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Fourth Geelong student commits suicide

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A grieving mother has blamed the internet for the death of her 14-year-old daughter.


Police are also blaming cyber bullying for the suicide of Geelong student Chanelle Rae, who died last Friday.


She is the fourth Western Heights College student to take their life in the last six months, The Geelong Advertiser reports.


Karren Rae said her daughter "wanted to die" after receiving an internet message on Friday night.


She said Chanelle was having trouble with some friends from school, but it was a minor issue that had not changed her mood at all.


"I laid in bed with her and we discussed it for about an hour and she left me fairly happy," she said.


Karen and her husband, Ian, returned home about an hour later to discover their daughter had committed suicide.


"I want to tell people to keep their kids off the rotten internet, it's a horrible place," she told the Geelong Advertiser.


"I can guarantee you that if she didn’t go on the internet on Friday night she'd still be alive today."


Karren described her daughter as "happy and beautiful" and was "loved by everybody".


"I don't blame the girl either, these are just kids throwing comments at each other for God's sake, but she (Chanelle) obviously could not see past what was going to be done to her," she said.


"When you're 14 years old, who knows, if you don't think you've got any friends... maybe that's not worth living and obviously it wasn't for her."


Former Victorian premier and beyondblue chairman Jeff Kennett said the school's students and staff were bound to be hurting but that it was important not to sweep the issue under the rug.


"It needs to be talked about openly within the school community and there needs to be a positive response to avoid it happening again," he said.


"I hope they have a very heavy program for helping the students cope with these sad events and to help them develop mechanisms for coping with change.


"It's very sad for those who are gone but it is even worse for those who are left. But they shouldn't be blaming themselves because there is only so much you can do."


What do you guys think about this?

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This is absolutely sad and it just makes me more against cyber bullying. Although I admit that the girl who committed suicide has a lot of over reaction in her terrible act, I personally blame whoever bullied her. I've seen some sites which tolerate this kind of actions and it should be honestly stopped. Teenagers and kids shouldn't lose their lives and cause their parents grief because of some comment they read on the internet. It's like there is no victim but the parents in the whole matter. I personally believe that even the teenagers shouldn't commit such a great, terrible act just because someone threw a nasty word on them. And there should be a severe punishment for those who tolerate such a bad thing.

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I usually dont reply to stuff like this but sense i had that lady that stopped over and talked about her grandson getting killed by that cop.


Thats sad that she had to die.

I dont think it was the Internet's fault for her killing her self. It was all her fault. What im saying is, the Internet is like the real world, you chose the wrong places and the wrong people to hangout with bad things are going to happen. Anything said or done over the internet dont give you a reason to kill your self.


I know i have bad thinks to say but its the truth.


For my last statement. ITS CALLED IGNORE! remember those words and you will never be put in this situation.

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This may seem a bit heartless.....it just seems like the EXACT same thing that happened/has been happening to the gaming community. (i.e. people stating that violent video games are affecting children to go on GTA-like rampages) I sort of feel sorry that she couldn't take whatever was happening but her parents blaming the internet just infuriates me. Its almost never that the parent's admit to any wrongdoing.

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Actually Polraudio what you said isn't that bad. I was thinking somewhat along the same lines. I can relate to this story, I have known people that have committed suicide, some addicted to drugs, others had a hard life. I have even tried to take my own life twice. None of which had to do with the internet, it was just depression and be down and out on life and seeing no other end. For example my parents never really cared too much. I swallowed a whole bottle of Tylenol and guess who found me 3 hours later, not my parents, but instead a friend that came over to my house. Then one time I seriously had a gun in my mouth when the best friend I ever had before he was murdered walked into my house in my room and pulled the gun out of my mouth and said these words that have hung with me forever and made me stop thinking of suicide anytime I think of it.


"Suicide Is The Bitch's Way Out"


Don't know why but those words had an effect on me.





Back on topic though. As far as this girl. I think it's wrong that people pick on others online. I found that to prove they are weak, and insecure about themselves so they talk trash over the internet, knowing most likely they will never see the person. They step into a world where they can't be harmed. I don't think cyber bullying should be tolerated. But as Pol said. I think it is sad that she died. BUT she should not have killed herself over the internet.

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Actually Polraudio what you said isn't that bad. I was thinking somewhat along the same lines. I can relate to this story, I have known people that have committed suicide, some addicted to drugs, others had a hard life. I have even tried to take my own life twice. None of which had to do with the internet, it was just depression and be down and out on life and seeing no other end. For example my parents never really cared too much. I swallowed a whole bottle of Tylenol and guess who found me 3 hours later, not my parents, but instead a friend that came over to my house. Then one time I seriously had a gun in my mouth when the best friend I ever had before he was murdered walked into my house in my room and pulled the gun out of my mouth and said these words that have hung with me forever and made me stop thinking of suicide anytime I think of it.


Twice....? o.O

How'd your friend die? Mine was killed in a car accident. It was one of those "A" shaped intersections.

Where two roads merge into one. The other car was speeding down the left path and smashed into the left side of my friend's car.

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He was a crip, and he was walking me home late one night and we ran into some bloods. They threw up their gang signs and my friend threw up his. Next thing we knew they was shooting at us. He shoved to me to the ground to save me, and took two bullets in his back. The other guys ran away, and I held my friend there as he bled to death.


And yes twice. :( Never again though.


Sorry to hear about your friend.

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He was a crip, and he was walking me home late one night and we ran into some bloods. They threw up their gang signs and my friend threw up his. Next thing we knew they was shooting at us. He shoved to me to the ground to save me, and took two bullets in his back. The other guys ran away, and I held my friend there as he bled to death.


And yes twice. :( Never again though.


Sorry to hear about your friend.


Oh my god...I'm sorry about that, Wyrzd. Did the people who did it ever get caught? I hope so.




Jeez, I feel so bad you guys lost friends. I don't know anyone, so luckily I can't say one of my friends have died. It's tragic though and I hope you guys feel better.


And about what I think about this thread's topic story, well, I knew someone on YT whose friend had a very fragile heart and who has been through a lot of hell (and I mean a lot) and there was this boy, he was three years older than her and his name was Matthew. Anyway, he knew her personally and was the popular kid at school, so he had influence over the other idiot kids who follow the crowd. He'd mess her up mentally, or at least try to and than get the kids to do it as well. And of course they did <_<

Well, one day he got his friends to mess with her after school and chase her off into the woods. They attacked her and tied her to a tree for three days, totally freaked out her father and the police station. The kids who did it got off on because "they had been drinking" and that adults gave it to them.

The girl had to leave school because of her injuries and the kids wouldn't stop. I don't think she's log on to YT either because the boys cyber bullied her there on her only safe place :angry:

I just feel really bad for her because she's a very sweet person with a very kind heart and she never calls people names and is never a jerk to people. I really don't know her, but she seems nice enough to me.


I've actually named my game character after her. Her name is Emmarald, so I named my character "Emma". I figured, sweet girl, nice name -- all matches my game anyways. Besides that, my character's name was going to be Amma.

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No the people were never caught that did it.


If I knew the kids that tied that girl to a tree I would personally give them all a ass whupping. Drag them to the woods and tie them to a tree. I hate bullies. Especially when it's guys picking on girls. I can't stand a guy that would even put his hands on a woman. Trust me, I have broke my hand over a girl trying to hurt me. I almost punched her but punched something else to keep from hitting a woman. To me that's the lowest thing a man could do.

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No the people were never caught that did it.


If I knew the kids that tied that girl to a tree I would personally give them all a ass whupping. Drag them to the woods and tie them to a tree. I hate bullies. Especially when it's guys picking on girls. I can't stand a guy that would even put his hands on a woman. Trust me, I have broke my hand over a girl trying to hurt me. I almost punched her but punched something else to keep from hitting a woman. To me that's the lowest thing a man could do.


Makes me want to be a cop or some super hero. Fly on over to where you live (or where it happened) and kick some ass. Sorry it happened, Wyzrd...


Oh, wow. You just gained another 10 respect and cool points from me, Wyzrd. I'm really happy to met people who feel that way. Good thing you hit something else, seeing how nice you are, you probably would have regretted it and would have been sad later. Only hit or fight people when your life is in danger, but first try to talk em down a little ^^


I'm not so sure I would be able to control my anger, but I would never hit someone. Unless they are holding a gun to me (woman or man) I'd punch em right in their face or kick them between the legs lol

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I hate cops, for this reason and others. But yea....


Lol, I have a bad temper, I'm quick to set off, I have been in a lot of fights due to it. But still have yet hit a woman for any reason.

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I hate cops, for this reason and others. But yea....


Lol, I have a bad temper, I'm quick to set off, I have been in a lot of fights due to it. But still have yet hit a woman for any reason.


I hate cops as well, but I'd make a damn good one lol


That's good. I've never met a person in real life, so they never had the chance of seeing my fist in their face :{

I can lose my temper, just not too much. I can control it pretty well.

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I wanted to be a cop. I thought that would be a cool job. I haven't deviated too far, now that I'm a(failing) law student.


Unfortunately it has very little information in the article on how the internet was used to be bully the girl. As I interpreted it, it was someone she knew that bullied her over the internet and that was the final thing to set her off. It seems like it was an accumulation(due to knowing the person) rather than one insult, or some random thing. That is how I interpret it, completely different to you polraudio, and wyzrd.

I dont think it was the Internet's fault for her killing her self. It was all her fault.


For my last statement. ITS CALLED IGNORE! remember those words and you will never be put in this situation.

For the majority of people, I think, they don't want to die. Therefor, 1. It is not their fault for killing themselves and 2. she was not in a situation to ignore what she saw on the internet(people do not want to purposely see things that will make them want to die). I strongly disagree with what you said in your post, although most of it was due to different interpretations of what happened. I'm sure most of us know people who have killed themselves, for me it was my cousin. Suicide can be seen as selfish, but never the persons fault(as a general rule, in my mind at least).


What I think happened in this article was the internet was used as another form of bullying, as can be said about any form of communication. So when the mother says she blames the internet, I think she has a right in saying so. Its exactly the same as when a friend(or bully) txts you. When she says "I want to tell people to keep their kids off the rotten internet, it's a horrible place," she may be going over the top, but she did just lose her daughter. It seems like a pointless statement, the internet and txting are all forms of communication that every teenager is using, so bullying will always occur.


If I knew the kids that tied that girl to a tree I would personally give them all a ass whupping. Drag them to the woods and tie them to a tree. I hate bullies. Especially when it's guys picking on girls. To me that's the lowest thing a man could do.

I edited your quote to make it a little shorter... I'm just like you. I can't stand bullies whatsoever, or a man physically or mentally bullying a woman. I physically could not hit a female. I developed a strong hate for bullies when my little brother was bullied in intermediate(equivalent to middle school), but when he joined me in highschool, it stopped. I was 6' by 15 so I could easily intimidate anyone his age. I was also in a few fights in my junior days, the ones where there's a huge crowd circling everyone. Bullying and male abuse towards woman are two things that really get to me, especially when the result is suicide..


The story of the girl getting tied up to a tree is shocking. Really, this type of thing is unacceptable and I think the issue of bullies in school seriously needs to be addressed and new laws should be made dealing with this. Personally I was never bullied, but as its been documented(im sure i could have used a better phrase) the emotional damage this does to teenagers and preteens is extreme and damaging, and obviously life-threatening. Something needs to be done in our schools, its just not good enough.



I'm sorry to what happened to you and your friend Wyzrd. Sounds very tragic...a great injustice those guys are still on the street. i couldnt imagine going through that. I'm pleased he taught you the lesson he did.

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Thanks Marked, life long lesson he taught me about a lot of things I still carry on my back. He was like a big brother to me, being 4 years older then me.


As far as me being bullied, I don't think that ever really happened either. I'm not that big of a kid, but people know I'm crazy. One of the things my friend taught me was even if the person is bigger then you, stand up to them. 9 out of 10 times if you stand up to someone bigger, they back down. Why? They starting thinking what does this kid know that I don't? Is he crazy? Does he wanna die? It'll send a lot of thoughts through someones head. My grandma said one day she thinks the thing about me that intimidates people is I have shoulders like a linebacker would.

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The story of the girl getting tied up to a tree is shocking. Really, this type of thing is unacceptable and I think the issue of bullies in school seriously needs to be addressed and new laws should be made dealing with this. Personally I was never bullied, but as its been documented(im sure i could have used a better phrase) the emotional damage this does to teenagers and preteens is extreme and damaging, and obviously life-threatening. Something needs to be done in our schools, its just not good enough.


I'm sorry to what happened to you and your friend Wyzrd. Sounds very tragic...a great injustice those guys are still on the street. i couldnt imagine going through that. I'm pleased he taught you the lesson he did.


It's truly tragic when a parent loses a child over bullying. I think we should also have laws that could help. Obama needs to help with that too, because it's getting out of hand now. Kids everywhere in America are trying to kill themselves or abuse drugs which can result in death.

I can never be bullied, I'm glad now that I've been home-schooled. Who knows what kind of people I would have met or befriend someone with a weak heart and mind, only to wake one day and hear he/she committed suicide.


I feel even worse when I think about the girl I told you guys about. It just feels wrong. I knew someone who went through that and was was mentally abused by bullies, and what's worse is, the people who did it to her got away. The story is sad and I wish that she got her justice, but she didn't...


Wyzrd, I certainly hope at least, one day those men will get caught for what they've done.

Its good he was like a older brother, its always nice to have friends like that, people you can trust and protect you. He was obviously a great man.

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I doubt laws would really help solve anything. That might just put more people in jail. Which in return would lead to a bunch of other things.


Yes, he was a great man. If you wanna know how I feel I would say listen to my music.




Dawgs In Tha Ghetto (I'm on the second verse talking about my friend Marcus(The one mentioned above.))

Tears From Da Sky ( First verse is about Marcus, second verse is about me, third verse is about a friend of mines named Travis who shot himself in the head with a shotgun.)

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I doubt laws would really help solve anything. That might just put more people in jail. Which in return would lead to a bunch of other things.


Yes, he was a great man. If you wanna know how I feel I would say listen to my music.




Dawgs In Tha Ghetto (I'm on the second verse talking about my friend Marcus(The one mentioned above.))

Tears From Da Sky ( First verse is about Marcus, second verse is about me, third verse is about a friend of mines named Travis who shot himself in the head with a shotgun.)


Trying to make laws would help, though. I doubt anything will be done though.


Damn, Wyzrd! If your music is the one in the music box, you're really good!


Its very sweet and cool of you to rap about your friend, Wyzrd. I can only write about my life and put it into a fantasy adventure.

You're very talented :>

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Yep it's mines in the music box. I got some new stuff I'm workin' on right now, glad you like it :D.

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Yep it's mines in the music box. I got some new stuff I'm workin' on right now, glad you like it :D.


I loved them. My fav was Dear God. It was a great tune, oh, and The Underground King was awesome.


Tell me when the next ones come out, kay?

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I like Dear God a lot. But I will tell you when more come. They'll be posted here in the entertainment section.

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I like Dear God a lot. But I will tell you when more come. They'll be posted here in the entertainment section.


Thanks and I will certainly keep a eye out for new music!


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I remember seeing this in the news. It was the own girls fault for not turning off MSN, I believe, and not reading their E-Mails. I also believe that the students that did it should be sent to Juvi for murder, even though she commited suicide, it is still unacceptable to cause this.


I've known 2 students who commited suicide after being dumped. They were, back then, 4 years higher than me but I still saw them around the place. 1st was depression and one even took to drugs to try to get his mind off things, but he ended up leaping in front of a bus.


The other started drinking and killed himself by hitting himself in the head with a bear bottle, then falling unconsious against a tiled floor, which he had locked himself in the room.


Sad, really, but one does get over matters like this. I had to get counsilling from the school after the 1st one.

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I remember seeing this in the news. It was the own girls fault for not turning off MSN, I believe, and not reading their E-Mails.

Geelong is in Australia right? I have my yahoo account has Australian news feeds so that's how I found this article. Well like I said above, I don't believe it is her fault for not turning off msn or for checking her emails, because I don't believe people go looking for things that will make them want to die. You could say it's her fault for going to that school or meeting the other students that she did.


Several students in my year died when I was at highschool, but none through suicide. One was my best friends ex-girlfriend and he went to counsilling for it, and so did a lot of my other friends on that group.


Here's a follow-up story:

Hundreds of mourners gathered in Geelong to farewell and celebrate the life of teenager Chanelle Rae, a girl who took her own life last week but had lived it to the full.


In her 14 years, Chanelle - a ute lover, tomboy footy player and fanatical fan of her hometown's AFL club - took friends under her wing, had a cheeky smile that lit up a room and loved family camping trips down the coast.


The Year 8 student who took her own life last Friday, was bullied on the internet and was the fourth at Western Heights College to commit suicide in only five months.


The service at the Barrabool Hills Community Centre included many members of the Geelong Football Club draped in Cats scarves and colours, as bunches of blue and white balloons decorated the stage.


Crowds reflected on the impact Chanelle had made on all those around her, silences broken by songs including Michael Jackson's You Are Not Alone and Arms Of An Angel by Sarah McLachlan.


A tribute by Chanelle's mother Karen read: "You were my world, my very best friend. We did everything together, it was never supposed to end."


Chanelle adored her two older brothers, and when she first started high school in 2008 would ask new friends whether they knew Blain or Logan, the mourners heard.


Family friend Terri Malesic told the service Chanelle loved chasing boys, but none more than Geelong player Corey Enright - she was his number one fan.


Chanelle wore Enright's number 44 on the back of her Cats guernsey after falling in love with his "beautiful hair" at the age of six when she spotted him at a training session.


When captain Tom Harley accidentally broke Enright's jaw during a clash with St Kilda, the passionate cheer squad member did not hold back.


As Harley walked past, a horrified Chanelle promptly punched him from the fence, yelling: "I hope you've said sorry to Corey."


Enright was a pallbearer, along with family members, carrying the white coffin adorned with white roses.


School chaplain Jenny Eastwood urged Chanelle's many friends who attended the service to remember the positive impact she had on their lives.


"Chanelle lives on in our lives and our hearts through our precious memories of her," Ms Eastwood emphasised.


"And her impact can continue through the choices we make about how we live our lives."


Following the service, balloons were released into the Highton hills, the Geelong theme song played on a bagpipe by a club supporter.


The Cats will play for the beyondblue Cup against Hawthorn at the MCG on Saturday to raise awareness of depression.


Geelong players will wear black armbands to remember Chanelle and a banner will be hoisted in her memory.

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