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My friend has moved in with his dad all summer.

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Okay,My friend is the one who got me started on WoW. We were having fun on it during the last of April and up until May 22nd. Then unknown to me,he moves in with his dad,who hates WoW and has him working 7am to 4pm on his horse ranch to pay for the truck he bought him.

He still manages to play WoW like from 9:30 pm to 10pm every other day. I don't even like WoW all that much,but it's the only time I get hang out with him.

WoW isn't cheap as you know. It's $15 a month,not to mention,the $80 account upgrades and the $120 RAM upgrade I had to buy just to play WoW.

So I'm asking,should I quit WoW until August.

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Tell him that you don't like WOW all that much and your going to quit. Thats just me, i say whatever is on my mind to people. Wait for other people to reply.

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The summer might be the only real time he gets to spend with his father.

A standard divorce:the mother gets main custody where as the father only gets alternate weekends and every other holiday.

My advice is to be patient with him.

It is not your place to come between him and his father.

As for WoW,you might as well use up your play time and enjoy it because they won't give you a refund.

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Well I would just cancel my account if I were you. Some things are just more important.



Welcome to the forums BloodQueen.

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i think you should tell him what your feeling because he's sure to understand and since he's not working all day you can find something else to do like hang out in person or find some other kind of online thing to do.


And if you dont want to give up on WoW then you should cancel your account untill your friend is able to play at longer times and then play again... though since i dont play WoW im not sure if you can do that...

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These are all good pieces of advice. My opinion though, would be to use up your playtime so you don't waste your money, then cancel your account. Or, you could do what I do and only pay for it with WoW cards and wait until he's back.


Honestly, though, I played WoW, and i'm pretty bored of it. it's too darn monotonous, what with killing stuff over and over. Also, I don't have a guild and my friends aren't usually on, so yea, I kinda know how you feel.


I'd advise you choose the most logical yet most contentful choice

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