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Attempting to use other pics as enemies

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Seeing as how I'm making a G.I.Joe game i want to use pictures of the actual action figures. I can photoshop out backgrounds etc, but what size will i need to make the pics and if I want to use guys are primarily white will i run into problems? don't know if this has been done before but i tested out on one monster and it works (though you could only see their legs lol)

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There's a lot of freedom in what size you make the pictures-- your major problem is going to be editing out the background, but that can be done with a little bit of patience.


As for size... well, honestly, that's up to you. Resizing works, after all. Try a few different sizes and see what you like.

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The maximum height in RMXP in the default battle system is 320, so your battlers should be that size or smaller. The size of your battlers depend on what looks best.


Since you can use photoshop, i'll tell you how I test batter size. Take a sceenshot of a random battle, just so you have a view of what the battle is going to look like. Open that up in photoshop and copy your battler over to that screen. Then just alter the size of the battler until it looks good to you. You can cut out legs and things to make the battler look bigger on the screen.


I'm not sure what you mean about the white. Do you mean will it come up transparent? When you import resources(not copying to the directory) you will get to choose which color is transparent and which is opaque. If however you're importing a .PNG file which contains transparency you will not get this screen because it thinks you have done the transparencies yourself(and that's probably the easiest way to do it). If your .PNG has a solid background and you import the resource then you will get the window where you can choose the background color as transparent. Long explanation short, save you battlers in photoshop which a transparent background(that is, without one) and you wont have any trouble with which colours are transparent and not.

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