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[XP]Open Source Game: Black Wars 13

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I don't know if this would qualify as a resourece or something but here it is. It's one of my unfinished games called Black Wars 13. If you want it, download it. It's not a full game or anything. It's just a begining to the game. Enjoy! :D










Year: 2407

This game is a game mainly based on two chracters. While playing, you

will experience both a view of a male soldier and female scientist

trapped in between the Black Wars.


The Black Wars started when a private organization held conspiracies

with different nations of the world. Through those alliances, that

organization was able to start it's own private army. To this day,

it is not clear who is behind that organization, thus we call it

the Black Corporation. These members in the syndicate commit terrorism

against it's own country, all for power and money. Now they have attacked

a military air ship called the SK22-Airborn for a secret project created by

the military. The Black Corporation plans on using that project to make

a weapon they call 13. 13 is designed to eliminate enemy threats and with

the military project, it will be unstoppable...



1. MP3 system

2. New Save Layout

3. The things that Blizz-ABS offers




1. Roody Johnson Innocent (rgangsta) :Made the game

2. Chris :Beta Tester

3. Abraham :Beta Tester

4. Raymond :Beta Tester

5. John :Beta Tester

6. Blizzard :BlizzABS script + BlizzABS add-ons

7. Fantasist :Chaos Project Save Layout script

Multiple Starting Points script

8. Juan :Location Window script

9. Beran :iPod script



1. Blizzard :BlizzABS script + BlizzABS add-ons

2. Fantasist :Chaos Project Save Layout script

Multiple Starting Points script

3. Juan :Location Window script

4. Beran :iPod script




1. Nujabes + FORCE OF NATURE + Fat Jon

2. Flying Lotus

3. Daft Punk

4. Metal Gear Solid 2 OST

5. rgangsta


.:NOTE:. Replace the song Title Screen in Audio\BGM with the new one Here





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