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What if there was a Time-Based Action Tactical Turn Battle System

  • Time Based- Players have a specific amount of time to do an action: moving,attacking using item etc.
  • Action- Attacks are real-time, player only hits enemy by physically attacking it
  • Tatical-Runs like tatics system
  • Turn by turn- each person gets there turn to attack/or that can be scrapped for a time based system in where u wait for the time bar to fill up then as u use the time bar it empties and takes longer to fill


or in other words

Eternal Sonata, <_<

Youtube Video ->

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Hmm...could be done...but it would be amazingly difficult to script...I heard it took someone 5 months just to code a tactical battle system, and this is the same but with even more...would probably take forever to code, as well as be something that would be incompatible with anything else. Would also probably be super hard to use.

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It's not impossible to make a battle system like that. But has Emily said, it would be amazingly difficult to make a script like that.

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