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VX Question.


hi i have question. were can i find original VX characters that are XP sized charset? and will xp map work in vx? also will xp charsets work in vx? i downloaded the trial of vx and like what the screenshot showed (OMG! dwarf like charsets) and im planning or trying on making a project there. so answers will be of great help.

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I only have limited internet at the moment but i know there is a XP to VX project somewhere. I had it but lost it. But i know there is one. Maybe Nisage can find it for you. He knows how to google.

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It depends really. There are some things that even I can't google :( (:P) So what is it you're asking again? You want VX Charatcer Sprites that look like the XP Character Sprites, or the other way around? As for the map. XP maps don't "normally work in VX. By that I mean someone took an XP map, modified it so it'll fit perfectly in VX. Yes you can have XP Character Sprites in VX, you just have to fix the Sprite Sheet.

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for the first question, i asked if there are XP charsets that looks really like the vx main characters. for the second question, do you know any tutorial on how to modify the maps? same goes with the xp character sprites.

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For using RMXP charactersets in RMVX, you can import the charsets I converted:


I think there may be a script which allows you to import original rmxp styled charactersets(where the grid is but 4x4 and there is one characterset per image file). So you can just use the graphics and there is no need for a conversion in photoshop.




I found the script.

class Game_Character
# *initialize
alias old_ini initialize
def initialize
@original_pattern = 2
# * strength
def straighten
@pattern = 2 if @walk_anime or @step_anime
@anime_count = 0

class Sprite_Character < Sprite_Base
# * Update Transfer Origin Bitmap
def update_bitmap
if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or
@character_name != @character.character_name or
@character_index != @character.character_index
@tile_id = @character.tile_id
@character_name = @character.character_name
@character_index = @character.character_index
if @tile_id > 0
sx = (@tile_id / 128 % 2 * 8 + @tile_id % 8) * 32;
sy = @tile_id % 256 / 8 % 16 * 32;
self.bitmap = tileset_bitmap(@tile_id)
self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, 32, 32)
self.ox = 16
self.oy = 32
self.bitmap = Cache.character(@character_name)
sign = @character_name[/^[\!\$\#\%]./]
if sign != nil
# for single VX character
if sign.include?('$')
@cw = bitmap.width / 3
@ch = bitmap.height / 4
@vx_or_xp = 0
# for XP single character
elsif sign.include?('#')
@cw = bitmap.width / 4
@ch = bitmap.height / 4
@vx_or_xp = 1
# for XP character set in VX format
@cw = bitmap.width / 16
@ch = bitmap.height / 8
@vx_or_xp = 1
# for VX character set
@cw = bitmap.width / 12
@ch = bitmap.height / 8
@vx_or_xp = 0
self.ox = @cw / 2
self.oy = @ch

# ● update Transfer origin rect
def update_src_rect
if @tile_id == 0
index = @character.character_index
# XP format
if @vx_or_xp == 1
pattern = @character.pattern < 4 ? @character.pattern : 1
sx = (index % 4 * 4 + pattern) * @cw
# VX format
pattern = @character.pattern < 3 ? @character.pattern : 1
sx = (index % 4 * 3 + pattern) * @cw
sy = (index / 4 * 4 + (@character.direction - 2) / 2) * @ch
self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)

Author: 诡异の猫


I tested it, and it works. Here's what you do:

1. Add the script above main in RMVX.

2. Import your RMXP characterset in the Resource Manager(or copy it directly to the folder)

3. Make sure you RMXP Characterset graphic's name starts with a "#". For example: "#005-Fighter05.png".


That should work. Any RMVX characters without the "#" will work normally.


He knows how to google.

Who knows how to use google now? Thats right, Pol. :P

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