss-ness was just discovered!  :4: (4 Stars)


Chaos Magma- A new level of b@d@ss-ness what just created. Achievement! :5: (5 Stars and a random Foamy Video)


WARNING: Foamy swears to much, becareful if you watch. uses the word F*** a lot.


Now with that out of the way.


Youtube Video ->Original Video

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*Laughs*, I think you are the first person to use the star emoticons.



Good job Nisage!

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I think he is the first to use them, and thanks Kiriashi. I got a ninja, sweet :). Chaos Magma is my favorite one out of all of them so far :P. Hey OverlordMao, is it ok if these can be put into the RMXPUnlimited Resource Pack? Even though I made them, you requested them, so it kind of needs both of our OK's to put them into the Pack.

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I was just about to mention this. If OverLord wants to be the only one to use it, that should just fine..... though those look so cool!

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You can use them for the resource pack.


Oh, also, am I really the first person to use the stars!? O.O

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Sweet, I'll send Polraudio a PM about them (unless if he reads this post that is :P) And I guess so, I haven't seen anyone else use them.


Edit: Why was I logged out for only posting a comment? This is getting to be an annoying error <_<.

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