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Wnat Makes A Villian?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. A Villian Needs.....

    • Power
    • Knowledge
    • An Army
    • High Tech Gizmos
    • Other.............

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What do you think makes a villian? Is it having unimaginable strength? Knowledge as vast and big as the oceans? An army with the amount of soldiers in it equal to that of an ant hill? Or is it something..... more? My opinion, knowledge. Power maybe be good, but to much brawn can be a bad thing. At least have some magic skills for either healing, summoning, or inflicting some kind of pain to the hero instead of brute force. Maybe have an average sized army that has different humans, and creatures in them to be more fearful.


Edit: I hope I put this in the right place. It is about video games. Well...... the villians in them anyway :P.


Edit 2: And NO, and "evil laugh" doesn't make a villian. That just helps them with the mood of..... Whatever their plan is :P But I guess in some opinions, it does.

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What do you think makes a villian? Is it having unimaginable strength? Knowledge as vast and big as the oceans? An army with the amount of soldiers in it equal to that of an ant hill? Or is it something..... more? My opinion, knowledge. Power maybe be good, but to much brawn can be a bad thing. At least have some magic skills for either healing, summoning, or inflicting some kind of pain to the hero instead of brute force. Maybe have an average sized army that has different humans, and creatures in them to be more fearful.


Edit: I hope I put this in the right place. It is about video games. Well...... the villians in them anyway :P.


Edit 2: And NO, and "evil laugh" doesn't make a villian. That just helps them with the mood of..... Whatever their plan is :P But I guess in some opinions, it does.


The smart villians always have a tough guy body guard,so they don't need braun,so much.

Though,for an army,there are three main ways to control an army: Fear,Respect,or Money(usually Money).

Most bad guys will eat their own babies if you pay them enough.(Gross,I know.)

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I would say they would have to have knowledge. They would have to have a good perception(Spelled right?) on whats going on in order to plan right or they will fail there plan and get killed or something along them lines.

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The smart villians always have a tough guy body guard,so they don't need braun,so much.

Though,for an army,there are three main ways to control an army: Fear,Respect,or Money(usually Money).

Most bad guys will eat their own babies if you pay them enough.(Gross,I know.)

True, the "best offense is a good defense" strategy has been useful for some. Yeah, it is commonly money, or fear. Respect is rarely. That is gross.......


I would say they would have to have knowledge. They would have to have a good perception(Spelled right?) on whats going on in order to plan right or they will fail there plan and get killed or something along them lines.

It's spelled right. Well it is true villians don't have good perception, but what if a villian had a psychic working for them? But would you say a villian always has to summon a dragon to battle? I mean, a phoenix is as strong as a dragon, maybe stronger. A phoenix can revive from it's ashes, and is fire resistant. Which is useful against a "fire"-breathing dragon. So why always a dragon? Why not something else like a.... a gargoyle, a chimera, something original and not predictable like a dragon?


But I think a villian should have magic, along with some kind of brawn skills, and a unique weapon like a sythe. Hmmm... sythe and maigc, interesting........



Also, if you select "Other", can you please post in here what you think makes a villian? Thank you.

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Another thing that can make a villain is a big misunderstanding with the good guys.


Like in Romeo and Juliet,the Monteques and the Capulates,neither family is evil,they just hate each other based on some age-old feud.


Also in Pretear,the dark princess's knight chooses to be at her side,out of love for her. Eventually,he dies protecting her,and it's then she realizes her mistakes and becomes good again.

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My vision of the word villain is a little more ethereal. To me a villain encompasses someone who has disdain for a norm of society. Whether this be the sanctity of life, freedom, personal wellbeing, or some other societally valued concept. The villain cares not which of these he breaks in pursuit of his goals, or the breaking of these norms them self being the goal. His methods are can be cruel and relentless or commonplace. The severity of a villain also lies in how he approaches an issue. One may destroy a city and its and inhabitants, while another may tax his citizens or raise prices (i.e. companies and monopolies.)


Framing is of course important. A hero who is deposing said villain can very well be just as dismissive of above norms in the pursuit of "justice" or meeting it out. The draws the issue of whether the hero is a villain in his/her own right. That may be a topic for another thread.

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My vision of the word villain is a little more ethereal. To me a villain encompasses someone who has disdain for a norm of society. Whether this be the sanctity of life, freedom, personal wellbeing, or some other societally valued concept. The villain cares not which of these he breaks in pursuit of his goals, or the breaking of these norms them self being the goal. His methods are can be cruel and relentless or commonplace. The severity of a villain also lies in how he approaches an issue. One may destroy a city and its and inhabitants, while another may tax his citizens or raise prices (i.e. companies and monopolies.)


Framing is of course important. A hero who is deposing said villain can very well be just as dismissive of above norms in the pursuit of "justice" or meeting it out. The draws the issue of whether the hero is a villain in his/her own right. That may be a topic for another thread.



See, this is what a lot of games out there try to envelop in their story-lines, but they end up doing something wrong and then the antagonist is a good-guy in someway.. except in Zelda games.



I was originally going to vote for knowledge, but think about it, if you are a villian, power can be really helpful :P. Enough power can surpass anything. Even if knowledge is better than power, power can destroy knowledge, literally.



I liked the High-Tech-Gizmos Nisage xD.

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Another thing that can make a villain is a big misunderstanding with the good guys.


Like in Romeo and Juliet,the Monteques and the Capulates,neither family is evil,they just hate each other based on some age-old feud.


Also in Pretear,the dark princess's knight chooses to be at her side,out of love for her. Eventually,he dies protecting her,and it's then she realizes her mistakes and becomes good again.

Well it is true a lot of things happen do to misunderstandings And besides, in a villians point of view, the heros that are trying to stop their plan are the villians. (bet that's confusing for most of you) Really? I never finished Pretear, can't find it dubbed online anymore :(


See, this is what a lot of games out there try to envelop in their story-lines, but they end up doing something wrong and then the antagonist is a good-guy in someway.. except in Zelda games.



I was originally going to vote for knowledge, but think about it, if you are a villian, power can be really helpful :P. Enough power can surpass anything. Even if knowledge is better than power, power can destroy knowledge, literally.



I liked the High-Tech-Gizmos Nisage xD.

Well don't forget about "all brawn, and no brain". That's good for like a second in command general, not the main villian. :P well High Tech Gizmos have been useful for some villians. But the classic ones never needed High Tech stuff to accomplish what they wanted.


My vision of the word villain is a little more ethereal. To me a villain encompasses someone who has disdain for a norm of society. Whether this be the sanctity of life, freedom, personal wellbeing, or some other societally valued concept. The villain cares not which of these he breaks in pursuit of his goals, or the breaking of these norms them self being the goal. His methods are can be cruel and relentless or commonplace. The severity of a villain also lies in how he approaches an issue. One may destroy a city and its and inhabitants, while another may tax his citizens or raise prices (i.e. companies and monopolies.)


Framing is of course important. A hero who is deposing said villain can very well be just as dismissive of above norms in the pursuit of "justice" or meeting it out. The draws the issue of whether the hero is a villain in his/her own right. That may be a topic for another thread.

-whistles- Interesting view of a "villian". (Haha, companies and monopolies :P) That can be for this thread as well.

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Well don't forget about "all brawn, and no brain".




Mean Nisage!!

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You said All braun and no brain. That is completely incorrect and there is no proof of that always being the case. Hence, stereotype.

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Well true, not for bosses, but I've seen a few minions that have all muscle and not much brain power in some games and in american cartoon shows. I know it's not "always" the case, but there's alwaya a minion or two that is. Also.... I forgot what "stereotype" means.

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Oh........ I didn't mean to be exaggerating, sorry about that. Back on topic if you please...... Are the villians now better then the ones before? I guess in one way, are the Medieval villians better then the new "high-tech" ones, or the other way around? Medieval villians are better in my opinion, they don't really rely on "toys" to get the job done.

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Seriously, take ganondorf from OoT for example. His clothes were BADASS. ( even though they were pointy because they were on the 64 :P)


Now he looks like a wimp with his fancy kingy clothes.

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So clothes make the wo/man? I would have to say less is more. I personally like villains that are plain, and rather let other characteristics than shiny armor intimidate.

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Thats exactly what I am saying is what he didn't have, shiny armor. Thats what he has now. His old clothes were evil looking torn up red rags and stuff.

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There are some that still look evil with armor on, like Zagato here.


Ok, yes... technically he's not a villian....... sort of.......


Edit: Picture's working now.

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a more insidious villian,is that crippled guy from Wild Arms 2. That guy was sick. He financially fonded both the bad guys and good guys at the same time,and pitted them against each other. However,his actions brought about world peace in a single week. Nothing causes countries to stop fighting like an attack from a third faction. The ultimate villian can unite the world against him/her.


(Spoiler warning!)

Another type of villian,has humanity's best interest at heart. Like the Spiral King in Gurran Laggun.

He kept humanity underground because of the time bomb that was place on the moon.

"When one million people inhabit the planet's survace,the moon will become hell's messenger."

Basically,if one million people appeared on the surface of the Earth,the bomb would go off,crashing the moon into the Earth. That's why the Spiral King drove humans underground,to keep them alive. Though,he used fear and intimidation to scare them underground,which wasn't very smart. Arrogantly,he fights Simon thinking he'll kill him with no problem and it will be the ultimate message to keep the humans underground,but Simon kills him. Seven years later,the above ground population reaches one million,and like clockwork,the apocalypse starts!

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Hey Jesse, whats up?




A main baddy should be evil enough turn force people at war to come together so they can destroy said baddie. :P

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A main baddy should be evil enough turn force people at war to come together so they can destroy said baddie. :P


I guess the baddie isn't interested in a low profile. Sounds like the baddie needed to be hugged more as a child, or at least a little more attention.

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I just like using the word baddie. Really they are all evil blood thirsty abhorred antagonists.

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I'm gonna have to say an army because in order to have control over an evil army the villain must have some other evil aspect about them that allows them to control the army

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I'm gonna have to say an army because in order to have control over an evil army the villain must have some other evil aspect about them that allows them to control the army

Hmm, that is true. But has any villian been a "one-man army" before? Think of the power they have to possess to be a one-man army? Scary power, and kind of "not going to happen" power. Can someone, or something, really be that strong? Maybe, depending on who, or what, is the villian.

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I'm going to have to say... other...

Although all of what is said here is an aspect of a villian, what about a plot/plan?

Truely, even the most strongest villian had some kind of an evil plot (most cliche, To take over the world. Who wrote that, anyway?). Without this, the villian would just be some power hungry barbarrian with just the makings of a villian, but without the "final boss" quality that makes a true evil villian.


But, thats just me.

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(most cliche, To take over the world. Who wrote that, anyway?)




You know OverLord, (lol your name contradicts what you said) whoever came up with that saying, made something original. Because at the time it was original.

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You know OverLord, (lol your name contradicts what you said) whoever came up with that saying, made something original. Because at the time it was original.


I know it was original at the time, but now a days its almost over used. (Sorry, i'm just not a big fan of "taking over the world" villians)





On a side note, I just hit 111 posts!  :blink:

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