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Favorite Quotes Thread

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"Trickery, deception, complex strategies, they are for the weak! If you want power, and another has it, you get it not by outwitting him--you get it by stepping over his corpse." - Makuta Icarax, Bionicle


"One who knows nothing, can understand nothing" - Ansem, Kingdom Hearts


"Why do I talk to myself? I simply have a penchant for intelligent conversation." - Megatron, Transformers


"Blackness covers all i see and all i touch, nothing around just sorrow. My hand loses grip of the sword it once held, and i fade to become a true shadow." - Rikimaru, Tenchu 3:Wrath of Heaven


"Light and shadow cannot be without one another. In order for one to be here, The other must exist." - Zelda, Twilight Princess


''The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes....'' - Darkside, Kingdom Hearts


"Didn’t we have some fun though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said ‘Goodbye’ and you were like ‘NO WAY!’ and then I was all ‘We pretended we were going to murder you’? That was great." - GLaDOS, Portal


"Dance with us, GIR! Dance with us into Oblivion!" - Dapper Weenies, Invader Zim


"Your methods are stupid! Your progress has been stupid! Your intelligence is stupid! For the good of the mission, you must be terminated! " - GIR, Invader Zim

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"I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful one hundred percent." ~ Horton


"A person's a person, no matter how small. " ~ Horton


"Your body is a beautiful thing! You don't need a suit!" ~ Chef Hatchet, Total Drama Action


Those are my fav quotes. There might be more >.>

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You know solshadow, you don't have to post every not so serious topic in the spam forum. This forum is for pointless and useless topics.


*rubs head* ah, sorry about that. Didnt think this fit anywhere else though so I figured it would be safe here lol

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"One of us had to die, with me it tends to be the other guy." - Frank Costello

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