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Uploading files

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I just uploaded the opening theme for the RMXP Unlimited project, and it's not showing.


Any ideas?

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Thats an odd one. You uploaded to the downloads manager in BGMs?


The only error is, it doesnt show? Once you uploaded, were you redirected to the file you just uploaded? That is what is supposed to happen. Perhaps try again and tell me happens.


Did you check the file types?

aiff, bmp, css, doc, exe, gif, gz, hqx, htm, html, ico, jpeg, jpg, mov, mp3, mpg, msi, pdf, php, png, ppt, ps, ram, rar, rtf, swf, tar, tiff, txt, viv, wav, wmv, xml, zip


Is your filetype there? If not, I will add it in there.

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It's a wav, and no, I was redirected to the homepage, but I will try re-uploading.


For future reference, are uploads supposed to take upwards of 20 minutes?


Edit: Tried uploading again, got the same thing.

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certainty not.


I did a test: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....mp;showfile=200


I did another test because it's not valid unless we have the same permissions, so I uploaded using a members account: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....mp;showfile=201


Perhaps it is a problem at your end? For the moment I can't think what the issue could be. I've had it redirect to the board index before, but I cant remember why it did that...

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I attempted to upload a game file (in exe format) twice, and no luck.


The filetype does not matter, if its allowed then then it is not the source of the problem.


Do you mind telling the size of the .exe file and the error you got after attempting to upload it?

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It never loaded into the system, and went to the main forum page. As for teh size: 14.7MB

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